
Narratives of Crime: Narrative Psychology and the Integral Theory Perspective

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The wide-ranging landscape of criminology offers avenues of research and understanding from variousspheres of knowledge. Narrative psychology is one branch of inquiry that exemplifies how subjective realms of ontology contribute to the current understanding of human behavior, including criminality. Wilber’s Integral Theory (IT) provides an overarching orientation for subjective/intersubjective and empirical/objective approaches to the study of crime and justice. Both of these spheres (internal and external) provide a basis for discussion of criminality and attendant ideas of justice and morality. Narrative psychology advances the notion of the importance of the story-telling metaphor as an internal/subjective principle for understanding people’s behaviors, perceptions, and constructions about meaning within their lives. Elements of Integral theory hold a natural alignment with these sub-fields. They can serve as an overall meta-theoretical framework for understanding how these subjective/intersubjective inquires fit into the greater vision of the potential sources and motivations of criminal behavior.

Publication Title

Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology

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OA Journal

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