University of Washington Tacoma

Access*: Interdisciplinary Journal of Student Research and Scholarship

Author Biography

I was born and raised in Seattle, WA, although my parents are originally from Mexico. I am fluent in Spanish and currently graduated from the University of Washington with a double major in Communications and Spanish Studies. I plan to go into the journalism field and pursue a career as a news reporter.

I dedicate this writing piece to my brother and father who are now in heaven, but always pushed me to be the best version of myself and taught me to always follow my dreams. To my mother and sister who always support me. Finally to my professors and mentors who always pushed me and believed in all my abilities. Thank You!

Document Type

Undergraduate Research Paper


This paper examines the film Me Before You using a sociological analysis with the sub-components of deviance, manifest function, latent function, and alienation. It will also focus on hegemonic and subordinate masculinities and disability and how it is portrayed in Hollywood movies. This paper makes use of peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and work of prominent scholars that focuses on heterosexual, masculine men, as well as euthanasia and disability.

Hollywood portrays as vulnerable, a “drain” on society’s resources, and (for men) as less masculine. In this sense, disabled men become alienated both on and off screen. Therefore, the manifest function of the film Me Before You is showing the disabled as sensitive and vulnerable with special needs and a romance, but the latent function reveals that Hollywood really thinks of disabled community as “better dead than disabled.”


University of Washington Tacoma


TCOM 444


Dr. Ellen Moore
