Journalist 2008
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"Politics in (Gucci) Pumps: Female Politicians on the Rise" by Aiya Kenny
"Unpredictability and Singularity" by Pavel Koshkin
"McCain vs. Obama: Russian fears and hopes" by Diana Kulchitskaya
"Who Will Lead Russia? Is Russian President Dmitri Medvedev his own man, or just a puppet for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin?" by Anna Laletina
"Who is Better For Russia, Barack Obama or John McCain?: A Series of Answers from Muscovites" by Pavel Koshkin
"Writer Responses to the Election" by Aiya Kenny, Alex Newman, Artyom Galustyan, Daniel Nash, Elena Kornilova, Helen Potapova, Kathleen Burdo, Masha Danova
"Reactions to the Election from a Pierce County Poll Worker" by Alex Newman
"A Victory for One and All: Barack Obama's presidential victory marks a historic turn" by Rebecca Chambers
"To Blog or Not to Blog: Politicians using Internet technology" by Helen Potapova
"Coffee Time News: American Polls for Breakfast" by Diana Kulchitskaya
"Where Do Russians Go?" by Elena Kornilova
"Financial Virus Infects the World" by Artyom Galustyan
"Mass Brain Drain" by Helen Potapova
"More Americans see Russia as a threat to United States security" by Marisa Petrich
"The Clash of Arms and Words" by Diana Kulchitskaya
"The Intrigue Around Anna" by Meagan Murphy Ross
"Bus Riders Anonymous" by Sarah Alisdairi
"An American Journalist Abroad in America" by Meagan Murphy Ross
"Student Motherhood: A look at the juggled roles of a full-time mother and student" by Rebecca Chambers
"The Moscow Metro as a Commons" by Meagan Murphy Ross
"News: Not Just For Journalists Anymore" by Marisa Petrich
"Tensions High as American and Russian Hockey Leagues Clash" by Chelsea Guy
"Glassblowing in Tacoma" by Aiya Kenny
"The Town of Paradoxes" by Helen Potapova
"Russian Writers Visiting America" by Elena Kornilova
"Good Wood: Matt Sellars' 'The Empty Quarter'" by Masha Danova
"Happy Together Or: How Russians learned to stop worrying and love McDonald's" by Masha Danova
"Photography: Moscovites experience U.S. Americana, 1950s Style" by Ingrid Barrentine
Publication Date
Fall 2008
Communication | Journalism Studies
Staff: Dr. Chris Demaske, Dr. Maria Lukina, Artyom Galustyan (Russian Editor), Masha Danova (Writer), Elena Kornilova (Writer), Diana Kulchitskaya (Writer), Helen Potapova (Writer), Daniel Nash (US Editor and web page designer), Kathleen Burdo (Copy Editor), Ingrid Barrentine (Photographer), Sarah Alisdairi (Writer), Rebecca Chambers (Writer), Chelsea Guy (Writer), Aiya Kenny (Writer), Alex Newman (Writer), Marisa Petrich (Writer), Meagan Murphy Ross (Writer)
Recommended Citation
University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University, "Journalist 2008" (2008). Journalist. 4.