Engaging Adolescents In Sexual Assault And Harassment Prevention
Publication Date
Document Type
Book Chapter
"The School Practitioner's Concise Companions give busy social workers, psychologists, and counselors a quick guide to accessible, proven solutions to their students' most common problems. Built around the expert advice from the acclaimed School Services Sourcebook, each volume is a rapid reference to a key school issue." "Here readers will find an overview of violence and interpersonal conflict in schools. This Concise Companion covers the types of violence that threaten school and student safety - from bullying to sexual assault to gang activity - and presents innovative, effective strategies to assess risk, teach conflict resolution skills, and create a violence-free culture." --Book Jacket.
Publication Title
The School PractitionerÕs Concise Companion To Preventing Violence And Conflict
Recommended Citation
Casey, E. A., & Nurius, P. S. (2008). Engaging Adolescents in Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention. In C. Franklin, M. B. Harris, & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School PractitionerÕs Concise Companion to Preventing Violence and Conflict. New York: Oxford University Press.