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"A Two Act Show and an Ongoing Drama" by Artem Galustyan, Tatiana Fyodorova
"The Future of the American Image in Contention" by Daniel Nash
"Black, White and Shades of Gray" by Artem Galustyan Rachel E. DeForrest
"Stakes are High for Arctic Seafloor" by Meagon Ross
"Balkan Crossroads" by Diana Koulchitskaya
"Chroniclers of the Apocalypse" by Elena Potapova
"Faith or Fanaticism" by Amina Sheikhova
"Masters of Choice" by Irina Filatova, Rachel E. DeForrest
"Marriage is a Market: We Choose and Pay" by Valentina Matrenkina
"Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Strains Hit Russia" by Daniel Nash
"The Flue Knows No Borders" by Meagan Ross
"Toxic Beauty" by Meagan Ross
"They Choose the Truth" by Daria Klimenko
"John Freedom: Breaking the Ice" by Maria Danova
"The Golden Mask 2008" by Elena Kornilova
"Festivals 2008 in Russia" by Elena Kornilova
"Look at Me" by Rachel E. DeForrest
"Paris Pleasures" by Elena Kornilova
"United in Creation" by Elena Kornilova
"Russian Designers Put on Eye-Catching Shows" by Yana Dmitrieva
"Just Do It" by Maria Danova
"Obama 2.0" by Maria Danova
"Unconferences Rock!" by Maria Danova
Publication Date
Spring 3-1-2008
Communication | Journalism Studies
Staff: Artem Galustyan (editor-in-chief) (MSU), Rachel DeForrest (editor-in-chief) (UW), Meagan Ross (UW), Daniel Nash (UW), Maria Danova (MSU), Elena Potapova (MSU), Amina Sheikhova (MSU), Diana Koulchitskaya (MSU), Tatiana Fedorova (MSU), Valentina Matryonkina (MSU), Elena Kornilova (MSU), Irina Filatova (MSU), Natasha Kiselyova (MSU), Daria Klimenko (MSU), Elena Gutkina (MSU), Yana Dmitrieva (MSU), Svyatoslav Neklyaev (infographics editor) (MSU) Layout: Galina Kuznetsova Instructors: Dr. Maria Lukina, Dr. Chris Demaske Contact: referent@smi.msu.ru
Recommended Citation
University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University, "Journalist 2008" (2008). Journalist. 1.