"Supporting Working Memory Development in Schools During Adolescence" by Megan Bryant

Date of Award

Spring 6-9-2023

Author Requested Restriction

Open Access (no restriction)

Work Type

Masters Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Matthew Weinstein


This master's project investigates the multifaceted aspects of working memory in secondary school students and its relationship with academic performance. The findings from this project contribute to the existing literature by offering insights into the effectiveness of holistic interventions and memory strategies in enhancing working memory abilities and optimizing academic outcomes in secondary school students. This project reviews evidence about the relationship between emotional regulation, stress, and working memory to understand better how emotional factors impact cognitive functioning in the classroom setting. This analysis also aims to shed light on the trajectory of working memory development during adolescence and its potential implications for academic performance. The outcomes of this research have practical implications for educators, administrators, and policymakers working with secondary school students with working memory difficulties. The knowledge gained from this research can inform the design and implementation of targeted and universal interventions that enhance working memory and support students' emotional regulation and stress management. Ultimately, this project strives to foster academic success and holistic well-being by recognizing the intricate interplay between working memory, cognitive development, stress, and academic performance in the secondary school context.