
Integrated CMOS Mm-Wave Phase Shifters for Single Chip Portable Radar

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Conference Proceeding


This paper demonstrates, for the first time, a systematic analysis of different CMOS mm-wave phase shifter architectures for single chip portable radar. Three different active and passive phase shifters are designed and fabricated in standard 1P7M 90 nm CMOS process to operate in the frequency band of 50 GHz to 56 GHz. The fabricated passive phase shifter has a phase tuning range of 141deg with an average RMS gain error of 1.93 dB. The innovative active quadrature-generator-based active phase shifter has an average RMS gain & phase error of 0.64 dB & 6.36deg while the passive quadrature-generator-based active phase shifter has an average RMS gain and phase error of 1.36 dB & 15deg. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the fabricated CMOS active phase shifters exhibit the best performances reported till date with a continuous phase tuning range of 360deg at frequencies above 40 GHz.

Publication Title

2009 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest

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