Social Work & Criminal Justice Publications | Social Work & Criminal Justice | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 1997

Case Managing Older People With AIDS:, Charles A. Emlet

HIV/AIDS in the Elderly: A Hidden Population, Charles A. Emlet

Advanced Theory and Practice in Work With Ethnically Diverse Clients, Marian S. Harris

Submissions from 1996

Developmental Changes in Self-Perception: The Role of Gender in a Preadolescent Clinical Population, Melissa Lavitt

Contributing Factors to Poor Health Among Incarcerated Women: A Conceptual Model, Diane S. Young

Authors' Response, Marceline M. Lazzari, Holly R. Ford, and Kelly J. Haughey

Assessing the Informal Caregiver: Team Member or Hidden Patient?, Charles A. Emlet

Students and Faculty as Co-Teachers: Processes of Self-Efficacy and Educational Empowerment, Marceline M. Lazzari, Nancy A. Banman, and Robert L. Jackson

Making a Difference: Women of Action in the Community, M. M. Lazzari, H. R. Ford, and K. J. Haughey


Reaching The Men: Proactively Engaging Men And Boys In Efforts To Reduce And End Violence Against Women, Erin A. Casey

Submissions from 1995

A Survey of Information Technology-Related Curriculum in Undergraduate Work Programs, Jerry Finn and Melissa Lavitt

Infection Control in Jails and Prisons: A Two-Tiered Intervention, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 1993

Rural Women and Isolation: Pathways to Reconnection, Cynthia J. Geissinger, Marceline M. Lazzari, Melanie J. Porter, and Susan L. Tungate

EAP's: A Viable Means of Supporting Professionals Working in AIDS, Charles A. Emlet

Service Utilization Among Older People With AIDS: Implications for Case Management, Charles A. Emlet

Submissions from 1992

Preventive Health Care Event in a County Jail, Diane S. Young

Book Review: Gays, Lesbians, and Their Therapists: Studies in Psychotherapy. Edited by Charles Silverstein. New York: Norton, 1991, 274 Pp., $34.95 (Hardbound), Marceline Lazzari

Submissions from 1991

Feminism, Empowerment, and Field Education, Marceline M. Lazzari

Integrating the Community Into Geriatric Case Management: Public Health Interventions, Charles A. Emlet and A. M. Hall

Submissions from 1990

Using Education to Prevent Geriatric Medication Misuse, Kathryn Eng and Charles A. Emlet

SRx: A Regional Approach to Geriatric Medication Education, K. Eng and Charles A. Emlet

Community Based Care in a Case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Charles A. Emlet

Social Work Practice in the Justice System, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 1988

SRx: Medication Education Program for Seniors., Charles A. Emlet

Submissions from 1986

Medications, Behavior and the Elderly, Charles A. Emlet and P. da Silva

Submissions from 1984

Coordinating County Based Services for the Frail Elderly, Charles A. Emlet

Submissions from 1982

Consultation in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Charles A. Emlet and P. Froelich-Emlet

Submissions from 1979

A Psychosocial Approach to Institutionalized Aged, Charles A. Emlet