One of the capstone options to graduate with Global Honors is the completion of an honors thesis with a GPA of 3.5 or above. Drawing upon key concepts outlined in the core curriculum, students undertake sustained research into globally themed topics relevant to their academic interests and individual expertise. These theses are presented at the annual Global Honors Colloquium.
The theses that appear in this collection are a sample of the type of globally relevant scholarly inquiries undertaken by Global Honors students. To merit inclusion in the Global Honors Digital Commons Collection, theses must receive a GPA of 3.7 or above. Exceptions may be made based on originality of topic, at the discretion of the Executive Director. Inquiries concerning these submissions or the Global Honors Program may be directed to
Theses from 2024
Universally Accessible: An investigation of college accommodations for students with autism spectrum disorder in the United States and Netherlands, Mikayla "Mak" Pennington
The Role of Government Policies in the Lao People's Democratic Republic's Shift from Subsistence Farming to Commercial Agriculture, Sengravi T. Phakoxay
From Colonialism to Collaboration: A History of U.S. Environmentalism with Indigenous Communities, Catherine Rawlings
Reframing the Filipina as a Militant: The Ongoing Revolutionary History of the Philippines, Nicole Reyes
Theses from 2023
Black Maternal Mortality: A Result of the Haunting past, Jaylynn Arnold
Comparative Analysis of the Water Crisis in Guam and New Delhi: Evaluating Causes and Potential Solutions, Jordina Marshall
"Prison of Nations?" An Examination of the Ideological Roots of Contemporary Ethiopia's Nationality Policy, Sarah Moody
How 3D Printing Can Revolutionize Developing Economies, Paul Zuber-Fantulin
Theses from 2022
Vîvar Rumagnöl: Preserving Language Through Policy, Education, and Culture, Alexa Christie
Freedom Isn’t Free: Why Washington State Needs to Move Beyond a Cash Bail System, Andre Jimenez
Justifying Injustice: How Caricatured Depictions of African Americans Impacted Worldwide Perception, Jaida Noble
Theses from 2021
Reshaping African American Women's Birthing Experience, Kiana Bulloch
Sino-US Great Power Conflict from a Realist Perspective, Sean Carver
Racial Trauma as a Diagnosis: Recognizing the Impact of Racial Violence and Discrimination on Mental Health, Myka Michelle L. Ferrer
Attitudes Toward Mindfulness and Adherence in Chronic Pain Management, Sarah Johnson
Rethinking the War on Drugs, Brandi Kalmbach
Five Facets of Mindfulness in Pregnancy and Postpartum Periods, Brianna J. McNeley
World on Fire: An Exploration into Climate Change Policy, Caritina Sanchez
The Dangers of Fast Fashion: A Health and Environmental Analysis, Summer Roslyn Turnberg
Restorative Justice: An Additional Gaming Addiction Treatment, Divine Alexa Yagumyum
Theses from 2019
A Legacy of Racial Capital: How the U.S. Education System Produces a School-to-Farm Pipeline, Diana Sheila Algomeda Villada
The Global Food Fight: Tackling Food Deserts and Their Effects, Christian Bell
Virtual Wastelands: Reframing Nuclear Representation in Video Games, Francesca Crocker
Evaluation of Maternal Mortality in the United States Using a Socio-Ecological Model, Ashley Dang
Bridging Gaps Between Constituents and Policymakers in Climate Policy in Washington State, Rebecca Dickson
The Militarization of ICE and Hyper-Surveillance of Latinx Immigrants, Karen Martinez Gonzalez
An Analysis of Environmentally Conscious Decision Making and the Influence of Income and Policy in Washington State, Grace McKenney
They Sold Our Park! How Local Governments Fail at Democracy, Zandria Michaud
Intersectionality and Maternal Mortality: African-American Women and Healthcare Bias, Katherine Mijal
Digital Childhood: How mobile devices impact child development and adolescent behavior, Brenna Pinnock
Fight the Powers That Be: Challenging White Supremacy Through the Cultivation of Cultural Humility Amongst Preservice and Practicing Educators, Taylor Steedman
subtle asian womxn, Long Tran
Theses from 2018
Reforming Children's Rights: The Criminalization of Youth at the Intersection of Schools and Juvenile Justice Systems, Nicole Carbone
Global Apartheid: A Black Feminist Analysis of Motherwork in Townships, Autumn G. Diaz
Desalination Concentrate Disposal: Ecological Effects and Sustainable Solutions, Ryan Hanley
Restoration and Adaptation for Prospective Freshwater Shortages: An Integrative Evaluation and Actionable Approach, Krystal Hedrick
Global Apartheid: Educating Within Colonial Schools, Crystal Kennemer
Factors of Activism; Identification and Promotion to Increase Global Equity, Samuel Joseph Larsen
The rhetoric is on the wall: A multimodal study of the U.S. – Mexico border through image narratives, Kristoffer Mason
American Exceptionalism in Mass Incarceration, Isabell Murray
Human Trafficking Through International Adoption, Shelly Orr
It Takes a Village: Addressing Racial Inequities in Education Through Community Based Organizations, Ashley Richards
Preventing Prejudiced Psychological Practice: Social Justice Education in Undergraduate Psychology Programs, Rachel Roewer
The Health of Migrant Farmworkers in the Pacific Northwest: Access, Quality, and Health Disparities, Marleny Silva
Theses from 2017
Beyond Bathrooms: Exploring the Negative Impact of Hostile Campus Climates on Queer Students, Deaglan An
Cross-Cultural Study of the Refugee Crisis: Qualitative Inquiry in Greece and the U.S., Haley Anderson
Living with Robots: Automation and Income Inequality in the 21st Century, Michael Dickson
Like, Comment, and Share: Distortion of Information on Facebook, Sungwoo Hong
Masculinity: Understanding Authority Across Institutional Settings as Social Control, Andre Martin
Enhancing Legal Protections for Immigrants Who Are Victims of Domestic Violence in the U.S., Heather Swanson Sow
Theses from 2016
Environmental Activism and Indigenous Populations Case Study: The Indonesian Palm Oil Industry, Kellsey K. Bledsoe
The Value of Technology Grants in Schools: A Case Study on the Connected Initiative in an Inner City Los Angeles Primary School, Kathryn J. Drohman
Phenomenological Psychology in Practice and Research: A Global Perspective on a Human Science, Alex A. Ekstrom
The Importance of Funding Channels for Microfinance Performance, Roman Fedorak
Traveling with Stowaways: The Human Microbiome and Travel, Alisha N. Hughes
Cross-sector Collaboration: Results Through Understanding and Application, Dane Jessen
The Development of Chinese Feminism on Weibo, Mengmeng Liu
The Ethics and Effectiveness of Rhetorical Strategies Employed by Environmental Groups and the Palm Oil Crisis, Mason T. Pellegrini
Effects of the Legalization of Recreational Cannabis in Washington State, John Anthony Poore
Lynching Black Voices: A Critique of Predominantly White Universities, Kaja Sanders
Black Student Union Demands: A Response to Racially Hostile Campus Climates, Beleqsa Tamaami
Theses from 2015
Pushing for New Perspectives: Policy Model of Criminalized Prostitution and its Effect on Victims of Sex Trafficking, Melanie C. Basil
Legal Prostitution and How It Can Affect Sex Trafficking, Amy D. Blanchard
The Effect of Community Involvement on Disaster Relief, Ryan M. Brookman
Gender Violence and the Empowerment of Women in Post-Franco Spanish Film, Ashley A. Douthett
A Comparative Analysis: Indigenous Students and Education Models in Canada and the United States, Alison M. Perkins
Leveraging Remittances for Economic Development in Developing Countries, Lloyd P. Thomas
Corruption: Case Studies of Vietnam and Italy, Thuy-Tien T. Vo
Preserving Identity, Empowering Children: Whale Rider, Spirited Away, Frozen, Alana Zautner
Theses from 2014
Global Economic Impacts of Shoreline Degradation: A Socioeconomic Analysis, Alexa Brockamp
Corporate Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations, Lok Yiu Chan
Proto-Feminism in Ancient Global Texts, Jody A. Dammann-Matthews
Place as a Social Determinant of Health: Shaping the Role of School Lunches in Kenya and the United States of America, Noelle W. Gichohi
Marriage Market Values Systems and Global Gender Inequality, Russell D. Mulligan
Overcoming Panethnicity: Filipino-American Identity in a Globalized Culture, Brandon Napenias Oreiro
Of Ghosts and Spaceships: Reclaiming Chinese National Identity through Science Fiction, Nicholas M. Stillman
Tiered Technologies of Power: Subject-making in China through Electronic Censorship, Hope R. St. John
Predicting Social Change: Transforming Victims of Child Sex Trafficking in India and the United States, Kristie A. Weisert
Theses from 2013
Transnational Influence in the Poetry of Sarah Piatt: Poems of Ireland and the American Civil War, Amy R. Hudgins
La Dolce Vita, the Italian Case Study: Linking Culture, Policy and ‘Active Aging’, Maria L. Kimmerle
"If the Shoe Fits:" The Evolution of the Cinderella Fairy Tale from Literature to Television, Margaret L. Lundberg
Representations of the African Diaspora in Three Films, Monica C. Melton
The United States and Japan: A Cross Cultural Analysis of Gender Roles and Intimate Relationships, Percy D. Strowhorn III
Theses from 2012
Behind the Scenes of the American Dream: Identity Struggles of Arab and Muslim Minorities in the U.S., Lama Abbasi
Theses from 2011
The Torture Debate: What the Scholars and the Intellectuals Are Saying, Dieudonné Balla
Pathways to Global Remediation: A Study of Group Identity and Global Consciousness, Lamont DeWayne Green
Israel in Tacoma, Tamara LaFountain
Theses from 2010
Children, Television, and Globalization: A Study of Transnation CTV Distribution and Implications on Children Around the World, Patrick Fuhrman
Governing the Infections Bacteria Commons: Preventing Antibiotic Resistance, Christopher R. M. Pilch
Theses from 2009
NERICA, Kimaa, and the Sustainability of Rice Farming in Magbainba Ndohahun Chiefdom, Sierre Leone: An Anthropological Perspective, Christopher M. Thomas
Killing History: The Effect of Slavery and WWII on the Death Penalty in America and Europe, Julie Turley