Date of Award
Spring 2010
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Global Honors
Children’s television (CTV) has become an increasingly globalized market, which in turn has led to concerns regarding the homogenization of culture and the promotion of Western consumerism in youth. The author gives an overview of the dominant thoughts and theories regarding the effect of globalized television on children and presents two case studies, one conducted in Israel and one in Germany, that analyze CTV’s impact on childhood consumerism. The paper concludes with a critique of the current literature--in particular, the lack of attention paid to the role of context and the need for greater scholarly cooperation between media professionals and academics.
Recommended Citation
Fuhrman, Patrick, "Children, Television, and Globalization: A Study of Transnation CTV Distribution and Implications on Children Around the World" (2010). Global Honors Theses. 7.