
Conic System Analysis of Network Control Systems with a Human Controller

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Document Type

Conference Proceeding


One approach to network control of nonlinear systems has been to use the framework of passivity along with the wave variable transformation. While this has been appealing for telemanipulation systems and other human controlled systems, one shortcoming is that the reaction-time delay of a human operator is neglected. The current paper considers the problem of a human operator controlling a possibly unstable plant over a delayed network. Two transformations are presented here that can be inserted to stabilize a network control system with both network delays and human operator delay. The first result in the paper shows that a rotational transformation can be used to stabilize an unstable system assuming that it is a conic system, i.e. that it has passivity indices. The second result shows that it is possible to use a transformation to shape the human response dynamics in order to stabilize the network control system. In this result, both the network delays and human delay are allowed but the size of the delay need not be known. This delay-independent result can be readily applied to many human controlled systems.

Publication Title

2020 American Control Conference (ACC)

First Page




Open Access Status


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