"Journalist 2014" by University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University

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"East Meets West" by Kristin Della Vecchio & Stacie Penyaz

"The Ebola Virus: A Long and Deadly History" by By Nino Rosenbashvili

"Port of Tacoma Approves Liquefied Natural Gas Facility" by By Kristin Della Vecchio

"Travel Agencies in Russia Hit By Tourist Decline" by Stacie Penyaz

"The Holy Spirit Diet: Global Economy's Impact Everyday Lives" by Alina Ryazanova

"Students Free Speech Protections in Jeopardy" by Chelsea Vitone

"Recent Elections Could Cost Students Money" by Rob Pangaro

"Tacoma's Hilltop Separates From Notorious Roots" by Joanna Sappenfield

"Funny Business Is No Joke in Russia" By Daria Khlopova

"Underground Sounds: The Tacoma Music Scene" by Justin Lawrence

"MSU Students Choose Favorite European Spots Story and Photos" by Stacie Penyaz

"UWT Students Choose Favorite American Spots Story" by Kristin Della Vecchio

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Communication | Journalism Studies


Staff: Kristin Della Vecchio (UWT Editor), Krizia Chimal (UWT), Donna Kopmar (UWT), Justin Lawrence (UWT), Rob Pangaro (UWT), Allison Pham (UWT), Nathan Richholt (UWT), Joanna Sappenfield (UWT), Chelsea Vitone (UWT), Stacie Penyaz (MSU Editor), Daria Khlopova (MSU), Nino Rosenbashvili (MSU), Alina Ryazanova (MSU) Graphic Design: Nathan Richholt, Alina Ryazanova Design & Layout: Krizia Chimal, Donna Kopmar Instructors: Dr. Chris Demaske, Dr. Maria Lukina, Diana Kulchitskaya Special thanks also to: Cheryl Greengrove, Katie Baird, Colleen Carmean, Adrienne Ione, the University of Washington Tacoma, School of interdisciplinary Art and Sciences School at UWT, and Moscow State University Department of Journalism. Address: 1900 Commerce St., Tacoma, WA 98402 Contact: cd2@uw.edu

Journalist 2014
