Theses from 2013
"If the Shoe Fits:" The Evolution of the Cinderella Fairy Tale from Literature to Television, Margaret L. Lundberg
Murray Morgan Mandate, Jenny McCray
Portfolio, Casey D. McGovern
Representations of the African Diaspora in Three Films, Monica C. Melton
SNÊS van Piet Mondrian, Marisa Mezs
Feeding Time, Roxann Murray
Teen Angst, Roxann Murray
Lavender Lady, Roxann Larissa Murray
Men and Grandchildren, Star Angelina Murray
Face Down In The Wishkah, Andrew Osborn
Nervous Confidence., Jennie L. Pegouskie
Ramped, Lisa Peterson
Smoke Break, Thursday L. Peyton
Barbara's Bonnet, Marcie Pierson
Commencement Bay, Chris Pyke
Power vs. Power, Chris Pyke
Bullets and Blood in the Land of Clay Houses, Christopher Pyle
Keep the Lights On, Christopher Pyle
Palouse, Christopher Pyle
Twists of Iron and Wood, Christopher Pyle
Encounter at the 13th, LaNelle Ramey
Understanding Rain, Megan Riggs
And It Gently Falls, Kirk Robbins
Cookies or Vegetables?, Whitney Robbins
Hope, Whitney Robbins
My Backyard in May, Whitney Robbins
The Dragon and Me, Nicholas Rogen
At Death's Door, Nick Rogen
My Cursive Walk Home, Nick Rogen
The Fool: A Short Fable, Nick Rogen
Two Different Me's, Nick Rogen
The Scooby-Doo Sutra, Matthew Vincent Ross
Freedom, Vladimir Samoylenko
Nest, Sarah Sanderson
The Dandelion, Filiz Satir
Forgotten Glory: African American Civil War Soldiers and Their Omission from Civil War Memory, Connor E. Seaman
The Hui and the Uyghurs: A Comparison of Relationships with the Chinese State, Arianna Shorey
Bend and Not Break, Lauren Marie Stallings
Summer Dust, Lauren Marie Stallings
Children with Incarcerated Parents: What Services are Available for Children with a Parent Releasing from Prison?, Kiara D. St. John
The United States and Japan: A Cross Cultural Analysis of Gender Roles and Intimate Relationships, Percy D. Strowhorn III
Err Raising Homage, Jennifer Sundheim
I Always Thought I Would Own a Dog, Jennifer Sundheim
Pirouette, Heather Tanner
Sestina for Rachel, Heather Tanner
Anticipation, Patricia Teasley
Green Eye Devils, Benjamin Toombs
Heavy Shipping, Benjamin Toombs
Lightweight Active Stabilization System (LASS), Benjamin Toombs
Patience, Benjamin Toombs
Tactical Assault Long Range Stock (TALCS), Benjamin Toombs
Untitled (Curtis Repairs Set), Benjamin Toombs
Untitled (SWAT Set), Benjamin Toombs
Journalist 2013, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Spectator Sport, Jon Vanders
Creation, Andrei Vassiliev
Knifed, Andrei Vassiliev
Seeing, Andrei Vassiliev
Untitled, Anthony Vierra
Concerning Your Last Cigarette, Laura C. Vincent
Late, Laura C. Vincent
Over Pumpkin Carving, Laura C. Vincent
Voyage-03, Laura C. Vincent
Female Study, Kayomi Wada
Piqueteros, Kayomi Wada
The Second Shift, Kayomi Judallion Wada
I [Heart] Lexicons, Justin Wadland
Sugar Tits & Other Tidbits, Justin Wadland
Memento Mori, Dustin Watson
The Beauty of Masochism, Jennifer Weber
Snow, Jennifer Wheeler
Applause, Abby Williamson
Road to Somewhere, Abby Williamson
A Battle Sail, Zack Wonderly
Lightning Moments, Susannah Youngquist
Introduced by Mouth, Holly Zehnder
Mother, Holly Zehnder
The Resident, Holly Zehnder
Theses from 2012
Behind the Scenes of the American Dream: Identity Struggles of Arab and Muslim Minorities in the U.S., Lama Abbasi
Backwards Christian Soldiers: The Role of the Religious Right on the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy in the Post-9/11 Era, Shannon N. Brown
Soaring Eagles of the High Qing: Women’s Writing as a Path to Social Advancement in Patriarchal China, Vincenzina Robertson
Journalist 2012, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Theses from 2011
The Torture Debate: What the Scholars and the Intellectuals Are Saying, Dieudonné Balla
Pathways to Global Remediation: A Study of Group Identity and Global Consciousness, Lamont DeWayne Green
Health Care Reform, Jeffery J. Duffy
Israel in Tacoma, Tamara LaFountain
Theses from 2010
Children, Television, and Globalization: A Study of Transnation CTV Distribution and Implications on Children Around the World, Patrick Fuhrman
Governing the Infections Bacteria Commons: Preventing Antibiotic Resistance, Christopher R. M. Pilch
Journalist 2010, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Theses from 2009
NERICA, Kimaa, and the Sustainability of Rice Farming in Magbainba Ndohahun Chiefdom, Sierre Leone: An Anthropological Perspective, Christopher M. Thomas
Killing History: The Effect of Slavery and WWII on the Death Penalty in America and Europe, Julie Turley
Journalist 2009, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Books from 2008
Journalist 2008, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Journalist 2008, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Books from 2007
Journalist 2007, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Books from 2006
Journalist April 2006, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Journalist March 2006, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Books from 2004
Journalist April 2004, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Journalist November 2004, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University