Social Work & Criminal Justice Publications | Social Work & Criminal Justice | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2008

Transnational Social Work: Using a Wraparound Model, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, Mona C.S. Schatz, and Susanna Jones

Establishing a Protocol for the Study of Clergy Malfeasance in North American Minority Groups, Anson Shupe, Christopher Bradley, and Janelle Nannini

Alcohol, Child Maltreatment, and Parenting Stress in the Lives of Birth Mothers, Marian S. Harris

Kinship Care for African American Children Disproportionate and Disadvantageous, Marian S. Harris and Ada Skyles

Truth and Consequences: A Qualitative Exploration of HIV Disclosure in Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet

The Immigration Debate: Lessons for Social Workers, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, and Ann Liza Cisneros-Howard

Coding Gender: Using IMP to Construct a Content Analysis of Gender Definitions in Scientific Research, Jeffrey W. Cohen

An International Experience for Social Work Students: Self-Reflection Through Poetry and Journal Writing Exercises, Rich Furman, Ann Coyne, and Nalini Junko Negi

Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church How Situational Crime Prevention Strategies Can Help Create Safe Environments, Karen J. Terry and Alissa R. Ackerman


Faculty Perceptions of Curricular Deficits in Preparing Students for Practice With Latinos, Rich Furman, Kimberly Bender, Chance Lewis, and Jeffery Shears


Using Films to Teach Social Welfare Policy, Debra Anderson, Carol Langer, Rich Furman, and Kim Bender


Examining Strain in a School Context, Daniel R. Lee and Jeffrey W. Cohen

An Exploration of the Type of Media Coverage Given to Serial Murder Victims, Janelle Nannini

An Exploration of the Amount and Type of Media Coverage Given to Serial Murder Victims After the Elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, Christopher Bradley and Janelle Nannini

Using Poetry and Photography as Qualitative Data: A Study of a Psychiatric Hospital in China, Rich Furman, Peter Szto, and Carol Langer


Social Work Practice Innovations: Helping Clients Understand, Explore, and Develop Their Friendships, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, and Janet Swanson


Poetry Therapy as a Tool for Strengths-Based Practice, Rich Furman, Eleanor Pepi Downey, Robert L. Jackson, and Kimberly Bender

Decision Points in Child Welfare: An Action Research Model to Address Disproportionality, Marian S. Harris and Wanda Hackett


What Is Social Justice? Updates From the Council on Social Work Education Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice, M. Abramovitz and Marceline M. Lazzari

"What About Women?" Historical Perspectives on the Cswe Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (Women's Council), Ann Rosegrant Alvarez, Kathryn S. Collins, Helen V. Graber, and Marceline M. Lazzari

2008 Undergraduate Student Survey Report, Christopher Bradley, Debra Boggs, Joy Hartwell-Lein, and Janelle Eliasson-Nannini


Athletes, Athletics And Violence In Sports, Erin A. Casey


Date Rape, Sexual Harassment And Other Forms Of Sexual Coercion: Effective Intervention, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius


Engaging Adolescents In Sexual Assault And Harassment Prevention, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius

Jessie Taft and the Functional School: The Impact of Our History, Rich Furman


Students' Lived Experiences of Practice Courses Presented Through the Research Poem, Rich Furman, D. Bruce Taylor, and Meredith Badinelli

Book Review: Family Interventions in Domestic Violence: A Handbook of Gender Inclusive Theory and Treatment, Marian S. Harris


Silent Victims: Issues and Interventions for Children Exposed to Violence, Marian S. Harris


Myths and facts about sexual violence: Public perceptions and implications for prevention, Stacey Katz-Schiavone, Jill S. Levenson, and Alissa R. Ackerman

Waiting for God: Korean American Adoptee Experiences of Religion and Spirituality, JaeRan Kim

The Changing Qualities of Violence in American Popular Culture, Jack Levin and Eric Madfis


Screening For Domestic Violence In Public Welfare Offices, Taryn Lindhorst, Marcia Meyers, and Erin A. Casey

African Americans Living in Social Isolation: Implications for Social Work Practice, Jeffrey Shears, Chance W. Lewis, Rich Furman, D. Magee, M. Scott, and C. Thompson

Restorative Justice and Prison Reform, Barb Toews


Criminal Courts, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2007

Development Research of a Teachers' Educational Performance Support System: The Practices of Design, Development, and Evaluation, Wei-Chen Hung, Thomas J. Smith, Marian S. Harris, and James Lockard

Effects Of Friendship Closeness In An Adolescent Group Hiv Prevention Intervention, Diane M. Morrison, Erin A. Casey, Blair A. Beadnell, Marilyn J. Hoppe, and Mary Rogers Gillmore

Research Trajectories of Female Scholars in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Stephen K. Rice, Karen J. Terry, and Holly Ventura Miller

Children of Incarcerated Parents Project: How a Mentoring Program Can Make a Difference, Janice H. Laakso and Julie Nygaard


Experiences of Stigma in Older Adults Living With HIV/AIDS: A Mixed-Methods Analysis, Charles Emlet

The Mundane, the Existential, and the Poetic, Rich Furman

Mexican Men and Their Fathers: Analyzing and Representing Data Through the Research Poem, Rich Furman, Jeffery Shears, and Meredith Badinelli

Tending the Soul: A Teaching Module for Increasing Student Sensitivity to the Spiritual Needs of Older Adults, Kathryn S. Collins, Rich Furman, Ruthanne Hackman, Kim Bender, and Elizabeth A. Bruce

Extending the Use of the 40-Item HIV-Stigma Scale to Older Adults: An Examination of Reliability and Validity, Charles A. Emlet

Expressive, Research and Reflective Poetry as Qualitative Inquiry: A Study of Adolescent Identity, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, Christine S. Davis, Heather P. Gallardo, and Shanti Kulkarni

African American Mothers and Their Mothers, Marian S. Harris

Replicating A Teen Hiv/Std Preventive Intervention In A Multicultural City, Diane M. Morrison, Marilyn J. Hoppe, Elizabeth A. Wells, Blair A. Beadnell, and Anthony Wilsdon


Poetry and Narrative as Qualitative Data: Explorations Into Existential Theory, Richard Furman

Misconceptions of Gender: Sex, Masculinity, and the Measurement of Crime, Jeffrey W. Cohen and Patrick J. Harvey

A Model for Teaching Qualitative Research Methods to Undergraduate Social Work Students, Carol L. Langer, Cynthia A. Lietz, and Rich Furman


Faculty Self-Reflection and Study-Abroad: An Expressive Aproach to Autoethnography, Rich Furman

A Qualitative Study of Immigration Policy and Practice Dilemmas for Social Work Students, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, Thomas Wayne Sanchez, and Nalini Junko Negi

Social Work Practice With Transnational Latino Populations, Rich Furman and Nalini Junko Negi

Qualitative Study of Letters to President Kennedy From Persons With Mental Illness and Their Families: Using the Research Poem in Policy Oriented Research, A, Rich Furman and Allison Shukraft


Jail Mental Health Services, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2006

Assessing a Community's Elder Friendliness: A Case Example of the AdvantAge Initiative, David Hanson and Charles A. Emlet

Establishing Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research in Social Work Implications From a Study Regarding Spirituality, Cynthia A. Lietz, Carol L. Langer, and Rich Furman

An Examination of the Social Networks and Social Isolation in Older and Younger Adults Living With HIV/AIDS, Charles A. Emlet

Trends In The Prevalence And Characteristics Of Sexual Violence: A Cohort Analysis, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius

Book Review of Federal Narcotic Laws and the War on Drugs: Money Down a Rat Hole by Thomas C. Rowe, Eric Madfis

Poetry as Research: Advancing Scholarship and the Development of Poetry Therapy as a Profession, Rich Furman


The Research Poem in International Social Work: Innovations in Qualitative Methodology, Rich Furman, Cynthia Lietz, and Carol L. Langer


States' Initiatives to Address the Needs of Persons Dually Diagnosed With Psychiatric and Developmental Disabilities, Jessica Hartley, Eric Madfis, Elizabeth Pell, and Deborah Potter


A Comparison of HIV Stigma and Disclosure Patterns Between Older and Younger Adults Living With HIV/AIDS, Charles Emlet

Building and Marketing an Image in Child Welfare, Carol L. Langer, Debra K. Anderson, Rich Furman, and James R. Blue

A Qualitative Study of Social Development Paradoxes in Guatemala Using the Research Poem, Rich Furman

Poetic Forms and Structures in Qualitative Health Research, Rich Furman

A Survey of Pastoral Care Services for Older Adults, Kathryn S. Collins, Tirelo Modie Moroka, Rich Furman, and Elizabeth Bruce

Book Review of Understanding Social Inequality: Intersections of Clars, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Canada, Janice H. Laakso

Book Review: Weaving a Family: Untangling Race and Adoption, M. S. Harris

Women, Abuse, and the Welfare Bureaucracy, Janice H. Laakso and Denise J. Drevdahl

Poetry Therapy as a Tool of Cognitively Based Practice, Kathryn S. Collins, Rich Furman, and Carol L. Langer


Health Issues of Older Adults With HIV/AIDS, Charles A. Emlet and K. M. Noakes


Services for HIV-infected and HIV-affected Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet and Cynthia Cannon Poindexter

Inside a Provider's Perspective: Using Practitioner Poetry to Explore the Treatment of Persons With Mental Illness, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, Carol Langer, and Elisabeth A. Bruce


Managed Care and the Care of the Soul, Rich Furman and Carol L. Langer

The Poet/Practitioner: A Paradigm for the Profession, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, and Debra K. Anderson

Book Review: Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil by Mark A. Graber, Andrea Hill

Scattered Seeds: The Christian Influence on the Korean Adoption Phenomenon, JaeRan Kim


Noncustodial Fathers' Involvement With Their Children: A Right Or a Privilege?, Janice Laakso and Sheri Adams


Health Care Strategies for Older Adults With HIV/AIDS, K. M. Noakes and Charles A. Emlet


Identity Health, Stress, And Support: Profiles Of Transition To Motherhood Among High Risk Adolescent Girls, Paula S. Nurius, Erin A. Casey, Taryn P. Lindhorst, and RJ Macy

Challenges for Formerly Incarcerated Women, Patricia O'Brien and Diane Young


HIV-Infected and HIV-Affected Older Adults, Cynthia Cannon Poindexter and Charles A. Emlet

Systemische Implikationen Zum Menschen Und Seiner Position in Der Sozialen Arbeit (Systemic Implications About Human Beings and Their Position in Social Work), Claudia Sellmaier

Enhancing the Vocational Skills of Incarcerated Women Through a Plumbing Maintenance Program, Diane S. Young and Robert F. Mattucci

Submissions from 2005

Culturally Sensitive Practices and Crisis Management, Rich Furman and Kathryn S. Collins

Autoethnographic Poems and Narrative Reflections: A Qualitative Study on the Death of a Companion Animal, Rich Furman

Examining Interpersonal Relationship Predictors of Delinquency Across Ethnic and Racial Samples, Jeffrey K. Shears and Rich Furman

Measuring Stigma in Older and Younger Adults With HIV/AIDS: An Analysis of an HIV Stigma Scale and Initial Exploration of Subscales, Charles A. Emlet

Using Poetry and Written Exercises to Teach Empathy, Rich Furman

Poetry and Photography an Exploration Into Expressive/Creative Qualitative Research, Peter Szto, Rich Furman, and Carol Langer

'We Are More Than Jailbirds': An Arts Program for Incarcerated Young Women, Marceline M. Lazzari, Kathryn A. Amundson, and Robert L. Jackson

Combining Caregiving and Career: Experiences of Social Work Faculty, Diane S. Young and Lynn C. Holley


Trauma Exposure And Sexual Revictimization Risk: Comparisons Across Single, Multiple Incident, And Multiple Perpetrator Victimizations, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius

Where Have All the Children Gone? A Review of the Literature on Factors Contributing to Disproportionality: Five Key Child Welfare Decision Points, K. Cahn and M. S. Harris


Understanding Privatization Through the Lens of Dorwart and Epstein's Privatization and Mental Health Services: A Warning for Latin America and the Developing World, Rich Furman

A Narrative Poem as a Source of Qualitative Data, Rich Furman and Stan Cavers

Guidelines for Responding to Clients Spontaneously Presenting Their Poetry in Therapy, Rich Furman and Kathryn Collins


Working With African American Children and Families in the Child Welfare System, Marian S. Harris and Ada Skyles