Works from 2015
The Nutcracker, Tyler Flinchbaugh
Ecstatic, Richard Goetz
Twin Barns, Richard Goetz
Good Morning Tacoma, Carolyn Green
Open, Ashlee Hammrich
A Massacre at China Point, Michael P. Hartman
The Irish Ordnance Survey's Six Inches to One Mile Map of Ireland: Anglicization and Otherness, Reese C. Hentges
Meteor, Margaret Hoang
Friendly Fire, Missy Hobson
Puppets, Fenghsi Hsu
A Norwegian's Home, Lauren Ivers
A People’s History of The Hilltop (Making Public Private Lives), Shawn Jenkins
Cheap, Gabriel Jimenez
It's Your Sweater Now, Gabriel Jimenez
The Icarian, Brennen Johnson
Dollhouse, Delaney Knottnerus
Blakely's Last Battle, Tamara LaFountain
Pleae Don't Feed the Birds, Kylie Lanthorn
The Night in Tacoma, Mengmeng Liu
Mental Health for the Everyman: World War II's Impact on American Psychology, Aeron S. Lloyd
1963, Loretta Lukaczer
Echoes of the Snow Queen, Margaret Lundberg
For the Want of a Shoe..., Margaret Lundberg
Once… and Once Again, Margaret Lundberg
One Last Time, Margaret Lundberg
The Genesis of Verse, Margaret Lundberg
Who Are You? ...Honestly!, Zeinab Mahdavifar
Tapped Up China Girl Trapped on a Shelf, Megan Marks
0307 AM, Danielle Marlin
Red Plum #44, Monica Melton
Heat, Rudy Mena
Alone and Unafraid: Observations on Functional Leader Intervention in Decentralized Organizations, Marc W. Miller
1898: The Start of American Imperialism, or its End?, Tyler G. Miller
Public versus Private Spheres of Domesticity, Jessie F. Mizic
"These are the Ghettos of Washington": Neoliberal Public Housing Redevelopment in Tacoma, WA, Leah Rachel Montange
A Renaissance, Alyssa Moore
Poet's Waltz, Alyssa Moore
Character #1, Abbye Myshrall
Self, Abbye Myshrall
Caroline, Alex Newman
Shelf Love, Alex Newman
Private Predictive Modeling Power, Stacey C. Newman
A Comparative Analysis: Indigenous Students and Education Models in Canada and the United States, Alison M. Perkins
Be in My Heart, Ashley Peters
Free, Alison Pham
Lost in My Own Mind, Alison Pham
Renewal, Alison Pham
To the Point of No Return, Alison Pham
Water's Flame, Alison Pham
Oh Shit, Travis Poindexter
Freedom's Price, Catherine Rhodes
Ode to a Baggie, Laura Richardson
A Peace with Nukeman, Kevin Gil M Romero
1132 to Carol, Jennifer Royer
Tongue Sores, Jennifer Royer
Recognizing the Real, Brooke Searight
Economic Convergence and Income Inequality: Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and China, Svetlana Slobodhikova
Concrete Champions, Cory Smith
The Coffee Hypothesis, Nicholas Stillman
The Fall of Man, Nicholas Stillman
The Junkman, Nicholas Stillman
America, Rupinder Suman
Poetry Studies, Jennifer Sundheim
What We Say, University of Washington Tacoma
Support Group for Spouse/Partners of Mentally Ill Spouses/Partners, Amie Taft
Leveraging Remittances for Economic Development in Developing Countries, Lloyd P. Thomas
Carousel Horse, Kari Treese
Spray, Kari Treese
Sloth Jam 2014 Revamp!, Kyle Turner
The Proletariat, Chelsea Vitone
Corruption: Case Studies of Vietnam and Italy, Thuy-Tien T. Vo
The Aleut Kayak: How Aleut Technology Shaped History, Andrew M. Wilson
Black and White, Nabil Yousef
Love Miriam, Nancy Zahn
Staghorn Suman, Nancy Zahn
Preserving Identity, Empowering Children: Whale Rider, Spirited Away, Frozen, Alana Zautner
Works from 2014
The Most and the Part, Israel Adams
Cactus, Victoria Agudelo-Martin
Small Cactus, Victoria Agudelo-Martin
Fallen, Sam Alston
Letters to the Editor, Sam Alston
Letters to the Editor, Sam Alston
The American Dream, Carmela Amador
Honor Dismantled in Henry IV, Part I, Suzanne André
a.m., Lorri Andrews
Steps for Improving Critical Thinking, Adrienne Arnold
Steps for Improving Critical Thinking, Adrienne Arnold
Racial Discrimination on College Campuses, Krysten Bailey
Someone's Daddy, David E Baker
Emotion Propagation in Online Communities, Shruti Balabhadruni
Babes in Zombieland, Rachel Balla
Dancing with Vampires, Rachel Balla
The Lovers, Rob Banes
Dinner for Two, Jonathan Barr
How my Ex-Girlfriend Thinks, Jonathan Barr
Wisdom of the Wind, Amy Bates
Maybe It's Not the Words, Anne Beaufort
Divided They Fall: The Pacific Coast League’s Failed Attempt to Turn Major, Sean Beireis
Dimpled Water, Maria Dolores Salinas Benavente