"When tigers smoked pipes: Asian folk literature" by Belinda Louie


When tigers smoked pipes: Asian folk literature

Publication Date


Document Type

Book Chapter


Unraveling the tapestry: an overview of the folk literature genre / Terrell A. Young -- The how and why of folk tales and fairy tales / Anne Marie Kraus -- The moral of the story : learning about fables / Nancy J. Johnson, Angela Sorgatz Vroom -- Mythology's theatre of the world / Sam L. Sebesta, Dianne L. Monson -- Legend has it : what legends bring to classroom learning / Darcy H. Bradley -- Tall tales : an American folk invention / Linda M. Pavonetti -- Folk tales from the African diaspora : the power of the oral tradition / Deborah L. Thompson -- When tigers smoked pipes : Asian folk literature / Belinda Y. Louie -- European folk tales and their value today / Ellen A. Greever, John Warren Stewig -- Jewish folk tales : from Elijah the prophet to The wise men of Chelm / Evelyn B. Freeman -- Exploring Latino culture through folk tales / Lynn Atkinson Smolen, Victoria Ortiz-Castro -- Open sesame! : Middle Eastern and Indian subcontinent folk literature / Marcia Baghban -- Tribal stories from native America / Debbie A. Reese -- Cinderella and her sisters : variants and versions / Ann Sloan, Sylvia M. Vardell -- Starting at the roots : collecting folklore in the home, school, and community / Nancy L. Hadaway -- "I'll be the monster!" : folk tales and classroom drama / Judy Sierra -- Fairy tale transformations / Laura Tuiaea -- Are fairy tales timeless or timely? / Jane E. Kelley., Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Publication Title

Happily ever after: sharing folk literature with elementary and middle school students

First Page


Last Page


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