Social Work & Criminal Justice Publications | Social Work & Criminal Justice | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2012

The Slippery Slope of Evaluation: Ethics & Methodological Challenges Using a Case Study of a Housing Development, JoDee Keller, Janice H. Laakso, Christine Stevens, and Cathy Tashiro

Poetry, Masculinities, and Disability, Riki Thompson, Rich Furman, Noel Shafi, and Michelle Enterline

Across Crimes, Criminals, and Contexts: Traps Along the Troubled Path Towards a General Theory of Crime, Eric Madfis

Can general strain theory be used to explain recidivism among registered sex offenders?, Alissa R. Ackerman and Meghan Sacks

Poetry Therapy, Men and Masculinities, Rich Furman and LeContÂŽ Dill

Men at Risk: Considering Masculinity During Hospital-Based Social Work Intervention, Ren Winnett, Rich Furman, and Michelle Enterline


The Social Construction of Serial Murder Victims: A Multivariate Level Analysis, Janelle M. Eliasson-Nannini and Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers


Poetry Matters: A Case for Poetry in Social Work Practice, Rich Furman, Michelle Enterline, Riki Thompson, and Allison Shukraft

Assessing reporting patterns of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church using discontinuities in model parameter timeseries, Alissa R. Ackerman and Bilal Khan

Project-Based Housing First for Chronically Homeless Individuals With Alcohol Problems: Within-Subjects Analyses of 2-Year Alcohol Trajectories, Michelle Garner

Faulty Sex Offense Policies, Alissa R. Ackerman and Karen J. Terry

Role Conflict and Congruence: Academic Sociologists Occupy Boston, Tammi Arford and Andrea Hill

Taking Stock: Exploring Trends in the Field of Men's Studies Through a Content Analysis of the American Men's Studies Association (AMSA) Annual Conference Programs (1993-2011), Jeffrey W. Cohen and Yiu-Tung Suen

Introducing Embedded Indigenous Psychological Support Teams: A Suggested Addition to Psychological First Aid in an International Context, Amanda Edwards-Stewart, Zeba S. Ahmad, John W. Thoburn, Rich Furman, Ashly J. Lambert, Lauren Shelly, and Ginger Gunn


Jail Pedagogy: Liberatory Education Inside a California Juvenile Detention Facility, Jerry Flores


The Criminalization of Immigration: Value Conflicts for the Social Work Profession, Rich Furman, Alissa R. Ackerman, Melody Loya, Susanna Jones, and Nalini Negi

Men at Risk in a Global WorldÑChallenges for a Transnational Social Work, Rich Furman, Elke Kaufmann, and Alissa R. Ackerman

The Impossible Flaw of Nativism: The Need for Transnational Social Policy, Rich Furman and Michelle Sanchez

Breaking the Silence: Teaching My Children to Talk About Race and Racism, JaeRan Kim


Cooking Lessons, JaeRan Kim


Some Children See Him: A Transracial Adoptee's View of Color-Blind Christianity, JaeRan Kim

Children of Incarcerated Parents: How a Mentoring Program Can Make a Difference, Janice H. Laakso and Julie Nygaard


Cultivating Bias in the Media: Problematic Presentations and Future Prospects, Jack Levin and Eric Madfis


Aging: Social and Cultural Perspectives, Gillian L. Marshall


Conceptualizing Power in Organizations, Steven Vallas and Andrea Hill

Submissions from 2011


The Importance of Social Connectedness in Building Age-Friendly Communities, Charles A. Emlet and Joane T. Moceri


The Aging and Health Report: Disparities and Resilience Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults, Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, Charles A. Emlet, Anna Muraco, Elena A. Erosheva, Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, Jayn Goldsen, and Heidi Petry

Examining the Social Construction of Serial Homicide Victims With Multivariate Analysis, Janelle Eliasson-Nannini and Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers


Diversity and Clinical Social Work, Marian S. Harris and Shirley Bonney

What Do We Know About Older Adults and HIV? A Review of Social and Behavioral Literature, Andrea Sankar, Andrea Nevedal, Stewart Neufeld, Rico Berry, and Mark Luborsky


Being A Positive Bystander: Male Antiviolence AlliesÕ Experiences Of "Stepping Up", Erin A. Casey and Kristin Ohler

Volunteer and User Evaluation of the National Sexual Assault Online Hotline, Sarah Bowen, Neharika Chawla, Susan E. Collins, Katie Witkiewitz, Sharon Hsu, Joel Grow, Seema Clifasefi, Michelle Garner, and Anne Douglass


Thinking Practice: The Social Work Integral Model, Michelle Garner

HIV, Sexual Health, and Psychosocial Issues Among Older Adults Living With HIV in North America, David J. Brennan, Charles A. Emlet, and Angela Eady

Who are the people in your neighborhood? A descriptive analysis of individuals on public sex offender registries, Alissa R. Ackerman, Andrew J. Harris, and Jill S. Levenson

Adult Attachment Typology in a Sample of High-Risk Mothers, Marian S. Harris


Female Prisoner, Alissa R. Ackerman


Female Prison Guard, Alissa R. Ackerman


Female Sex Offender, Alissa R. Ackerman


Male Sex Offender, Alissa R. Ackerman


Pedophilia Online, Alissa R. Ackerman


Sexting, Alissa R. Ackerman


Social Work Practice With Men at Risk?, Rich Furman

White Male Privilege in the Context of My Life, Rich Furman


Understanding Disproportionality and Child Welfare, Marian S. Harris


Comprehensive Family Assessment: An Evaluation of Fidelity, Kristine N. Piescher, JaeRan Kim, Jennifer Heldt, Todd Stump, and Traci LaLiberte


Preventive Detention, Meghan Sacks and Alissa R. Ackerman


Restorative Justice in Prisons, Barb Toews and M. Kay Harris

Introduction, Diane Young

Vocational Education for Incarcerated Women: One Piece of the Puzzle, Diane Young

Submissions from 2010

Strategies For Engaging Men As Anti-Violence Allies: Implications For Ally Movements, Erin A. Casey


Enhancing Self-Awareness: A Practical Strategy to Train Culturally Responsive Social Work Students, Nalini J. Negi, Kimberly A. Bender, Rich Furman, Dawnovise N. Fowler, and Julia Clark Prickett

The Latino Image Divide: Immigration, Crime, and Education, Jorge Chavez, Christine Englebrecht, and Janelle Nannini

Using a Standardized Patient Approach to Enhance Clinical Skills in Gerontological Social Work, Charles A. Emlet


"How Can I Not?": Men's Pathways To Involvement In Anti-Violence Against Women Work, Erin A. Casey and Tyler Smith


Annotated Bibliography: Families and Children Affected by Incarceration, Diane S. Young and J. A. Mienko


Frontline Worker Responses To Domestic Violence Disclosure In Public Welfare Offices, Taryn Lindhorst, Erin A. Casey, and Marcia Meyers


The Structure Of Male Adolescent Peer Networks And Risk For Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: Findings From A National Sample, Erin A. Casey and Blair Beadnell

Analyzing Narratives Through Poetic Forms and Structures in Gerontology: Applying New Tools in Qualitative Research, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, and D. Bruce Taylor

Rural African American Clergy: An Exploration of Their Attitudes and Knowledge of Alzheimer's Disease, Kim L. Stansbury, Gillian L. Marshall, Debra A. Harley, and Nancy Nelson

Rejoinder to Ã’Prison Dances: Teaching and Learning behind Bars", Jeffrey W. Cohen, Corey Dolgon, and Mary Chayko

Foreword & Introduction, JaeRan Kim

Luminaries: Authority and Aggrandizement Within the American Black Church, Janelle Nannini

Victims Like Me: An Examination of Serial Homicide Victim Presentation in Print Media, Janelle Nannini and Thomas Wilson

Ethnic Group Comparisons in Mental Health Outcomes of Adult Alumni of Foster Care, Marian S. Harris, Lovie J. Jackson, Kirk O'Brien, and Peter Pecora

'I Want Child Care He's Gonna Be Happy In': A Case Study of a Father's Child Care Experiences, Deborah Ceglowski, Jeffrey Shears, and Rich Furman


Santa Barbara School District Gang Intervention Specialist Evaluation Report, Victor M. Rios, Patrick Lopez-Aguado, Mario Galicia, Gisselle Lopez-Tello, Jerry Flores, and Rachel Sarabia

The Honorable Barbara Mikulski: Fighting for Social Justice in the United States Senate, Kathryn S. Collins and Marceline M. Lazzari

The Social Construction of Serial Murder Victims: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage., Janelle Eliasson-Nannini, Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers, Christopher Bradley, and Benjamin Pearson-Nelson


Midlife and Older Persons, Charles A. Emlet

Introduction, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, and Melody Loya


An Introduction to Transnational Social Work, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, and R. Salvador


Comprehensive Family Assessment Formative Evaluation, JaeRan Kim and Traci LaLiberte


Comprehensive Family Assessment Formative Evaluation, JaeRan Kim, Kristine N. Piescher, Traci LaLiberte, and Elizabeth Snyder

An In-Depth Examination Into the Status of Minority Teachers in U.S. Public Schools: Crisis and Strategies for Improvement, Chance W. Lewis, Jeffrey Shears, and Rich Furman

Sexual Offenders, Karen J. Terry, Orestis Giotakos, Maria Tsiliakou, and Alissa R. Ackerman

Submissions from 2009

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Substance Use Disorders: A Pilot Efficacy Trial, Michelle Garner and Heidi Haynes

What Is Advanced in Generalist Practice? A Conceptual Discussion, Melissa R. Lavitt

The Graying of HIV/AIDS: Preparedness and Needs of the Aging Network in a Changing Epidemic, Charles A. Emlet, Amanda Gerkin, and Nancy Orel

Disproportionality in Education and Employment Outcomes of Adult Foster Care Alumni, Marian S. Harris, Lovie J. Jackson, Kirk O'Brien, and Peter J. Pecora

Feminists in Social Work Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, Marceline M. Lazzari, Lisa Colarossi, and Kathryn S. Collins

Explorations of Depression Poetry and Narrative in Autoethnographic Qualitative Research, Heather L. Gallardo, Rich Furman, and Shanti Kulkarni

Providing Social Services to Mexico-USA Transmigrants, Nalini Junko Negi and Rich Furman

Predictors Of Sexually Coercive Behavior In A Nationally Representative Sample Of Adolescent Males, Erin A. Casey, Blair Beadnell, and Taryn P. Lindhorst

Supervisor Preferences for the Design and Delivery of Training, Ann E. MacEachron, Nora Gustavsson, Melissa Lavitt, and Eli Bartle

Mass Murder at School and Cumulative Strain a Sequential Model, Jack Levin and Eric Madfis


Toward A Multi-Level, Ecological Approach To The Primary Prevention Of Sexual Assault: Prevention In Peer And Community Contexts, Erin A. Casey and Taryn P. Lindhorst

Social Work Practice With Latinos: Key Issues for Social Workers, Rich Furman, Nalini Junko Negi, Derek Kenji Iwamoto, Diana Rowan, Allison Shukraft, and Jennifer Gragg

Health Care and Public Service Use and Costs Before and After Provision of Housing for Chronically Homeless Persons With Severe Alcohol Problems, Michelle D. Garner

Using Social Work Theory for the Facilitation of Friendships, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, Michelle Garner, Karen Lee Montanaro, and Gwen Weber


A History of Sex Offender Registration, Alissa R. Ackerman and Karen J. Terry

Teaching with integrity. Review of ÒThe courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacherÕs life. 10th Anniversary EditionÓ by Parker J. Palmer., Jeffrey W. Cohen

Co-Leadership, Kathryn S. Collins and Marceline M. Lazzari


HIV/AIDS Treatments, Charles A. Emlet and R. A. Shippy


Multiculturalism, Michelle Garner, D. E. Logan, and B. A. Woods

The Perceptions of Social Work Junior Faculty About the Relationship Between Scholarship and Various Workload Demands, Susanna Jones, Melody Aye Loya, and Rich Furman


Ritual Killing, Eric Madfis

Submissions from 2008


Social Work Practice With Latinos Living With HIV/ AIDS, Diana Rowan, Rich Furman, April Jones, and Kevin Edwards


The Perceptions of Mexican-American Men as Fathers, Jeffrey Shears, Rich Furman, and Nalini Junko Negi

The Social Construction of Serial Murder Victims: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage, Janelle Nannini, Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers, and Christopher Bradley