"Synopsis of Phytophthora with Accurate Scientific Names, Host Range, a" by Erica T. Cline, David F. Farr et al.

Synopsis of Phytophthora with Accurate Scientific Names, Host Range, and Geographic Distribution

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The genus Phytophthora includes species causing diseases such as late blight of potatoes, Phytophthora infestans, and sudden oak death and ramorum blight, P. ramorum. Because of the importance of diseases caused by Phytophthora, there is a need to have rapid access to the literature using their scientific names. The literature has been reviewed for all names in Phytophthora in order to provide the scientific name of each accepted species with authors and synonyms as well as the plant host range and worldwide geographic distribution. Within the genus Phytophthora, there are 87 accepted species and six infraspecific taxa. After compiling all available reports of Phytophthora, it was determined that 39 species and six infraspecific taxa, or about one-half of the accepted species, are not known to occur in the United States. The accurate scientific names of accepted species of Phytophthora are listed in two tables based on their presence or absence in the United States. Each species name is hyperlinked to databases that provide full synonymy and references documenting the host range and geographic distribution information. These data are continuously updated as new literature is published. Having rapid access to information about species of Phytophthora is critical for protecting the United States from the introduction of these potentially devastating pathogens.

Publication Title

Plant Health Progress



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