"My Body Is All Memory" by Sarah A. Chavez

My Body Is All Memory

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter


In homage to Gloria Anzaldúa and her iconic work Borderlands/La Frontera, award-winning poets ire’ne lara silva and Dan Vera have assembled the work of 54 writers who reflect on the complex terrain—the deeply felt psychic, social, and geopolitical borderlands—that Anzaldúa inhabited, theorized, explored, and invented. Named for the Nahuatl word meaning “their soul,” Imaniman: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands presents work that is sparked from the soul: the individual soul, the communal soul. These poets interrogate, complicate, and personalize the borderlands in transgressive and transformative ways, opening new paths and revisioning old ones for the next generation of spiritual, political, and cultural border crossers.

Publication Title

Imaniman: Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands

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