Review of "The Mountain Poems of Stonehouse" translated by Red Pine and "Yellow River Odyssey" by Bill Porter
Publication Date
January 2014
"The translator known as Red Pine thinks of translating in terms of dancing ... Over a career spanning three decades, Red Pine has danced with many classical Chinese poets and important works of Taoist and Buddhist literature, including the poet Han-Shan (or Cold Mountain), the Tao Te Ching, and the Heart Sutra. Informed by his own Buddhist practice and travels in Asia, Red Pine’s work is consistently characterized by a generosity of spirit that opens up these challenging texts to the English-speaking world." -- From the opening paragraph.
Recommended Citation
Wadland, Justin, "Review of "The Mountain Poems of Stonehouse" translated by Red Pine and "Yellow River Odyssey" by Bill Porter" (2014). Library Publications and Presentations. 16.