School of Engineering and Technology Publications | School of Engineering and Technology | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2022


Aligning learning objectives and approaches in global engineering graduate programs: Review and recommendations by an interdisciplinary working group, Laura MacDonald, Evan Thomas, Amy Javernick-Will, Jesse Austin-Breneman, Iana Aranda, Carlo Salvinelli, Rita Klees, Jeffrey Walters, Mary Jane Parmentier, David Schaad, Ayush Shahi, Emily Bedell, Gunars Platais, Joe Brown, John Gershenson, David Watkins, Esther Obonyo, Vinka Oyanedel-Craver, Mira Olson, Rachael Lau, Gouthami Rao, Alexander Arzon, Kiruba Krishnaswamy, Amy J. Pickering, Christopher Mabey, Abigale Johnson, Rachel Gehr, and Karl Linden

Submissions from 2021


Mapping and Managing Organization Objectives: A Case Study of the Alto Maipo Hydroelectric Project in Chile, Jeffrey P. Walters, Hernán Alcayaga, Carolina Busco, and Tamara Araya

Submissions from 2020

A Blockchain Based Privacy-Preserving Cloud Service Level Agreement Auditing Scheme, Wei Cheng, Ke Xiao, Ziye Geng, Yunhua He, Gang Xu, and Chao Wang

Cognitive load detection from wrist-band sensors, Martine De Cock and Xiling Li

Fairness in Machine Learning for Healthcare, Ankur Teredesai, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Arpit Patel, Carly Eckert, and Vikas Kumar

Physics Inspired Models in Artificial Intelligence, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad and Şener Özönder

A Privacy Preserving Method for Publishing Set-valued Data and Its Correlative Social Network, Yan Bai, Li-E Wang, Shan Lin, Sang-Yoon Chang, Xianxian Li, and Peng Liu

Conic System Analysis of Network Control Systems with a Human Controller, Michael McCourt, Emily A. Doucette, and J. Willard Curtis

Hierarchical Multi-Innovation Generalised Extended Stochastic Gradient Methods for Multivariable Equation-Error Autoregressive Moving Average Systems, Jie Sheng, Ling Xu, Feng Ding, Xian Lu, and Lijuan Wan

A Solar-Radiation-Powered Thermoelectric Energy Harvester based on Quasicrystal, Orlando Baiocchi, Vinicius Silva Oliveira, Marcelo Miranda Camboim, Bruno Alessandro Silva Guedes de Lima, and Cleonilson Protasio de Souza

Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Network Science for High-Confidence Cyber-Physical Systems, Wei Cheng, Xiuzhen Cheng, Sriram Chellappan, and Gokhan Sahin

Noise Patterns in GPS Trajectories, Mohamed Ali, Abdeltawab Hendawi, James Shen, Sree Sindhu Sabbineni, Yaxiao Song, Peiwei Cao, Zhihong Zhang, and John Krumm

Managing Moving Objects With Imprecise Location, Mohamed Ali, Abdullah Islam, and Abdeltawab Hendawi

Flying-Capacitor Voltage-Balancing Control in Five-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped (A-NPC) Converters Using Phase-Disposition PWM, Vahid Dargahi and Arash Khoshkbar Sadigh

Phase-Disposition PWM Based Active Voltage Control of Seven-Level Nested Neutral-Point-Piloted (NNPP) Inverters, Vahid Dargahi and Arash Khoshkbar Sadigh

On the Commitment Capacity of Unfair Noisy Channels, Anderson C. Nascimento, Claude Crépeau, and Rafael Dowsey


Profiling Resource Utilization of Bioinformatics Workflows, Ka Yee Yeung, Ling-Hong Hung, Wes Lloyd, Huazeng Deng, Raymond Schooley, David Perez, and Niharika Arumilli


Representation Learning with Fine-grained Patterns, Juhua Hu, Qi Qian, Hao Li, and Rong Jin


Investigating Messaging Protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT), Eyhab Al-Masri, Karan Raj Kalyanam, John Batts, Jonathan Kim, Sharanjit Singh, Tammy Vo, and Charlotte Yan

Road Network Simplification for Location-Based Services, Mohamed Ali, Abdeltawab Hendawi, John A. Stankovic, Ayman Taha, Shaker El-Sappagh, and Amr. A. Ahmadain

DCRAC: Deep Conditioned Recurrent Actor-Critic for Multi-Objective Partially Observable Environments, Athirai Irissappane, Xiadong Nian, and Diederik Roijers


Emerging Hardware Prototyping Technologies as Tools for Learning, Eyhab Al-Masri, Shubham Kabu, and Poornima Dixith

Separable Multi-Innovation Stochastic Gradient Estimation Algorithm for the Nonlinear Dynamic Responses of Systems, Jie Sheng, Ling Xu, Feng Ding, and Lijuan Wan


A System Dynamics Model of Supply-Side Issues Influencing Beef Consumption in Nigeria, Kelechukwu G. Odoemena, Jeffrey P. Walters, and Holger Maximilian Kleemann

An Online Remote Verification System of Thermal Sources for Energy Harvesting Application, Orlando Baiocchi, Marcelo M. Camboim, Vincius S. Oliveira, Mariana Rodrigues Villarim, Andréa Willa Rodrigues Villarim, Sebastian Yuri Cavalcanti Catunda, and Cleonilson Protasio De Souza

Edgify: Resource Allocation Optimization for Edge Clouds Using Stable Matching, Eyhab Al-Masri, Jiaqi Wang, and Zac Lu

A User-Centered Handoff Procedure in 5G Cellular Networks, Eyhab Al-Masri and Hu Zhao

Characterizing Public Cloud Resource Contention to Support Virtual Machine Co-residency Prediction, Wes Lloyd, Xinlei Han, Raymond Schooley, Delvin Mackenzie, and Olaf David

Assessing the efficacy of group model building workshops in an applied setting through purposive text analysis, Nicholas Valcourt, Jeffrey Walters, Amy Javernick‐Will, and Karl Linden

Radio Frequency Reliability Studies of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits for Ultra-Thin Flexible Packages, Debasis Dawn, S. B. Hamidi, P. Roy, C. Biswas, and A. Biswas


Inline Detection of DGA Domains Using Side Information, Anderson C. Nascimento, Martine De Cock, Raaghavi Sivaguru, Jonathan Peck, and Femi Olumofin

Combined Estimation of the Parameters and States for a Multivariable State-Space System in Presence of Colored Noise, Jie Sheng, Ting Cui, Feiyan Chen, and Feng Ding

Establishment of Enhanced Load Modeling by Correlating With Occupancy Information, Thillainathan Logenthiran, Yachen Tang, Shuaidong Zhao, Chee-Wooi Ten, and Kuilin Zhang

IoT Load Classification and Anomaly Warning in ELV DC Picogrids Using Hierarchical Extended k -Nearest Neighbors, Thillainathan Logenthiran, Yang Thee Quek, and Wai Lok Woo


Understanding Rural Water Services as a Complex System: An Assessment of Key Factors as Potential Leverage Points for Improved Service Sustainability, Nicholas Valcourt, Jeffrey Walters, Amy Javernick-Will, Karl G. Linden, and Betelhem Gebeyehu Hailegiorgis


System Approaches to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: A Systematic Literature Review, Nicholas Valcourt, Amy Javernick-Will, Jeffrey Walters, and Karl Linden

Schnorr-Based Implicit Certification: Improving the Security and Efficiency of Vehicular Communications, Paulo Barreto, Marcos Simplico Jr., Jefferson Ricardini, and Harsh Kupwade Patil

Fuzzy Answer Set Programming: from Theory to Practice, Martine De Cock, M. Mushthofa, and S. Schockaert

Reproductive Division of Labor in a Colony of Artificial Ants, Chris Marriott and Peter Bae

Fairness, Accountability, Transparency in AI at Scale: Lessons from National Programs, Ankur Teredesai, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, and Carly Eckert

Submissions from 2019

A Novel RF Energy Harvester, Debasis Dawn, Jabir Mohammed Patel, Mohammed Wasil Nasry, and S. Babak Hamidi

Cost-adaptive Neural Networks for Peak Volume Prediction with EMM Filtering, Juhua Hu, Giovanna Graciani, Bin Yu, and Anderson C. Nascimento

A Multi-Omic Precision Medicine Clinical Trial in Acute Leukemia, Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Pamela S. Becker, Vivian G. Oehler, Carl Anthony Blau, Timothy S. Martins, Niall Curley, Sylvia Chien, Jin Dai, Nicole Kauer, Cody Hammer, Paul C. Hendrie, Mary-Elizabeth Percival, Ryan D. Cassaday, Bart L. Scott, Roland B. Walter, Kelda Gardner, Mary Gwin, Heather Smith, Andrew Carson, Bradley Patay, and Elihu H. Estey


Hierarchically Robust Representation Learning, Juhua Hu, Qi Qian, and Hao Li

A New Control Technique for Improved Active-Neutral-Point-Clamped (I-ANPC) Multilevel Converters Using Logic-Equations Approach, Vahid Dargahi, Arash Khoshkbar Sadigh, Keith Corzine, Johan Enslin, Jose Rodriguez, and Frede Blaabjerg

A 900/1900-MHz Band-Switchable CMOS Power Amplifier, Debasis Dawn and S. Babak Hamidi

Using BioDepot-workflow-builder to Access Public Databases in a Containerized Environment, Ka Yee Yeung, Wes Lloyd, Ling-Hong Hung, and Christin Scott

A Performance Evaluation of Raspberry Pi Zero W Based Gateway Running MQTT Broker for IoT, Orlando Baiocchi, Diana Bezerra Lima, Ruben da Silva Lima, Douglas de Farias Medeiros, Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, and Cleonilson Protasio de Souza

Harvesting Energy from Tree Trunks, Orlando Baiocchi, N. T. Purcell, J. D. Stevens, E. Carlson, and G. Boyer

An Evaluation of LoRa Communication Range in Urban and Forest Areas: A Case Study in Brazil and Portugal, Orlando Baiocchi, Mariana Rodrigues Villarim, João Vitor Holanda de Luna, Douglas de Farias Medeiros, Renata Imaculada Soares Pereira, Cleonilson Protasio de Souza, and Francisco Cipriano da Cunha Martins

Student-Centered Learning: Create a Significant Learning Experience by Using Flipped Classroom Approach, Chunming Gao and Bryan Goda

Seeing the forest for the trees: A systems approach for rural water and sanitation service management and operation, Jeff Walters, Ben Giudice, Jonathan Wilson, and Natalie Klingsporn

A Framework for Network Intrusion Detection Using Network Programmability and Data Stream Clustering Machine Learning Algorithms, Anderson C. Nascimento, Edward Ordonez, and Admilson de Ribamar Lima Ribeiro

SoftTriple Loss: Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling, Qi Qian, Lei Shang, Baigui Sun, Juhua Hu, Hao Li, and Rong Jin

Benchmarking Large-Scale Data Management for Internet of Things, Ankur Teredesai, Abdeltawab Hendawi, Jayant Gupta, Jiayi Liu, Naveen Ramakrishnan, Mohak Shah, Shaker El-Sappagh, Kyung-Sup Kwak, and Mohamed Ali

Leveraging Serverless Computing to Improve Performance for Sequence Comparison, Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Wes Lloyd, Xingzhi Niu, and Dimitar Kumanov

ParBio'19 - 8th Workshop on Parallel and Cloud-Based Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Wes Lloyd, Giuseppe Agapito, and Mario Cannataro

Social Genesis in Computing Education, Donald Chinn and J. Tenenberg


Real Time DC Water Tank Level Control Using Arduino Mega 2560, J. Sheng


The Challenge of Imputation in Explainable Artificial Intelligence Models, Ankur Teredesai, Carly Eckert, and Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad


Factors Influencing Revenue Collection for Preventative Maintenance of Community Water Systems: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Liesbet Olaerts, Jeffrey Walters, Karl G. Linden, Amy Javernick-Will, and Adam Harvey


Protecting Privacy of Users in Brain-Computer Interface Applications, Anisha Agarwal, Rafael Dowsley, Nicholas D. McKinney, Dongrui Wu, Chin-Teng Lin, Martine De Cock, and Anderson C. Nascimento


Reproductive Division of Labor in a Colony of Artificial Ants, Peter Bae and Chris Marriott

Air Pollution Detection System Using Edge Computing, Orlando Baiocchi, Eyhab Al-Masri, K. Biondi, S. Jeyaraman, E. Pospisil, G. Boyer, and C. P. De Souza

Design of Human Activity Recognition Algorithms Based on a Single Wearable IMU Sensor, Chunming Gao, Wei Zhuang, Yi Chen, Jian Su, and Baowei Wang


Identification of Seismically-induced Rock-slope Failure Mechanisms using the Discrete Element Method, Lorne Arnold, Joseph Wartman, David Keefer, and Mary Maclaughlin

Preliminary Study of Haptic Media for Future Digital Textbooks, Noriyuki Iwane, Chunming Gao, Makoto Yoshida, and Hajime Kishida

On Some Parameter Estimation Algorithms for the Nonlinear Exponential Autoregressive Model, Huan Xu, Feng Ding, and Jie Sheng

An Automatic Emulation System for Environmental Thermal Energy Harvesting, Orlando Baiocchi, Marcelo Miranda Camboin, Andréa Willa Rodrigues Villarim, Sebastian Yuri Cavalcanti Catunda, Cleonilson Protasio de Souza, and Cleumar Da Silva Moreira

Integration of Multiple Data Sources for Gene Network Inference Using Genetic Perturbation Data, Ling-Hong Hung, Ka Yee Yeung, Xiao Liang, William Chad Young, and Adrian E. Rafferty


A Nano-Biased Energy Management Using Reinforced Learning Multi-Agent on Layered Coalition Model: Consumer Sovereignty, M. R. Saifuddin, T. Logenthiran, R. T. Naayagi, and W. L. Woo


Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for the Detection of Domain Generation Algorithms, B. Yu, J. Pan, D. Gray, J. Hu, C. Choudhary, A. C. Nascimento, and M. De Cock

Integrating Hardware Prototyping Platforms Into the Classroom, E. Al-Masri

Lab-As-A-Service (LaaS): A Middleware Approach for Internet-Accessible Laboratories, E. Al-Masri

Development and Prospective Validation of a Machine Learning-Based Risk of Readmission Model in a Large Military Hospital, Carly Eckert, Neris Nieves-Robbins, Elena Spieker, Tom Louwers, David Hazel, James Marquardt, Keith Solveson, Anam Zahid, Muhammad Ahmad, Richard Barnhill, T. Greg McKelvey, Robert Marshall, Eric Shry, and Ankur Teredesai

The Social Genesis in Learning, Josh Tenenberg

Real-Time Partitioned Scheduling: Exploiting the Inter-Resource Affinity for Task Allocation on Multiprocessors, N. Akram, J. Li, Y. Bai, and Y. Zhang

An Interactive Map-based System for Visually Exploring and Cleaning GPS Traces, Mohamed Ali, Abdeltawab Hendawi, Sree Sindhu Sabbineni, Jianwei Shen, Yaxiao Song, Peiwei Cao, Zhihong Zhang, and John Krumm

Which One is Correct, The Map or The GPS Trace, Mohamed Ali, Sree Sindhu Sabbineni, Jianwei Shen, Yaxiao Song, Peiwei Cao, Zhihong Zhang, and John Krumm


Project Design and Implementation for Digital Forensics Education, Yan Bai, Bryan Goda, and Xinli Wang

DAGS: Reloaded Revisiting Dyadic Key Encapsulation, Paulo S. Barreto, Gustavo Banegas, Brice Odilon Boidje, Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Gilbert Ndollane Dione, Kris Gaj, Cheikh Thiécoumba Gueye, Richard Haeussler, Jean Belo Klamti, Ousmane N'diaye, Duc Tri Nguyen, Edoardo Persichetti, Jefferson E. Ricardini, Marco Baldi, and Paolo Santini

Algorithmically Generated Domain Detection and Malware Family Classification, C. Choudhary, R. Sivaguru, M. Pereira, B. Yu, A.C. Nascimento, and M. De Cock

Privacy-Preserving Classification of Personal Text Messages with Secure Multi-Party Computation, Martine De Cock, Anderson C. Nascimento, Devin Reich, Rafael Dowsley, and Ariel Todoki

Privacy-Preserving Scoring of Tree Ensembles: A Novel Framework for AI in Healthcare, K. Fritchman, K. Saminathan, R. Dowsley, T. Hughes, M. De Cock, A. Nascimento, and A. Teredesai

Are We Ready for a VR Classroom?: A Review of Current Designs and a Vision of Future Virtual Reality Classrooms, Chunming Gao, Yan Bai, and Bryan Goda


Panel: Online Learning, the Educators Experiences, Bryan Goda, Dan Bogaard, Hollis Greenberg, George Grispos, Rick Homkes, and Kevin McReynolds

GANs for Semi-Supervised Opinion Spam Detection, Athirai Irissappane and Gray Stanton

Improving Application Migration to Serverless Computing Platforms: Latency Mitigation With Keep-Alive Workloads, W. Lloyd, M. Vu, B. Zhang, O. David, and G. Leavesley


CharBot: A Simple and Effective Method for Evading DGA Classifiers, A. C. Nascimento, Martine De Cock, Jonathan Peck, Claire Nie, Raaghavi Sivaguru, Charles Grumer, Femi Olumofin, and Bin Yu


Exploring the challenges to sustainable rural drinking water services in Chile, Jami Nelson-Nuñez, Jeffrey P. Walters, and Denisse Charpentier

Factors Affecting Free Riding On Teams: Implications For Engineering Education, Josh Tenenberg

A Location Predictive Model Based on 2D Angle Data for HAPS Using LSTM, K. Xiao, C. Li, Y. He, C. Wang, and W. Cheng


Abnormal Behavior Detection Scheme of UAV Using Recurrent Neural Networks, K. Xiao, J. Zhao, Y. He, C. Li, and W. Cheng

Submissions from 2018

Detecting ECG Heartbeat Abnormalities Using Artificial Neural Networks, E. Al-Masri

Enhancing the Microservices Architecture for the Internet of Things, E. Al-Masri An IoT-Enabled Framework for Urban Waste Management, E. Al-Masri, I. Diabate, R. Jain, M. H. Lam, and S. Reddy Nathala

A Quality-Driven Recommender System for IaaS Cloud Services, E. Al-Masri and L. Meng

Web Traffic Prediction of Wikipedia Pages, N. Petluri and E. Al-Masri

An Evaluation of DGA Classifiers, R. Sivaguru, C. Choudhary, B. Yu, V. Tymchenko, A. Nascimento, and M. D. Cock


Building Containerized Workflows Using the BioDepot-workflow-builder (Bwb), Ling-Hong Hung, Jiaming Hu, Trevor Meiss, Alyssa Ingersoll, Wes Lloyd, Daniel Kristiyanto, Yuguang Xiong, Eric Sobie, and Ka Yee Yeung