Social Work & Criminal Justice Publications | Social Work & Criminal Justice | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2005

Career Decisions and Experiences of Social Work Faculty: A Gender Comparison, Lynn C. Holley and Diane S. Young

Beyond the Ethnographic Interview: The Research Poem as a Tool for Teaching Culturally Sensitive Social Work With Natives, C. Langer and Rich Furman

Experiencing Social Welfare History: New York City as Case Study, Diane S. Young, P. Selmi, and L. Kilpatrick

Submissions from 2004

HIV/AIDS and Aging, Charles A. Emlet

Increased Somatic Complaints and Health-Care Utilization in Children: Effects of Parent IBS Status and Parent Response to Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Rona L. Levy, William E. Whitehead, Lynn S. Walker, Michael Von Korff, Andrew D. Feld, Michelle Garner, and Dennis Christie

The Tanka as a Qualitative Research Tool: A Study of a Native American Woman, Carol Langer and Rich Furman

The Dilemmas of African-American Men From Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Completing Doctoral From Predominately White Institutions, Jeffrey Shears, Chance W. Lewis, and Richard Furman

The Implications of Sex Tourism on Men's Social, Psychological, and Physical Health, Kimberly Bender and Rich Furman

The Prose Poem as a Means of Exploring Friendship: Pathways to Reflection, Rich Furman

Exploring the Ethics of Treatments for Depression: The Ethics of Care Perspective, Rich Furman, Eleanor Pepi Downey, and Robert L. Jackson


Exploring Identity and Assimilation: Research and Interpretive Poems, Carol L. Langer and Rich Furman

Using the Biopsychosocial Approach to Resolve Student Dilemmas in Field Placements, Rich Furman, Robert L. Jackson, Eleanor Pepi Downey, and Robert Seiz

Unserved, Unseen, and Unheard: Integrating Programs for HIV-infected and HIV-affected Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet and Cynthia Cannon Poindexter

The Golden Years: African American Women and Retirement, Gillian L. Marshall

Knowledge and Use of AIDS and Aging Services by Older, HIV-Infected Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Exploring Friendship Loss Through Poetry, Rich Furman

Poetry as Qualitative Data for Exploring Social Development and Human Experience in Latin America, Rich Furman

Book Review: Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging,, Thomas M. Diehm


HIV/AIDS and Aging: A Diverse Population of Vulnerable Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet


Knowledge and Use of AIDS and Aging Services by Older, HIV-infected Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Una Rosa: A Case Study of Depression in a Guatemalan Victim of Terror, Rich Furman

Using Poetry and Narrative as Qualitative Data: Exploring a Father's Cancer Through Poetry, Rich Furman

White Male Privilege in the Context of My Life, Rich Furman

Faculty Attitudes Regarding Student's Preparedness for Culturally Sensitive Social Work Practice in the United States, Richard Furman, Chance W. Lewis, and Jeffery Shears

Poetry, Writing, and Community Practice., Rich Furman, Rich Riddoch, and Kathryn Collins

Best Practices in Kinship Care for African American Mothers and Their Children, Marian S. Harris

Group Work With Children Exposed to Domestic Violence, Marian S. Harris

Have Offender Needs and Perspectives Been Adequately Incorporated Into Restorative Justice?, Barb Toews and J. Katounas

Invoking Our Code of Ethics With Clients in the Criminal Justice System: Invited Commentary, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2003

The Use of a World Wide Web-Based Consultation Site to Provide Support to Telephone Staff in a Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration Project, Kathleen R. Bell, Peter Esselman, Michelle D. Garner, Jason Doctor, Charles Bombardier, Kurt Johnson, Nancy Temkin, and Sureyya Dikmen

Space to Grow Using Dialogue Techniques for Multinational, Multicultural Learning, Mona Schatz, Rich Furman, and Lowell E. Jenkins

Older Adults With HIV Disease, Charles A. Emlet, Susan Scott Gusz, and Jodi Dumont

Perceptions of Efficacy in the Use of Contemporary Film in Social Work Education: An Exploratory Study, Eleanor Pepi Downey, Robert L. Jackson, Maria E. Puig, and Rich Furman

The Multiple Impacts of TANF, ASFA, and Mandatory Drug Sentencing for Families Affected by Maternal Incarceration, Carrie Jefferson Smith and Diane S. Young

Exploring Stepfatherhood Through Poetry, Rich Furman

Co-Occurring Disorders Among Jail Inmates: Bridging the Treatment Gap, Diane S. Young

The Interaction of Race, Ethnicity, and Family Structure With Respect to the Timing of Family Reunification, Marian S. Harris and Mark E. Courtney

Nurturing Human Diversities: Providing Leadership for Institutional Change, Tom Diehm and Marceline M. Lazzari


Older Adults Living With HIV Disease: Challenges for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Charles A. Emlet

Using Children's Literature in Social Work Practice and Education, R. Furman

Using Poetry as a Tool for Self-Reflection in Social Work Education, R. Furman

Frameworks for Understanding Value Discrepancies and Ethical Dilemmas in Managed Mental Health for Social Work in the United States, Rich Furman

Poetry Therapy and Existential Practice., Rich Furman

The Social Problem of Depression: A Multi-Theoretical Analysis, Rich Furman and Kimberly Bender


Poetry, Violence and Peace, Rich Furman and Kathryn S. Collins

Social Constructivist Practice With Youth, Rich Furman, Robert L. Jackson, Eleanor Pepi Downey, and Jeffery Shears

Infusing Globalization Into the Social Work Curriculum, Rich Furman, Maria Puig, Peter Szto, and Carol Langer


Ways of Knowing for a Restorative Worldview, Barb Toews and Howard Zehr

Predictors of Placement on a Jail Mental Health Unit: Assessing Equitable Access to Care, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2002

Non-Psychiatric Services Provided in a Mental Health Unit in a County Jail, Diane S. Young

The Results Of A Management Redesign, Mark Ezell, Erin A. Casey, Peter J. Pecora, Candace Grossman, and Robert Friend

Wrap-Around Services: An Analysis of Community-Based Mental Health Services for Children, Rich Furman and Robert Jackson

Addiction, Abuse, and Family Relationships, Henia D. Johnson and Diane S. Young

Correlates of Service Utilization Among Midlife and Older Adults With HIV/AIDS: The Role of Age in the Equation, Charles A. Emlet and Kathleen J. Farkas

A Feminist Approach to Practice in Working With Midlife and Older Women With HIV/AIDS, Charles A. Emlet, Katy Tangenberg, and Claire Siverson

Alcohol Use and Abuse in a Population of Community Dwelling, Frail Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet, Helena Hawks, and Jane Callahana


Key Determinants of a Mother's Decision to File for Child Support, Janice Laakso


The Portrayal of Women on Sex Tour Websites, Kimberly A. Bender and Rich Furman

Using Contemporary Film in Human Service Education, Eleanor Pepi Downey, Robert L. Jackson, and Rich Furman

Service Priorities, Use, and Needs, Charles A. Emlet and James P. Berghuis

HIV/AIDS and Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet and Colette M. Vallee

HIV/AIDS in Adults 50 and Over [Special Issue], Charles A. Emlet and Colette M. Vallee

The Definition of Enlightenment - Lighten Up: My Use of Humor in Social Work Education and Practice, Rich Furman

Teaching Crisis Intervention, Rich Furman and Mona C.S. Schatz

Key Determinants of a Mother's Decision to File for Child Support, Janice H. Laakso

Sexual Trafficking of Women: Strategies for Developing Trauma Recovery Teams, M. S. Schatz and Rich Furman

Submissions from 2001

Geriatric Home-And Community-Based Care Training Project for Transitional Societies From Central and Eastern Europe Through Asia, Charles A. Emlet and Merl C. Hokenstad

Mothers Making Tenure, Diane S. Young and Ednita M. Wright

The Relational Model of Identity Development: An Essential Curricular Component for Social Work Education and Practice, Janis L. Jarrold and Marceline M. Lazzari

The University's Role in Promoting Human Rights Through Nurturing Human Diversities, Tom Diehm and Marceline M. Lazzari

Book Review: Critical Condition: Feminism at the Turn of the Century. By Susan Gubar, Marceline M. Lazzari


Ethical Considerations Related to Evidence-Based Practice, C. Christiansen and J. Q. Lou

Experiences With a Child Support Agency, Janice H. Laakso

Book Review: Racial Profiling: Eliminating the Confusion Between Racial and Criminal Profiling and Clarifying What Constitutes Unfair Discrimination and Persecution, Diane S. Young

Frameworks for Resolving Value Conflicts in Social Work Practice: A Case Study, Rich Furman

Listening to Student Voices: An Essential Element in Social Work Education Assessment, Susan Tungate, Marceline Lazzari, and Victoria Buchan


University's Role in Promoting Human Rights Through Nurturing Human Diversities, Tom Diehm and Marceline M. Lazzari


Aging Agencies: City/County Leve, Charles A. Emlet

Neformalni Oskrbovalci StarejÁih Odraslih: Obremenitev Oskrbovalcev in Koristi Oz. Prednosti Skupin Za Samopomo€ [[Informal Caregivers of Older Adults: Caregiver Burden and the Benefits of Support Groups], Charles A. Emlet


Assessment Tools/Devices, Charles A. Emlet and A. Rang

A Radical Analysis of the Privatization of Mental Health Services: Lessons for Educators, Rich Furman

Humor and Fun in Human Service Practice and Education, Rich Furman


On Becoming a Social Worker: The Impact of My Travels and Volunteer Work in Central America, Rich Furman

Social Work Education Policy on Non-Discrimination in the United States, Richard Furman

Restorative Justice and Substance Abuse: The Path Ahead, Barb Toews Shenk and Howard Zehr

ÒWelfare_to_workÓ;: An Analysis of the Communication Competencies Taught in a Job Training Program Serving an Urban Poverty Area, Vincent R. Waldron, Melissa Lavitt, and Margaret McConnaughy

Incorporating Content on Offenders and Corrections Into Social Work Curricula, Diane S. Young and Sara Wyckoff LoMonaco

Submissions from 2000

ÒWelfare_to_workÓ: Assessing Communication Competencies and Client Outcomes in a Job Training Program, Vincent R. Waldron and Melissa Lavitt

The Nature and Prevention of Harm in Technology-Mediated Self-Help Settings: Three Exemplars, Vincent R. PhD and Melissa Lavitt

Women's Perceptions of Health Care in Prison, D. S. Young

Child Support Policy: Some Critical Issues and the Implications for Social Work, Janice H. Laakso

Interpreting and Defensively Responding to Threat: Examining Appraisals and Coping With Acquaintance Sexual Aggression, P. S. Nurius, J. Norris, D. S. Young, T. L. Graham, and J. Gaylord

When Moms Are Incarcerated: The Needs of Children, Mothers, and Caregivers, Diane S. Young and C. J. Smith

Submissions from 1999

Ethnicity and Health Service Use in a Women's Prison, Diane S. Young

Comparing Mothers in Kinship Foster Care: Reunification vs. Remaining in Care, Marian S. Harris

Submissions from 1998

Health Status and Service Use Among Incarcerated Women. : Family & Community Health, Diane S. Young

Service Use Patterns in HIV/AIDS Case Management: A Five-Year Study, Charles A. Emlet and S. S. Gusz


Benefits and Costs of a Family-Focused Methadone Treatment and Drug Abuse Prevention Program: Preliminary Findings, Robert D. Plotnick, Diane S. Young, Richard F. Catalano, and Kevin P. Haggerty

Submissions from 1997

From Pippi Longstockings to Minnie Mouse: Reexamining Theories of Female Development, Melissa Lavitt

Developing Self-awareness/Racial Identity With Graduate Social Work Students, Marian S. Harris