Works from 2016
Strictly Business, Jessica Astin
Front Yard: Tacoma, Nathan Barlow
Glass, Nathan Barlow
Moody Dunes, Nathan Barlow
Museum of Glass Reflection, Nathan Barlow
Peaceful Reflections, Nathan Barlow
Silky River, Nathan Barlow
Tacoma, Nathan Barlow
Grampa Bud, Jesica Bartell
Namastè: The Goddess Within, Rebecca Beauchamp
Dear Georgia, Natalie Beausoleil
Piquant Cosmology, Natalie Beausoleil
Husky Art Competition, Joseph Bell
Responding to Their Voice: The Needs of Postsecondary Students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities, Lucretia A. Berg
Responding to their Voice: The Needs of Postsecondary Students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability, Lucretia A. Berg
Environmental Activism and Indigenous Populations Case Study: The Indonesian Palm Oil Industry, Kellsey K. Bledsoe
Map on Broken Poetry, Jennie Boucher
Rowing, Mary Bowlby
Youth Empowerment for Environmental Justice, Mattie B. Brickle
You Can’t Have My Oscar, Chelsea Brown
A Nightmare to Remember, Danielle Burch
As I Am, Danielle Burch
Hell's Kitchen, Danielle Burch
Outcry, Danielle Burch
Reincarnation, Kirsten Butler
Ako (Me), Allan Camba
Takimsilim (Sunset), Allan Camba
Educating and Raising Awareness of Opioid Addiction, Nhan P. Cao
Bloom, Felicia Chang
Digital Activism: How Social Media Prevalence Has Impacted Modern Activism, Kyle Chapman
The Principal's Voice: Supports Critical to a School Principal's Effectiveness, Rita Chaudhuri
Nineties Mythology, Mel Clark
In Time, Sydney Conrad
Trumpet-Creeper Family, Lacey Curran
Father Bix: Non-violence in Action, Lucas Dambergs
My Open Letter to Jenny McCarthy, Russ Davis
Writing Equity Policy for a K-12 Public School District: An Insider's Perspective, Louanne H. Decker
Breaking Down Binaries in a Binary World: An Athletic Experience, Heather Ashley Denaro
A Safe Place for Soldiers, Marysol Diaz
Malakai, South Sudan, Angi Donovan
The Casino Economy: Indian Gaming, Tribal Sovereignty, and Economic Independence in the Pacific Northwest, Miguel Douglas
From Isolation to Collaboration: School Principals, Allison B. Drago and Vincent Pecchia
The Value of Technology Grants in Schools: A Case Study on the Connected Initiative in an Inner City Los Angeles Primary School, Kathryn J. Drohman
Hibakusha and the Japanese Supreme Court: Judgement Long Overdue, Timothy J. Duefrane
Sustained Implementation of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports through Continuous Regeneration, Thomas A. Edwards
Phenomenological Psychology in Practice and Research: A Global Perspective on a Human Science, Alex A. Ekstrom
The Importance of Funding Channels for Microfinance Performance, Roman Fedorak
Prism, Thèrése Ferreria
Regulars, Thèrése Ferreria
Sojourner, Thèrése Ferreria
Library at Night, Patti Fiorito
Honey Beige, Natalie France
I Want a Country, Natalie France
A Tiger Too, Brent Gaspaire
Classifieds, Brent Gaspaire
New Fillings for Joe, Brent Gaspaire
Debauchery in a People-Emptied World, Tyson Gerkman
Empty-Headed Admirer of Beaches, Tyson Gerkman
Inhibitions, Ricky Goetz
Next Stop, Ricky Goetz
Skylight at UWT, Nathan Golden
Electric Love, Steven Gontarz
It Doesn’t Rain in Afghanistan, Steven Gontarz
Sorry, Not Sorry, Steven Gontarz
Stars, Steven Gontarz
The Journey, Steven Gontarz
Hollywood's Second Class Citizens, Josh Gonzalez
Building on Community: A Community-Built Pipeline of Community College-Educated Secondary Mathematics Teachers of Color, Maria J. Gross
International Creations: The Case of Iraq, Syria, and Jordan, Brittany Hale
Bonsai Delight, Karin Halley
The War of 1812: The Rise of American Nationalism, Paul Hanseling
Harnessing Emotions: The Critical Role of Emotional Intelligence for Community College Leaders, Lauren Hibbs and Valerie M. Sundby-Thorp
Traveling with Stowaways: The Human Microbiome and Travel, Alisha N. Hughes
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in the Process of Tacoma's Globalization, Margaret Yi Hui
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Process of Tacoma’s Globalization, Yi Hui
Cross-sector Collaboration: Results Through Understanding and Application, Dane Jessen
Surviving or Thriving: Educator Change Following School-Based Trauma, Mona M. Johnson
Utilizing Assessment Resources to Support Classroom Instruction in Mathematics, Jennifer A. Judkins
The Stendhal Syndrome, Beth Kalikoff
Podunk, Michelle Kelley
Imposter Syndrome: The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Kari Kennedy
Feminist Take On Hip Hop, Molly Kirby
A Subtle Moment in the Coffee Shop, Vernice Rene Kluh
GUIdock: Using Docker Containers with a Common Graphics User Interface to Address the Reproducibility of Research, Daniel Kristiyanto
Opening Remarks, Melissa Lavitt
Friendly Air, Jillian Lee
It Rained in the Middle of October, Jillian Lee
The Development of Chinese Feminism on Weibo, Mengmeng Liu
Kampuchea: Where Have We Been, Kimsang Lor
Online Onboarding of Community College Mid-Level Administrators, Heather F. Lukashin
Magnetized Shakespeare, Margaret Lundberg
Loss of Appetite, Nedralani Mailo
Novelettes Ablaze on the Living Room Floor, Nathan Markiewicz
Monstrous Tropes of Female Monsters, Danielle McMahon
Seasons of the Day, Patrick McSherry
Architecting Enterprise Legacy System Migrations, Adrian Menard
Dustin, I Contend, Nicole Miller
Understanding Biological Research Documents using a Neural Network, Varun Mittal
Gender Creative Parenting: An Educational Curriculum for Parents of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth, Kathleen Murphy Pantoja