Urban Agriculture: Using Community Systems of Agriculture as a Solution to Homelessness and Unhealthy Food Sources
Date of Award
Author Requested Restriction
Open Access (no embargo, no restriction)
Work Type
Masters Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Interdisciplinary Studies (MA)
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
First Advisor
Stephen Detray
Second Advisor
Emily Ignacio
For those persons living on the edge of the socioeconomic periphery lack of employment, nutritional food sources and housing resources has led to an increase of homelessness over the past decade. This paper focuses on these resources can be accessed through through the use of urban agriculture as a community system, similar to systems of community supported agriculture (CSA's), that will provide homeless citizens with access to food, housing, vocational opportunities and social resources.
Recommended Citation
Mearns, Ian Michael, "Urban Agriculture: Using Community Systems of Agriculture as a Solution to Homelessness and Unhealthy Food Sources" (2012). MAIS Projects and Theses. 12.