"HIV, Sexual Health, and Psychosocial Issues Among Older Adults Living " by David J. Brennan, Charles A. Emlet et al.


HIV, Sexual Health, and Psychosocial Issues Among Older Adults Living With HIV in North America

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It is estimated that by the year 2015, at least half of those living with HIV disease in the United States will be 50 years of age or older. Older adults with HIV disease are living longer than ever before and are living healthier and more normal lives. They continue to be involved in intimate and sexual relationships. This paper provides an overview of some epidemiological trends among older adults living with and at risk for HIV in North America and discusses the current and emerging needs and behaviours related to their sexual health. Included are issues of sexual orientation, sexual behaviour, sexual dysfunction, and sexual risk. In addition, a number of the important psychosocial needs of older adults who are living with HIV are discussed, along with recommendations for future practice, policy, and research. Given that increasingly more people living with HIV are aging, the issues of aging and HIV disease can no longer be seen as unrelated. Gerontological providers, researchers, and policy makers must begin to address the needs of this increasingly common, yet vulnerable population of older people.

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Ageing International





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