"The Quality of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean - Latin Am" by Katherine E. Baird, Rodolfo Elias et al.

The Quality of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean - Latin American Research Network: The Quality of Education in Paraguay

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This proposal presents a plan for conducting an analysis of Paraguay's educational system. Such an analysis is long overdue in Paraguay, and would add breadth and depth to efforts in the Latin American and Caribbean region to consolidate and exchange educational statistics, and promote a culture of educational policy formation backed by rigorous data analysis. Including Paraguay in regional and international efforts to evaluate and improve nations' educational systems through coordinated and cooperative efforts is important be cause small and relatively poor countries like Paraguay tend to be underrepresented. Assistance from the IDB would allow for the completion of the analysis that this proposal details. We also expect that the study would lead to proposed pilot studies that wou ld further illuminate and inform the policy issues raised by the study's findings.

Publication Title

Inter-American Development Bank
