Social Work & Criminal Justice Publications | Social Work & Criminal Justice | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2021


Dyslexia Primer for Social Work Translational Research to Update Strengths-Based Practice, Advocacy, and Attitudes, Michelle Garner

Submissions from 2020

Workforce participation of parents of children and youth with mental health difficulties: the impact of community services and supports, Claudia Sellmaier, Lisa M. Stewart, and Eileen M. Brennan

Exploring Subcultural Trajectories: Racist Skinhead Disengagement, Desistance, and Countercultural Value Persistence, Eric Madfis and Stanislav Vysotsky

‘I see all the life’: designing spaces of respite for survivors of violence, Barb Toews


Is There No Place For Us? The Psychosocial Challenges and Rewards of Aging with HIV, Charles A. Emlet and Mark Brennan-Ing

Reconnecting Youth: Beyond Individualized Programs and Risks, Randy Myers, Tim Goddard, and Jennifer Davidtz

Older Caregivers With HIV: An Unrecognized Gap in the Literature, Charles A. Emlet, Yookyong Lee, David S. Batey, Olivio J. Clay, Pariya L. Fazeli, and David E. Vance

The Moderating Effect of Social Support and Social Integration on the Relationship Between Involuntary Job Loss and Health, Gillian L. Marshall, Maureen Caravan, and William T. Gallo

The Role of the Question in Writing the Self: Implications for Poetry Therapy, Rich Furman

Assessing The Evidence: How Systems That Address Intimate Partner Violence Evaluate The Credibility And Utility Of Research Findings, Erin Casey, Taryn P. Lindhorst, and Claire Wiley-Sthapit


Research priorities for rehabilitation and aging with HIV: a framework from the Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC), Charles A. Emlet, Kelly K. O'Brien, Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, Patricia Solomon, Richard Harding, Darren Brown, Puja Ahluwalia, Soo Chan Carusone, Larry Baxter, Gayle Restall, Alan Casey, Amrita Ahluwalia, Adria Quigley, Alex R. Terpstra, and Nkem Ononiwu

The Price of Mental Well-Being in Later Life: The Role of Financial Hardship and Debt, Gillian L. Marshall, Eva Kahana, William T. Gallo, Kim L. Stansbury, and Stephen Thielke

Feeling at Home in Nature: A Mixed Method Study of the Impact of Visitor Activities and Preferences in a Prison Visiting Room Garden, Barb Toews, Amy Wagenfield, Julie Stevens, and Carissa Shoemaker

Korean Adoptees as Parents: Intergenerationality of Ethnic, Racial, and Adoption Socialization, Jaeran Kim, Xiang Zhou, Heewon Lee, and Richard M. Lee

Disability Accommodation Experiences of Social Work Students in the United States, Claudia Sellmaier and JaeRan Kim

The Role of Shame in Developmental Trajectories Towards Severe Targeted School Violence: An In-Depth Multiple Case Study, Eric Madfis, Friederike Sommer, Vincenz Leuschner, Nora Fielder, and Herbert Scheithauer

Social Norms: Are Sexually Aggressive Men More Likely to Misperceive Other Men’s Sexual Desires and Behavior?, Erin Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, and Blair Beadnell


Narratives of Crime: Narrative Psychology and the Integral Theory Perspective, Jeffrey W. Cohen, Randy Martin, and David R. Champion

Submissions from 2019

Incarcerated Girls, Criminal Pathways and Multiple Forms of Abuse, Janelle Hawes, Jerry Flores, and Breanne Bhinder

Naming and Sharing Power in Prison Workshop Settings, Barb Toews, Margo Campbell, and Anne Dalke


Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention and Response: What Drives the Commuter Campus Student Experience?, Erin Casey, Sarah Cote Hampson, and Alissa R. Ackerman

Editors’ Introduction to the Special Issue, “Neoliberal Youth Carceralism and Alternative Visions of Justice”, Randy Myers and Tim Goddard

Systemic Endangerment: A Tale of Neoliberal “Slumcare”, Kenneth A. Cruz

Global Efforts to Engage Men and Boys in Gender-Based Violence Prevention, Erin Casey, Richard M. Tolman, Juliana Carlson, Christopher Allen, and Cliff Leek

Young People, Shadow Carceral Innovations, and the Reproduction of Inequality, Randy Myers, Kaitlyn J. Selman, and Tim Goddard

Adoption Discontinuity in Intensive Out-of-Home Care Settings, JaeRan Kim, Kristine Piescher, and Traci LaLiberte

Making Disability Visible in Social Work Education, JaeRan Kim and Claudia Sellmaier

What’s in a Name? A Synthesis of “Allyship” Elements From Academic and Activist Literature, Juliana Carlson, Cliff Leek, Erin Casey, Rich Tolman, and Christopher Allen


The Inclusive Family Support Model: Facilitating Openness for Post-Adoptive Families, JaeRan Kim and Angela Tucker


Generational Shifts: Adult Adoptee Scholars’ Perspective on Future Research and Practice, Hollee A. Mcginnis, Amanda L. Baden, Adam Y. Kim, and Jaeran Kim

The Global Impact of HIV on Sexual and Gender Minority Older Adults: Challenges, Progress, and Future Directions, Charles A. Emlet, Kelly K. O’Brien, and Karen Fredriksen Goldsen

Integrating Work and Family Responsibilities: Experiences of Fathers of Children With Special Health Care Needs, Claudia Sellmaier

Accounting for HIV Health Disparities: Risk and Protective Factors Among Older Gay and Bisexual Men, Charles A. Emlet, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, and Hyunzee Jung

Food Security in the Context of Paternal Incarceration: Family Impact Perspectives, K.M. Davison, C. D'Andreamatteo, S. Markham, C. Holloway, G. Marshall, and V.L. Smye

Are the Deadliest Mass Shootings Preventable? An Assessment of Leakage, Information Reported to Law Enforcement, and Firearms Acquisition Prior to Attacks in the United States, A. Lankford, K.G. Adkins, and E. Madfis


Gender Differences in the Association Between Modifiable Risk Factors and Financial Hardship Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults, G.L. Marshall, W. Bryson, O. Ronstant, and S. Canham


Cost-Related Delay in Filling Prescriptions and Health Care Ratings Among Medicare Advantage Recipients, T.J. Parikh, C.D. Helfrich, A.R. Quiñones, G.L. Marshall-Fabien, L.K. Makaroun, M.A. Black, and S.M. Thielke


Young Adult Reflections on the Impact of Parental Incarceration and Reentry, Diane S. Young and Carrie Jefferson Smith

Submissions from 2018

Giving Back Is Receiving: The Role of Generativity in Successful Aging Among HIV-Positive Older Adults, C.A. Emlet and L. Harris


An Examination of the Sufficiency of Small Qualitative Samples, Diane S. Young and Erin A. Casey


Kept in the Dark: Exploring Children's Preparation for Parental Incarceration and Reentry, Diane Young and Carrie Smith


Examining Men’s Perceptions of GBV Prevention Programming Content, C.T. Allen, J. Carlson, E.A. Casey, R.M. Tolman, and C. Leek

Crossover Youth and Gender: What Are the Challenges of Girls Involved in Both the Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Systems?, Jerry Flores, Janelle Hawes, Angela Westbrooks, and Chanae Henderson


Walking the Walk or Just Talk?: A Global Examination of Men’s Intentions to Take Violence Preventative Action, E.A. Casey, C.T. Allen, R.M. Tolman, J.M. Carlson, and C. Leek

Perceptions of Men Who Have Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence on Creating a Transition to Fatherhood Program, J. Carlson and E.A. Casey


“It’s a dead place”: A qualitative exploration of violence survivors’ perceptions of justice architecture, Barb Toews

The Association Between Hardship and Self-Rated Health: Does the Choice of Indicator Matter?, Gillian L. Marshall and Reginald Tucker-Seeley

Female Involvement in School Rampage Plots, Eric Madfis and Jeff W. Cohen

The Construction of School Bullying as a Social Problem, Jeff Cohen and Robert Brooks

Harming Animals and Massacring Humans: Characteristics of Public Mass and Active Shooters Who Abused Animals, A. Arluke, A. Lankford, and Eric Madfis

Employed Parents of Children Receiving Mental Health Services: Caregiver Strain and Work–life Integration, A.M. Brannan, E.M. Brennan, Claudia Sellmaier, and J.M. Rosenzweig

Is Online Training an Effective Workforce Development Strategy for Transition Service Providers? Results of a Comparative Study, E.M. Brennan, C. Sellmaier, P. Jivanjee, and L. Grover

Longitudinal Impact of a Randomized Clinical Trial to Improve Family Function, Reduce Maternal Stress and Improve Child Outcomes in Families of Children With ADHD, S.S. Churchill, M.C. Leo, E.M. Brennan, C. Sellmaier, J. Kendall, and G.M. Houck

The World Is a Scary Place: Individual Differences in Belief in a Dangerous World Predict Specific Intergroup Prejudices, C.L. Cook, Y.J. Li, S.M. Newell, C.A. Cottrell, and R. Neel

Media Coverage of Mass Killers: Content, Consequences, and Solutions, A. Lankford and E. Madfis

Rampage School Shootings, J. Levin and E. Madfis


Pain and Hardship Among Older Men: Examining the Buffering Effect of Medicare Insurance Coverage, G.L. Marshall, T.A. Baker, C. Song, and D.B. Miller


Voluntary Placements in Child Welfare: A Comparative Analysis of State Statutes, Annette Semanchin Jones, JaeRan Kim, K. Hill, and J. Diebold

Designing the Correctional Landscape: An Invitation to Landscape Architecture Professionals, J.L. Stevens, B. Toews, and A. Wagenfeld

Impact of a Nature-Based Intervention on Incarcerated Women, B. Toews, A. Wagenfeld, and J. Stevens

Reconfiguring Worker Subjectivity: Career Advice Literature and the “Branding” of the Worker's Self, S.P. Vallas and A.L. Hill

Submissions from 2017

Exploring Adoption-Specific Curricula in Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs, Bibiana D. Koh, JaeRan Kim, and Ruth McRoy

ÒYou Can't Run Into a Burning Building Without Getting Burned YourselfÓ: An Ecological Systems Perspective of Parents Choosing Out-Of-Home Care for an Intercountry Adopted Child, JaeRan Kim


For Girls With Moms in Prison, Growing Up Is Hard to Do, Marian Harris

ÔLosing My Religion:Õ an Exploration of Religion and Spirituality in Men Who Claim to Have Desisted From Sexual Offending, Alissa Ackerman, Molly Haley, and Danielle Arlanda Harris

What's Holding Women Back From Creating Leadership Parity?, Donta Harper


ÒThe Journey I Have Been ThroughÓ: The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Aging Well Among HIV-Positive Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet


Intercountry Adoption, Jae Ran Kim and O.M. Kim


Bouncing Back: Resilience and Mastery Among HIV-Positive Older Gay and Bisexual Men, Charles A. Emlet

The Cascading Effects of Marginalization and Pathways of Resilience in Attaining Good Health Among LGBT Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Green Light Given to More Research on Health Disparities in LGBT Elders, Charles A. Emlet and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen

Incarcerated Mothers: Trauma and Attachment Issues, Marian S. Harris

Guest Editorial: Children of Incarcerated Parents: Challenges and Promise, Marian S. Harris and J. Mark Eddy

Stigma in an Aging Context, Charles A. Emlet

Plan of Action for Real-World Translation of LGBTQ Health and Aging Research, K.I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, H.-J. Kim, G.L. McKenzie, L. Krinsky, and C.A. Emlet

Instituting Contact Visits at King County's Jail Between Children & Their Incarcerated Parents, Marian S. Harris


A Retrospective Look at the Experience of Parental Incarceration and Family Reentry During Adolescence, Carrie Jefferson Smith and Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2016


The Significance of Community Support for Survivors of a Natural Disaster, Marian S. Harris, Ganita Musa, and Ryan Brookman

Being an Agent of Change in the Criminal Justice System: Preparation and Practice, Janelle Hawes, Tarna Derby-McCurtain, Ashleigh Watson, Regina Harper, Liliana Carcoza, Shannon Widdicombe, and Stephanie Moller


A Latent Class Analysis of Heterosexual Young Men's Masculinities, Erin A. Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, Blair Beadnell, Elizabeth A. Wells, Diane M. Morrison, and Marilyn J. Hoppe


Gender Transformative Approaches to Engaging Men in Gender-Based Violence Prevention: A Review and Conceptual Model, Erin Casey, Juliana Carlson, Sierra Two Bulls, and Aurora Yager

Uniting the Right: Anti-Immigration, Organizing, and the Legitimation of Extreme Racist Organizations, Stanislav Vysotsky and Eric Madfis


What Motivates Men's Involvement in Gender-Based Violence Prevention? Latent Class Profiles and Correlates in an International Sample of Men, Erin A. Casey, Richard M. Tolman, Juliana Carlson, Christopher T. Allen, and Heather L. Storer


Predicting Sexual Assault Perpetration Among Heterosexually Active Young Men, Erin A. Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, Blair Beadnell, Marilyn J. Hoppe, Diane M. Morrison, and Elizabeth A. Wells

Methods for Quantifying the Clinical Significance of Change During Intervention Program Participation, Blair Beadnell, Pamela A. Stafford, Michele A. Crisafulli, Erin A. Casey, and David B. Rosengren

Feminist Mentoring and Relational Cultural Theory: A Case Example and Implications, Ann Rosegrant Alvarez and Marceline M. Lazzari

Exploring Ethnic Variation in the Relationship Between Stress, Social Networks, and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Black Americans, Gillian L. Marshall-Fabien and David B. Miller

Primary Prevention Is? A Global Perspective On How Organizations Engaging Men In Preventing Gender-Based Violence Conceptualize And Operationalize Their Work, Heather L. Storer, Erin A. Casey, Juliana Carlson, Jeffrey L. Edleson, and Richard M. Tolman


The Situational-Cognitive Model of Adolescent Bystander Behavior: Modeling Bystander Decision-Making in the Context of Bullying and Teen Dating Violence., Erin A. Casey, Taryn Lindhorst, and Heather L. Storer

How Many Sex Offenders Really Live Among Us? Adjusted Counts and Population Rates in Five US States, A.R. Ackerman, J.S. Levenson, and A.J. Harris

Hidden Corporate Profits in the U.S. Prison System: The Unorthodox Policy-Making of the American Legislative Exchange Council, R. Cooper, C. Heldman, A.R. Ackerman, and V.A. Farrar-Meyers


The Northwest Detention Center: A Nexus of the Immigration Debate, Dafney Blanca Dabach, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, David Androff, Doug Epps, Susanna Jones, and Melody Loya


Social, Economic, and Health Disparities Among LGBT Older Adults, C.A. Emlet

Social Networks of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults, Elena A. Erosheva, Hyun-Jun Kim, Charles A. Emlet, and Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen


A Real American, JaeRan Kim

Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions: School Issues, JaeRan Kim and B. Hall

Critical Criminologies of the Present and Future: Left Realism, Left Idealism, and What's Left in Between, Eric Madfis and Jeffrey Cohen

Hardship Among Older Adults in the HRS: Exploring Measurement Differences Across Socio-Demographic Characteristics, R. D. Tucker-Seeley, Gillian Marshall, and F. Yang

Submissions from 2015

ÒBrothers Under the BridgeÓ Factors Influencing the Transience of Registered Sex Offenders in Florida, Kelly M. Socia, Jill S. Levenson, Alissa R. Ackerman, and Andrew J. Harris

How Childhood Maltreatment Profiles of Male Victims Predict Adult Perpetration and Psychosocial Functioning, Kelly Cue Davis, N. Tatiana Masters, Erin Casey, Kelly F. Kajumulo, Jeanette Norris, and William H. George