"Promoting Safe Relationships With African Immigrant Women" by Caroline Waceke

Date Completed

Spring 2014

Document Type

Masters Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work


Women who immigrate to the United States from the continent of Africa are “at risk” of continued abuse from their spouses and significant others due to the conflicting cultural beliefs and expectations. The African culture supports men having power and control over their women while the American culture supports women having the right to live a life free of any abuse. The PAMOJA Connect is a support group whose mission is to improve the quality of life for immigrant women from Africa by empowering them to ensure they are safe in their relationships. Twenty women will participate by attending twelve sessions of two hours each over a period of six months. Through developing culturally appropriate support services, this support group which is guided by a curriculum based learning will engage women in discussion about why their safety should be primary, and the need to challenge cultural beliefs that promote staying in relationships under all costs. Ultimately, the women will be empowered with the hope that they will stay safe in their relationships, recognize any form of abuse, and have the necessary tools and resources should they need additional help.

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Social Work Commons
