Most Recent Additions*
Jumping on the Bandwagon: Analyzing The Bandwagon as a Vehicle for Sociopolitical and Philosophical Conversations
Hart Williams
Finding the Monster in Us: A Semiotic Analysis
Alexandria Mathena
Connecting Autoimmunity and Immunodeficiency Through Mutations of CTLA-4: A Literature Review
Sophia M. DeGregory and Jutta Heller
Island Trees and Free Speech: The Consequences of the U.S.’s Current Philosophy on Speech
Brigid J. Fuhri
Editor's Introduction - 8th Volume (2024)
Margaret L. Lundberg
From Colonialism to Collaboration: A History of U.S. Environmentalism with Indigenous Communities
Catherine Rawlings
Universally Accessible: An investigation of college accommodations for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States and Netherlands
Mikayla "Mak" Pennington
The True Faces of the Sikhs
Arvendeep Deol
Living in Barbie's World
Leah Munoz
Gender Wage Gap in Professional Sports
Alyssa Sandifer
Pink & Femininity
Lydia Abuli
Sexism in Spiritual Divination: Tarot Cards
Noel Grinsteinner
Gender Disparities Within the Olympics
Hadley Parkinson
*Updated as of 12/26/24.