Streaming Media
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"Elections move forward despite low participation" by Nick Przybyciel
"Ledger goes to Moscow" by Melinda Andrews
"Distinguished teacher honored" by Kristina Provence
"Dyslexia: One man's struggle shatters myths shared by many" by Lori Paulson
"Booze ruling may give UWT lasting hangover" by Mark Dobson
"IAS portfolio requirements change" by Cassie Creley
"Meet the candidates" by Nick Prybychiel
"New perspectives on art: seeing TAM exhibit through youthful eyes" by Jessica Corey-Butler
"New season pick-me-ups" by Jessica Corey-Butler
"Nibbles and sips around the Sound" by Jessica Corey-Butler
"Pointless" by Tim Kapler
Publication Date
Spring 4-6-2006
Journalism Studies
Nick Przybyciel (editor in chief); Jessica Corey-Butler (arts and entertainment editor); Arden Gudger (web manager); Melinda Andrews (circulation manager); reporters and contributing writers: Kristina Provence, Lori Paulson, Mark Dobson, Cassie Creley; Victoria Haas (advertising sales)
Recommended Citation
University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University, "Journalist April 2006" (2006). Journalist. 12.