Education Publications | Education | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2020

On Holding Various Truths to (Not) Be Self-Evident: Leading During the Dual Pandemics of 2020 as a Racialized Body, Rachel Endo


Characterizing Olfactory Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Sensory Processing Dysfunction, Kawena Begay, Tanya St. John, Julia R. Sweigert, Greg E. Davis, Jeffrey Munson, Eric Shankland, Annette Estes, Stephen R. Dager, and Natalia M. Kleinhans

Culturally Sustaining Instruction for Arabic-Speaking English Learners, Jarek Sierschynski and Belinda Louie

Indigenizing the Doctoral Experience to Build Indigenous Community Leaders in Educational Leadership, Robin Starr Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn

Submissions from 2019


Towards Compassionate Care: A Critical Analysis of Teaching in Township Schools, Crystal Kennemer and Christopher Knaus

Male of Color Refugee Teachers on Being Un/Desirable Bodies of Difference in Education, Rachel Endo

Prospective Teachers Learning to Connect to Multiple Mathematical Knowledge Bases Across Multiple Contexts, Julia M. Aguirre, Erin Turner, Tonya Gau Bartell, Corey Drake, Mary Foote, and Amy Roth McDuffie


Indigenous Women’s Approaches to Educational Leadership: Creating Space for Indigenous Women in Education, Robin Starr Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn and Heather Shotton

Sylvia Wynter: Science Studies and Posthumanism as Praxes of Being Human, Matthew Weinstein and Jennifer D. Adams

Poetic Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis, Qiana M. Cutts and M. Billye Sankofa Waters

Middle School Teachers’ Concerns for Implementing the Principles of SWPBIS, Laura Feuerborn, Ashli Tyre, Kathleen Beaudoin, and Jillian Bruce

Preparing to Use the Teachers Empowered to Advance Change in Mathematics Modules: Considerations for Mathematics Teacher Educators, Julia M. Aguirre and Tonya Gau Bartell

Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Competencies: Proposing Connections Through a Review of the Research, Laura L. Feuerborn and Barbara Gueldner

Engaging Teachers in the Powerful Combination of Mathematical Modeling and Social Justice: The Flint Water Task - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Julia Aguirre, Cynthia Anhalt, Ricardo Cortez, Erin E. Turner, and Ksenija Simic-Muller

EcoJust STEM Education Mobilized Through Counter-Hegemonic Globalization, L. Bencze, L. Carter, R. Levinson, I. Martins, C. Pouliot, M. Weinstein, and M. Zouda

Factor Validation of the Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline (SPBD) Survey, L.L. Feuerborn, A.D. Tyre, and M. Zečević

Lawrence Martin Brammer (1922–2018), Ginger Phillips MacDonald and Allen E. Ivey

A Study of Early Career Teachers’ Practices Related to Language and Language Diversity During Mathematics Instruction, E. Turner, A. Roth McDuffie, A. Sugimoto, J. Aguirre, T.G. Bartell, C. Drake, M. Foote, K. Stoehr, and A. Witters

Promoting Students’ Critical and Active Engagement in Socio-Scientific Problems: Inter-Trans-National Perspectives, Matthew Weinstein, Larry Bencze, Lyn Carter, Audrey Groleau, Mirjan Krstovic, Ralph Levinson, Jenny Martin, Isabel Martins, and Chantal Pouliot

Submissions from 2018

Washington Principals’ Perceptions of Their Professional Development Needs for the Spike of English Learners, Belinda Y. Louie, Bronwyn Pughe, Annie Camey Kuo, and Elin A. Björling

Classified Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline: Implications for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports, Laura L. Feuerborn, Ashli D. Tyre, and Kathleen Beaudoin


Croatian Preschool Teachers’ Self-Perceived Competence in Managing the Challenging Behaviour of Children, Kathleen Beaudoin, S.S. Mihić, and D. Lončarić

"If Everyone Would Just Act White": Education as a Global Investment in Whiteness, Christopher Knaus

Submissions from 2016

Freedom Lessons: Black Mothers Asserting Smartness of Their Children, M. Billye Sankofa Waters

'We Talk but We Don't Say Shit': Education and the Silencing of Voice, Christopher B. Knaus


Reflecting on Reflections: Using Video in Learning Reflection to Enhance Authenticity, Jarek Sierschynski, Emma J. Rose, and Elin Björling

Family Literacy Project: Bilingual Picture Books by English Learners, Belinda Louie and Karlyn Davis-Welton

A Qualitative Analysis of Middle and High School Teacher Perceptions of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports, Laura L. Feuerborn, C. Wallace, and A. D. Tyre

How Do Staff Perceive Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports? Implications for Teams in Planning and Implementing Schools, Laura L. Feuerborn and Ashli D. Tyre

Imagining Science Education Through Ethnographies of Neoliberal Resistance, M. Weinstein

Submissions from 2015


Straight Outta Intersectionality: A Review of “Straight Outta Compton” From My Six Selves, M. Billye Sankofa Waters

Integrating Mindfulness-Based Practices Into Social and Emotional Learning: A Case Application, Barbara A. Gueldner and Laura L. Feuerborn


Enhancing English Learners' Language Development Using Wordless Picture Books, Belinda Louie and Jarek Sierschynski

The Staff Perceptions of Behavior and Discipline Survey a Tool to Help Achieve Systemic Change Through Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support, Laura L. Feuerborn, Ashli D. Tyre, and Joe P. King


Educational Leadership Against Racism: Challenging Policy, Pedagogy, and Practice, Jeffrey S. Brooks, Christopher B. Knaus, and Heewon Chang


Fostering Movements or Silencing Voices: School Principals in Egypt and South Africa, Tyson E.J. Marsh and Christopher B. Knaus

Submissions from 2014

What if We All Wore Hoodies? Educational Silencing of Black Male Voices, Christopher B. Knaus

Seeing What They Want to See: Racism and Leadership Development in Urban Schools, Christopher B. Knaus


Complexity in Picture Books, Jarek Sierschynski, Belinda Louie, and Bronwyn Pughe


Complexity of Perspectives: WWII Historical Fiction of the Pacific Front, Belinda Louie

Submissions from 2013

Children’s Literature in the People’s Republic of China: Its Purposes and Genres, Belinda Louie and Douglas Louie

Closing the Achievement Gap of Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Gregory J. Benner, Krista Kutash, Ron J. Nelson, and Marie B. Fisher

Racial Diversity Sounds Nice; Systems Transformation? Not So Much: Developing Urban Teachers of Color, Rachelle Rogers-Ard, Christopher B. Knaus, Kitty Kelly Epstein, and Kimberly Mayfield

Developing Urban Youth Voice: A Framework for Culturally Responsive Classrooms, Christopher B. Knaus

You Are the Ones Who Need to Hear Us: The Role of Youth Voice in a Democracy, Christopher B. Knaus

Making Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching Explicit: A Lesson Analysis Tool, Julia M. Aguirre and Maria del Rosario Zavala

Making Connections in Practice: How Prospective Elementary Teachers Connect to Children's Mathematical Thinking and Community Funds of Knowledge in Mathematics Instruction, Julia M. Aguirre, Erin E. Turner, Tonya Gau Bartell, Crystal Kalinec-Craig, Mary Q. Foote, Amy Roth McDuffie, and Corey Drake

How Individual and School Aggregate Baseline Behavior Levels Moderate Response to a Primary Level Behavior Intervention, Gregory J. Benner, Elizabeth A. Sanders, Ron J. Nelson, and Nicole C. Ralston

Theorizing University Identity Development: Multiple Perspectives and Common Goals, Ginger Phillips MacDonald

Gaining Staff Support for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports: A Guide for Teams, Laura L. Feuerborn, Caroline Wallace, and Ashli D. Tyre

From Colonization to RESPECT: How Federal Education Policy Fails Children and Educators of Color, Rachelle Rogers-Ard and Christopher B. Knaus

Submissions from 2012

Schools, Science, Social Justice, and the Role of Violence, Matthew Weinstein

Teacher Perceptions of Student Needs and Implications for Positive Behavior Supports, Laura Feuerborn and Donald Chinn

A Partnership Raises Healthier Children, Rick Maloney, Patti Banks, and Andrew Eyres

Schools/Citizen Science: A Response to "The Future of Citizen Science", Matthew Weinstein

Promoting Equity in Mathematics Teacher Preparation: A Framework for Advancing Teacher Learning of Children's Multiple Mathematics Knowledge Bases, Erin E. Turner, Corey Drake, Amy Roth McDuffie, Julia Aguirre, Tonya Gau Bartell, and Mary Q. Foote

What's Language Got to Do With It?: Identifying Language Demands in Mathematics Instruction for English Language Learners, Julia Maria Aguirre and G. C. Bunch

Analyzing Effective Mathematics Lessons for English Learners: A Multiple Mathematical Lens Approach, Julia Maria Aguirre, E. Turner, T. G. Bartell, C. Drake, M. Q. Foote, and A. Roth-McDuffie

Behavior Intervention for Students with Externalizing Behavior Problems: Primary-Level Standard Protocol, Gregory J. Benner, Ron J. Nelson, Elizabeth A. Sanders, and Nicole C. Ralston

The Effect of the Language for Thinking Program on the Cognitive Processing and Social Adjustment of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Gregory J. Benner, Nicole C. Ralston, and Laura Feuerborn

Establishing Positive Discipline Policies in an Urban Elementary School, Laura L. Feuerborn and Ashli D. Tyre

One Size Never Fits All: Why Standardized Student Assessments Should Not Guide Curriculum and Instruction, Christopher B. Knaus

Teaching for Voice: Instructional Strategies for Empowering Youth, Christopher B. Knaus

Educational Genocide: Examining the Impact of National Education Policy on African American Communities, Christopher B. Knaus and Rachelle Rogers-Ard

Creating Readiness for Response to Intervention: An Evaluation of Readiness Assessment Tools, Ashli D. Tyre, Laura Feuerborn, Kay Beisse, and Courtney McCready

Submissions from 2011

Unpacking the CRT in Negotiating White Science, Eileen R. Carlton Parsons, Billye Rhodes, and Corliss Brown

Future Research Directions for the Field of E/BD: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, Kathleen Lynne Lane, Kristine Jolivette, Maureen Conroy, Michael C. Nelson, and Gregory J. Benner

Response to Intervention in Secondary Schools, Laura L. Feuerborn, Kathryn Sarin, and Ashli D. Tyre

Schoolwide Intervention to Reduce Chronic Tardiness at the Middle and High School Levels, Ashli Tyre, Laura Feuerborn, and Jennifer Pierce

Submissions from 2010

A Science Literacy of Love and Rage: Identifying Science Inscription in Lives of Resistance, Matthew Weinstein


A Response to Olga Block's Article, Ginger Phillips MacDonald

The Impact of Intensive Positive Behavioral Supports on the Behavioral Functioning of Students with Emotional Disturbance: How Much Does Fidelity Matter?, Gregory J. Benner, Kathleen M. Beaudoin, Pei-Yu Chen, Carol Davis, and Nicole C. Ralston

From SNCC to Black Studies: The Intellectual Odyssey of Hardy Frye, Christopher B. Knaus


Promoting Positive Math Outcomes, Marcy Stein, Diane Kinder, K. Zapp, and Laura Feuerborn

Submissions from 2009


The Differential Impact of Remedial Reading Instruction on the Basic Reading Skills of Students With Emotional Disturbance and Learning Disabilities, Gregory J. Benner, Nicole C. Ralston, K. Young, R. Nelson, and Lara Feuerborn

Improving Mathematics Teachers' Content Knowledge via Brief In-service: A US Case Study, Laura L. Feuerborn, Donald Chinn, and Garvin Morlan

Dialectics, Dialogics and Other Ways of Reading Us, Matthew Weinstein and Matthew Broda

Resuscitating the Critical in the Biological Grotesque: Blood, Guts, Biomachismo in Science/Education and Human Guinea Pig Discourse, Matthew Weinstein and Matthew Broda

Shut up and Listen: Applied Critical Race Theory in the Classroom, Christopher B. Knaus


Commentary on Evgeny Yamburg - Religion, Education, Culture: A Call for Dialogue, Ginger Phillips MacDonald

Privileging Mathematics and Equity in Teacher Education: Framework, Counter-Resistance Strategies and Reflections From a Latina Mathematics Educator, Julia Maria Aguirre

Teacher Domain-Specific Beliefs and Their Impact on Mathematics Education Reform, Julia Maria Aguirre

An Extension Convergent Validity Study of the "Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders" and the Achenbach "Teacher's Report Form" with Middle and High School Students with Emotional Disturbances, Gregory J. Benner, Brad M. Uhing, Corey D. Pierce, Kathleen M. Beaudoin, Nicole C. Ralston, and Paul Mooney

Beyond the Scores: Using Candidate Responses on High Stakes Performance Assessment to Inform Teacher Preparation for English Learners, George C. Bunch, Julia M. Aguirre, and Kip Tellez

Practical Social-Emotional Learning Tools for Students With Specific Learning Disabilities in the United States of America, Lara Feuerborn and Ashli Tyre

Submissions from 2008

Convergent Validity with the BERS-2 Teacher Rating Scale and the Achenbach Teacher's Report Form: A Replication and Extension, Gregory J. Benner, Kathleen M. Beaudoin, Paul Mooney, Brad M. Uhing, and Corey D. Pierce


Determining Paths to Success: Preparing Students for Experimental Design Questions On Standardized Tests, Matthew J. Turner and Jose Rios

Cultural Match or Culturally Suspect: How New Teachers of Color Negotiate Sociocultural Challenges in the Classroom, Betty Achinstein and Julia M. Aguirre

Preparing Beginning Special Educators to Consult, Kathleen Beaudoin and Laura Feuerborn

Social Validation of Services for Youth With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Comparative Study, Kathleen M. Beaudoin, Richard Knuth, and Gregory J. Benner

Submissions from 2007


Students Are Casualties of Math Wars, Ginger Phillips MacDonald

The Bankrupt 'Revolution'. Running Schools Like Businesses Fails the Test, Robert W. Howard and Jennifer Preisman

Still Segregated, Still Unequal: Analyzing the Impact of No Child Left Behind on African American Students, Christopher B. Knaus

K-12 Principal's Perceptions of Educational Programming for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD), Richard Knuth, Kathleen M. Beaudoin, and Greg Benner

Submissions from 2006

The Monday Memo, Richard K. Knuth

Epistemic Reasoning and Adolescent Egocentrism: Relations to Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Problem Youth, Kathleen M. Beaudoin and Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl

Guiding Principles for Teaching Multicultural Literature, Belinda Y. Louie

Using Positive Behavior Supports in EBD Settings, Kathleen Beaudoin, Gregory J. Benner, and Richard Knuth

The Essential Leadership Model, Richard K. Knuth and Patricia Anne Banks

Submissions from 2005

Defining College Readiness from the Inside Out: First-Generation College Student Perspectives, Kathleen L. Byrd and Ginger MacDonald