"Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 2: Julian of Norwich, Autobiogra" by Chistopher Abbott, Anne Clark Bartlett et al.
Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 2: Julian of Norwich, Autobiography and Theology


Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 2: Julian of Norwich, Autobiography and Theology



Julian's Revelationsis remarkable for its theological breadth and boldness, and for its sympathetic awareness of the demands of life as lived. Yet Julian was not a theologian, but a lay person writing out of her personal experience. This study seeks to present a rounded view of her writing by considering the implications of the autobiographical in relation to the theological and vice versa. It explores the relationship between Julian's predicament as a writer who must derive her authority from experience rather than ecclesiastical office and the precise character of her theology as it issues from that predicament; it argues that Julian's mature writing, by integrating notions of creation, incarnation, ecclesiology and personal spirituality in a single coherent vision, achieves a vigorous affirmation of the person as such in the sustaining context of the Church.

Publication Date



Boydell Press


Rochester, NY



Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 2: Julian of Norwich, Autobiography and Theology
