"Journalist March 2006" by University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University

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"Be Young and Shut Up!" by Anna Sokolova, Anna Chukseeva

"Enriching Iranium" by Diana Koultchitskaya

"ETA terrorists take off weapon" by Artyom Galustyan

"People at struggle" by Tatiana Fedorova

"A question of standards" by Diana Kouchitskaya

"Development of disease in a bird" by Vasily Polynov

"Debunking stereotypes" by Ilya Ilyukhin

"Night watch: vodka and vampires" by Melinda Andrews

"Brokebeak Mountain: beaking the myths" by Irina Filatova

"What the FAQ to do in Russia" by Olga Kuracheva

"Our ma in Torino" by Julia Klimova

"Two worlds of card games" by Nick Przybyciel, Gregory Ignatov

"Beyond all limits" by Tatiana Fedorova

Publication Date

Spring 3-22-2006


Journalism Studies


Publication supervisors: Dr. Maria Lukina (MSU), Dr. Chris Demaske (UWT); Produced by: Nelly Akhmetova (MSU), Melinda Andrews (UWT), Andrey Baranov (MSU), Anna Chukseeva (MSU), Grigory Ignatov (MSU), Ilya Ilyukhin (MSU), Julia Klimova (MSU), Maria Krupnova (MSU), Diana Kulchitskaya (MSU), Olga Kuracheva (MSU), Anna Sokolova (MSU), Nick Przybyciel (UWT), Sasha Zubkoff (MSU)

Journalist March 2006
