Urban Studies Publications | Urban Studies | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2011

Beyond Insiders and Outsiders: Conceptualizing Multiple Dimensions of Community Development Stakeholders, Linda H. Ishem


The Economic Effects of Economic Cooperation of Korea, China, and Japan, Young J. Park, Kabsung Kim, and James W. Harrington Jr.

Law and the Political Geography of US Corporate Regulation, Mark Pendras

Volunteered Geographic Services: Developing a Linked Data Driven Location-Based Service, Alexander Savelyev, Sen Xu, Krzysztof Janowicz, Christoph Mülligann, Jim Thatcher, and Wei Luo

Galileo in Pittsburgh, Jim Thatcher

Hidden Ontologies – How Mobile Computing Affects the Conceptualization of Geographic Space, Jim Thatcher, Christoph Mülligann, Wei Luo, Sen Xu, Elaine Guidero, Er Savelyev, and Krzysztof Janowicz


The Ultimate Team Sport? Urban Waterways and Youth Rowing in Seattle, Anne Taufen Wessells

Submissions from 2010

Assessing the Effects of Neighborhood Councils On Urban Policy and Development: The Example of Tacoma, Washington, Yonn Dierwechter and Brian Coffey


Film Review: Inception, Seth D. Baum and Jim Thatcher

Place-Based Conservation and Urban Waterways: Watershed Activism in the Bottom of the Basin, Anne Taufen Wessells

Critical Practice of Grant Application and Administration: An Intervention, Harald Bauder, Bernd Belina, David Butz, Ze’ev Gedalof, Pierpaolo Mudu, Arnoud Lagendijk, Anssi Paasi, Nadine Schuurman, and David Wilson

Metropolitan Geographies of US Climate Action: Cities, Suburbs, and the Local Divide in Global Responsibilities, Yonn Dierwechter

Confronting Capital Mobility, Mark Pendras

Submissions from 2009

Governmental Rationalities of Environmental City-Building in Contemporary China, Lisa M. Hoffman

Le Soglie Delle Trasformazioni Urbane: Immigrazione E Ordine All’Esquilino, Pierpaolo Mudu


Where is Hardt and Negri's Multitude?: Real Networks in Open Spaces, Pierpaolo Mudu

Urban Politics and the Production of Capital Mobility in the United States, Mark Pendras

Policy Design for Ecological Targets - Constructing the Urban Environment as Worth It, Anne Taufen Wessells

Submissions from 2008

Dignity and Indignation: How People Experiencing Homelessness View Services and Providers, Lisa M. Hoffman and Brian Coffey

Labour Market Intermediation, James W. Harrington Jr. and Nicholas Velluzzi

Submissions from 2007

The People’s Food: The Ingredients of “Ethnic” Hierarchies and the Development of Chinese Restaurants in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

Services and Development in the Asia-Pacific: Introduction and Overview, Peter W. Daniels and James W. Harrington Jr.

Rome: Administrative Spatial Divisions and Citizens Mobilization Patterns., Pierpaolo Mudu and Daria Pessina

The Creative Work of Collaborative Governance: Actor Networks and Watershed Park Planning, Anne Taufen Wessells

Submissions from 2006


The New Romans: Ethnic Economic Activities in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

Community and Economic Development: Seeking Common Ground in Discourse and in Practice, Raul P. Lejano and Anne Taufen Wessells

Patterns of Segregation in Contemporary Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

International and Regional Dynamics of Knowledge-Based Services, James W. Harrington Jr. and Peter W. Daniels

Autonomous Choices and Patriotic Professionalism: On Governmentality in Late-Socialist China, Lisa M. Hoffman

Post-Secondary Education: Education, Training, and Technology Services, Hyungjoo Kim and James W. Harrington Jr.

I Caratteri Sociali Del VII Municipio. [Social Characters of the Seventh Municipality of Rome], Pierpaolo Mudu

La Circonferenza Apparente: La Periferia Romana Tra Luoghi Comuni E Non Comuni. [The Apparent Circumference: The Roman Periphery Between Common and Uncommon Places], Pierpaolo Mudu

L’immigrazione Straniera a Roma: Tra Divisioni Del Lavoro E Produzione Degli Spazi Sociali, Pierpaolo Mudu

Il VII Municipio Di Roma: La Percezione Dei Consiglieri Circoscrizionali Delle Problematiche Territoriali. [Seventh Municipality of Rome: Perception of the Councillors of Territorial Problems], Pierpaolo Mudu and Daria Pessina

Whither Critical Inquiry?, Mark Pendras

Submissions from 2005

A Comparative Evaluation of Recent Chinese Immigration in USA and Italy: Settlement Patterns and Local Resistance, Pierpaolo Mudu and Wei Lei

Changing Backdrops in Rome: An Exploration of the Geography of Social Centers, Pierpaolo Mudu

Submissions from 2004

Resisting and Challenging Neoliberalism: The Development of Italian Social Centers, Pierpaolo Mudu

Submissions from 2003

Enterprising Cities and Citizens: The Re-Figuring of Urban Spaces and the Making of Post-Mao Professionals, Lisa M. Hoffman

Gli Esquilini: Contributi Al Dibattito Sulle Trasformazioni Nel Rione Esquilino Di Roma Dagli Anni Settanta Al Duemila. [The Esquilini: Notes on the Transformations of the Esquilino Area in Rome From 1970s to 2000], Pierpaolo Mudu

Submissions from 2002

Repressive Tolerance: The Gay Movement and the Vatican in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

Disaster Vulnerability of Businesses in the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake, Stephanie E. Chang and Anthony Falit-Baiamonte


The Use of Benefit-Cost Analysis for Evaluation of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Decisions, Richard O. Zerbe, Anthony Falit-Baiamonte, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, and United States-Japan Cooperative Research Program in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation

Submissions from 2000

An Equity Model for Locating Environmentally Hazardous Facilities, Anthony Falit-Baiamonte and Jeffrey P. Osleeb

Submissions from 1999

Social and Economic Change and Intrametropolitan Migration, Richard Morrill and Anthony Falit-Baiamonte

Dinamica Urbana E Funzione Turistico-Ricettiva Nelle Metropoli D’arte. Una Proposta Di Analisi Nell’esempio Di Roma [Urban Dynamic and Turistic Function in Historical Metropolis. A Proposal of Analysis for the City of Rome]. Rivista Geografica Italiana, Pierpaolo Mudu


Report on “Roma: Logiche Di Sviluppo Degli Esercizi Alberghieri. Un’analisi Dei Rioni Del Centro Storico Dopo Le Olimpiadi Del 1960” [Rome: Logic of Development in the Hotel Industry. Analysis of Central Districts After the Rome Olimpics of 1960]”, Pierpaolo Mudu