Urban Studies Publications | Urban Studies | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2021


Feeling Like an “Odd Duck”, Ivis Garcia, April Jackson, Andrew Greenlee, Anaid Yerena, Benjamin Chrisinger, and Aujean Lee


Transitions in Urban Waterfronts: Imagining, Contesting, and Sustaining the Aquatic/Terrestrial Interface, Anne Taufen and Ken Yocom

Submissions from 2020


Volunteering for the environment in China: The Urban as a Terrain of Problematization, Lisa Hoffman

Practice-Based Politicization: Planning Reports as Actants in a University–Community Partnership, Anne Taufen and Anneka Olson

Care without Control: The Humanitarian Industrial Complex and the Criminalisation of Solidarity, Pierpaolo Mudu


When Open Data and Data Activism Meet: An Analysis of Civic Participation in Cape Town, South Africa, Yonn Dierwechter, Britta Ricker, and Jonathan Cinnamon


Not a Matter of Choice: Eliminating Single-Family Zoning, Anaid Yerena


Constraints And Opportunities For Innovation In The Moving To Work Demonstration Program, Anaid Yerena, Rebecca J. Walter, Gregg Colburn, Melony Pederson, Rachel Fyall, and Kyle Crowder

Submissions from 2019


Strategic Action for Affordable Housing: How Advocacy Organizations Accomplish Policy Change, Anaid Yerena

“Smart” Discourses, the Limits of Representation, and New Regimes of Spatial Data, Jim Thatcher, Craig Dalton, Clancy Wilmott, and Emma Fraser

Who's Map? Everyday Actions of Spatial Data Resistance, Jim Thatcher and Craig M. Dalton

Computational Parasites and Hydropower: A Political Ecology of Bitcoin Mining On The Columbia River, Jim Thatcher, Nick Lally, and Kelly Kay


Checking in on Critical Cartography:, Jim Thatcher and Craig Dalton

Distance Matters: A More Than Euclidean Approach To Visualizing Gerrymandering, Jim Thatcher and Austin Jennings


Ruin Tours: Performing and Consuming Decay in Detroit, Emma Jean Slager


Public Housing Authorities in the Private Market, Rachel Garshick Kleit, Whitney Airgood-Obrycki, and Anaid Yerena


Seeing by the Starbucks: The Social Context of Mobile Maps and Users’ Geographic Knowledges, Craig M. Dalton and Jim Thatcher

Invasion and Citizen Mobilization: Urban Natures in Dalian, Lisa M. Hoffman


Dies-Non: Refusal of Work in the 21st Century, P. Mudu

Submissions from 2018

Book Review of Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City by Amy Starecheski, Pierpaolo Mudu

Livability and the Challenge of Planning in Tehran, Ali Modarres

Unsettling Planning Theory, J. Barry, M. Horst, A. Inch, C. Legacy, S. Rishi, J.J. Rivero, Anne Taufen, J.M. Zanotto, and A. Zitcer

Framing Digital Exclusion in Technologically Mediated Urban Spaces, M. Kelley

Occupations of Housing and Social Centers in Rome: A Durable Resistance to Neoliberalism and Institutionalization, Pierpaolo Mudu and Luisa Rossini

Politicisation of Community Development: Universities as Boundary Objects, Anne Taufen

Submissions from 2017

Reexamining Race and Ethnicity in the Suburbs, Ali Modarres

The Travels, Triumphs and Travails of New Urbanism: Representational Geographies in US Newspapers, 1990–2012, Yonn Dierwechter and Brian Coffey


Land Trusts Could Aid Tacoma Affordability, Anaid Yerena


Residential Mobility of Low-Income, Subsidized Households: A Synthesis of Explanatory Frameworks, Victoria Basolo and Anaid Yerena

Urban Studies and Thinking Topologically, Lisa M. Hoffman and Jim E. Thatcher

Squatting Movements: Reappropriating Democracy From the State, Andrea Aureli and Pierpaolo Mudu

Using Social Media to Inform and Engage Urban Dwellers in La Paz, Mexico, Anaid Yerena and Victoria Basolo

Evolving Technology, Shifting Expectations: Cultivating Pedagogy for a Rapidly Changing GIS Landscape, Britta Ricker and Jim Thatcher

“Doing Good”: Affect, Neoliberalism, and Responsibilization Among Volunteers in China and the United States, Lisa M. Hoffman and Hope Reidun John

Sousveillant and Locative Media, Jim Thatcher

Looking Back to Detroit for a (Counter-Mapping) Path Forward, Jim Thatcher

The Smart State as Utopian Space for Urban Politics, Yonn Dierwechter

What's Smart Growth Got to Do With Smart Cities? Searching for the 'Smart City Region' in Greater Seattle, Yonn Dierwechter

Subject Formation as a Field of Inquiry in Urban Studies, Lisa Hoffman

Visualizing New Political Ecologies: A Critical Data Studies Analysis of the World Bank’s Renewable Energy Resource Mapping Initiative, James McCarthy and Jim Thatcher

Spatiality, Maps, and Mathematics in Critical Human Geography: Toward a Repetition With Difference, David O'Sullivan, Luke Bergmann, and Jim Thatcher

Submissions from 2016


The Object of Mobile Spatial Data, the Subject in Mobile Spatial Research, Jim Thatcher


Critical Data Studies: A Dialog on Data and Space, Craig M. Dalton, Linnet Taylor, and Jim Thatcher

Revisiting Critical GIS, Jim Thatcher, Luke Bergmann, Britta Ricker, Reuben Rose-Redwood, David O'Sullivan, Trevor J. Barnes, Luke R. Barnesmoore, Laura Beltz Imaoka, Ryan Burns, Jonathan Cinnamon, Craig M. Dalton, Clinton Davis, Stuart Dunn, Francis Harvey, Jin-Kyu Jung, Ellen Kersten, LaDona Knigge, Nick Lally, Wen Lin, Dillon Mahmoudi, Michael Martin, Will Payne, Amir Sheikh, Taylor Shelton, Eric Sheppard, Chris W. Strother, Alexander Tarr, Matthew W. Wilson, and Jason C. Young

Data Colonialism Through Accumulation by Dispossession: New Metaphors for Daily Data, Jim Thatcher, David O’Sullivan, and Dillon Mahmoudi

Introduction to Social Media and Location Minitrack, J. Thatcher and B. Ricker


Evaluating the Policy–Practice Gap in a Transitional Housing Program An Innovation in Process Evaluation, Jessica Perez and Anaid Yerena

“Serving and Providing for Those ‘In Need’: ‘Intermediary’ Spaces and Practices of Liaising, Collaborating, and Mobilizing in Urban China” in New Mentalities of Government in China, Lisa M. Hoffman

Provenance and Possibility, Thoughts Towards a Scheme for Urban Data, Jim Thatcher and Craig M. Dalton

Not Only Riflusso: The Repression and Transformation of Radical Movements in Italy Between 1978 and 1985, Pierpaolo Mudu

Il Cammino Tortuoso Per “Mettere in Comune”. Le Occupazioni Come Una Pratica Di Definizione Dei Diritti, Pierpaolo Mudu and Andrea Aureli


Searching for Common Ground (Again), Jim Thatcher, Luke Bergmann, and David O'Sullivan

Submissions from 2015


Inflated Granularity: Spatial 'Big Data' and Geodemographics, Craig M. Dalton and Jim Thatcher

Mobile Geospatial Search and the Limits of Knowledge: Linking Application Design and Use in Time and Space, Jim Thatcher

Partnering for a Seamless Transition to Higher Education: Lessons Learned, Lisa Hoffman

Infrastructure and the Shaping of American Urban Geography, Yonn Dierwechter and Ali Modarres

Narrating Resilience: Transforming Urban Systems Through Collaborative Storytelling, Bruce Evan Goldstein, Anne Taufen Wessells, Raul Lejano, and William Butler


Advocacy in Action: Understanding the Influence of Advocacy Organizations on Local Affordable Housing Policy in the U.S., Anaid Yerena


The Impact of Advocacy Organizations on Low-Income Housing Policy in U.S. Cities, Anaid Yerena

Submissions from 2014

Guest Editorial: What's So Big About Big Data? Finding the Spaces and Perils of Big Data, Ryan Burns and Jim Thatcher

Implications of Smartphone Usage on Privacy and Spatial Cognition: Academic Literature and Public Perceptions, Britta Ricker, Nadine Schuurman, and Fritz Kessler

The Spaces That Smart Growth Makes: Sustainability, Segregation, and Residential Change Across Greater Seattle, Yonn Dierwechter

Fuzzy Boundaries: Hybridizing Location-Based Services, Volunteered Geographic Information and Geovisualization Literature, Britta Ricker, Sylvie Daniel, and Nick Hedley


Living on Fumes: Digital Footprints, Data Fumes, and the Limitations of Spatial Big Data, Jim Thatcher


The Use of Social Media for Citizen Engagement: the Case of SAPAS in La Paz, Mexico, Victoria Basolo and Anaid Yerena


Ogni Sfratto Sarà Una Barricata: Squatting for Housing and Social Conflict in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu


Housing and Homelessness in Contemporary Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu


Where Is Culture in Rome? Self-Managed Social Centers and the Right to Urban Space, Pierpaolo Mudu

The Electronic Trauma Health Record: Design and Usability of a Novel Tablet-Based Tool for Trauma Care and Injury Surveillance in Low Resource Settings, Eiman Zargaran, Nadine Schuurman, Andrew J. Nicol, Richard Matzopoulos, Jonathan Cinnamon, Tracey Taulu, Britta Ricker, David Ross Garbutt Brown, Pradeep Navsaria, and S. Morad Hameed

Submissions from 2013

'Dear Diary' Revisited: Reflecting on Collaborative Journaling, Catrina A. Mackenzie, Britta Ricker, Julia Christensen, Elizabeth Heller, Emily Kagan, Philip M. Osano, Lindsay Long, and Sarah Turner

Commuting and Energy Consumption: Toward an Equitable Transportation Policy, Ali Modarres

Smart City-Regionalism in Seattle: Progressing Transit Nodes in Labor Space?, Yonn Dierwechter

Boyle Heights: A Brief Demographic and Health Profile, Ali Modarres

Smart Growth and State Territoriality, Yonn Dierwechter

Avoiding the Ghetto Through Hope and Fear: An Analysis of Immanent Technology Using Ideal Types, Jim Thatcher

The Uneven Localisation of Climate Action in Metropolitan Seattle, Yonn Dierwechter and Anne Taufen Wessells

Tourism and Environmental Change in Barbados: Gathering Citizen Perspectives With Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Britta A. Ricker, Peter A. Johnson, and Renee E. Sieber

Where Global Meets Local: Italian Social Centres and the Alterglobalization Movement, Andrea Membretti and Pierpaolo Mudu

Resisting and Challenging Neoliberalism: The Development of Italian Social Centers, Pierpaolo Mudu


From Volunteered Geographic Information to Volunteered Geographic Services, Jim Thatcher

Submissions from 2012

Sketching Culture, Sketching Nature: Uncovering Anchors of Everyday Nature for Urban Youth, Matthew J. Kelley, Mark Pendras, and Heather Minnella

The Built Environments Laboratory: An Interdisciplinary Framework for Studio Education in the Planning and Design Disciplines, Ken Yocom, Gundula Proksch, Branden Born, and Shannon K. Tyman


At the Intersection of Anarchists and Autonomists: Autogestioni and Centri Sociali, Pierpaolo Mudu


A Story-Centered Approach to the Newspaper Coverage of High-Profile SMOs, Edwin Amenta, Beth Gharrity Gardner, Amber Celina Tierney, Anaid Yerena, and Thomas Alan Elliot

I Centri Sociali Italiani: Verso Tre Decadi Di Occupazioni E Di Spazi Autogestiti, Pierpaolo Mudu

Urban Modernity: Cultural Innovation in the Second Industrial Revolution, Jim Thatcher


Urban Planning and Regulation: The Challenge of the Market, Yonn Dierwechter and Andrew Thornley


Form and Function: On Politics and the Morphology of the Bazaar in Yazd, Iran, Ali Modarres

The Problematic Potential of Universities to Advance Critical Urban Politics, Mark Pendras and Yonn Dierwechter

Interactive Mapping Tools on the Geoweb, Britta A. Ricker

Submissions from 2011

New, Aging Los Angeles, Ali Modarres

Polycentricity, Commuting Pattern, Urban Form: The Case of Southern California, Ali Modarres

The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, Jim Thatcher


Toward a More Expansive Understanding of Food Hubs, Megan Horst, Eva Ringstrom, Shannon K. Tyman, Michael K. Ward, Virginia Werner, and Branden Born


A Review of “Financing Low-Income Communities: Models, Obstacles, and Future Directions”, Anaid Yerena

Collaborative Digital Techniques and Urban Neighborhood Revitalization, Matthew J. Kelley

Hip Hop Underground: The Integrity and Ethics of Racial Identification, Jim Thatcher

Dear Diary: Early Career Geographers Collectively Reflect on Their Qualitative Field Research Experiences, Elizabeth Heller, Julia Christensen, Lindsay Long, Catrina A. Mackenzie, Philip M. Osano, Britta Ricker, Emily Kagan, and Sarah Turner

Combining Varied Federal Data Sources for Multiscale Map Labeling of Populated Places and Airports for the National Map of the United States, Cynthia Brewer, Jim Thatcher, and Stephen Butzler

Urban Modeling and Contemporary Technologies of City-Building in China: The Production of Regimes of Green Urbanisms, Lisa M. Hoffman