Library Publications and Presentations | Library | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2021


Students to the front: Using participatory design techniques for OER advocacy, Marisa Petrich


Engaging Transfer Students: A Fiction Book Club and the Transfer Experience, Alaina C. Bull and Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman

Submissions from 2020


Building an OER program based on stakeholder feedback, Marisa Petrich


Empowering creators: Student agency and digital safety in alternative assignments, Marisa Petrich and Erika Bailey

Submissions from 2019


Asking the Right Questions: Bridging Gaps Between Information Literacy Assessment Approaches, Alison J. Head, Alaina C. Bull, and Margy MacMillan


Testimonial dinner commemorating Reverend Sunya Pratt for her 50 years of service at the Tacoma Buddhist Temple is held on April 8, 1984., Justin Wadland


Pratt, Sunya (1898-1986), Justin Wadland


Engaged Learning in Community: At WACC and in your Canvas course, Heather Newcomer and Marisa Petrich


Book Clubs in Academic Libraries: A Case Study and Toolkit, Alaina C. Bull, Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman, and Kari Whitney


The Urban Serving University: Gauging an Emerging Digital Scholarship Program, Justin Wadland and Marisa Petrich

Submissions from 2018


Tacoma Buddhist Temple, Tamiko Nimura and Justin Wadland

Open Access at UW and Beyond: A Training for UW Tacoma Faculty, Liz Bedford and Justin Wadland


A Tale of Two Textbook Programs: Seeking a Sustainable Model for Textbook Access in Academic Libraries, Serin Anderson and Suzane Parker

Submissions from 2017


UW Tacoma opens permanent location in downtown warehouse district on September 27, 1997, Justin Wadland


University of Washington Tacoma, Justin Wadland and Charles Williams


News Literacy: A Canvas Mini-MOOC, Marisa Petrich and Kathleen Monks


Libraries on trend: Fake news, information literacy, and demonstrating relevance, Marisa Petrich

Submissions from 2016


Educational alliances: Building community in active learning classrooms, Amanda Hornby, Janice Fournier, Marisa Petrich, and Louise Richards


Made in China, Justin Wadland

Submissions from 2015


Which One Was Truly Radical, Justin Wadland


A True Son of Anarchy, Justin Wadland

Submissions from 2014


A Wilderness Guide to Grief: An Interview with Gary Ferguson, Justin Wadland


Library in the Future Tense, Justin Wadland


A Monolithic Endeavor: Creating a Digital Collection of Soil Profiles at the University of Idaho, Kathleen Monks


A Statewide Survey of Censorship and Intellectual Freedom, Kathleen Monks, Anne Gaines, and Caitlin Marineau

Feminism and Intellectual Freedom, Lauren Pressley

At the Corner of Personality and Competencies: Exploring Professional Personas for Librarians, Lauren Pressley, Jenny Dale, and Lynda M. Kellam


Review of "The Mountain Poems of Stonehouse" translated by Red Pine and "Yellow River Odyssey" by Bill Porter, Justin Wadland

Submissions from 2013

Slicing and Dicing the Digital Preservation and Dissemination of Land Grant Research: A Survey of and Model for Digital Collections of Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Publications, Devin Becker and Kathleen Monks


Recruitment Tools for College Librarianship, Kathleen Monks, Julie Judkins, Brittney Thomas, and Marci Zane


The Anarchists Must Go, Justin Wadland

Introducing Online Credit-Based Instruction for Undergraduates, Lauren Pressley


Homesick for the Past: An Interview with Rebecca McClanahan, Justin Wadland


Review of "Horizon's Lens: My Time On The Turning World" by Elizabeth Dodd, Justin Wadland


Review of "Sky Above, Great Wind: The Life and Poetry of Zen Master Ryokan" by Kazuaki Tanahashi, Justin Wadland

Submissions from 2012

Social Networks Should Not Be Banned at Libraries and Schools, Lauren Pressley


Review of "Core Samples from the World" by Forrest Gander, Justin Wadland


Review of "Red Plenty" by Francis Spufford, Justin Wadland


Review of "Swimming Studies" by Leanne Shapton, Justin Wadland


Review of "The Strangest Tribe: How a Group of Seattle Rock Bands Invented Grunge" by Stephen Tow and "Everybody Loves Our Town: An Oral History of Grunge" by Mark Yarm, Justin Wadland


Review of "Wonderful Investigations: Essays, Meditations, Tales" by Dan Beachy-Quick, Justin Wadland

Submissions from 2011

Librarians as Experts: Using the Web to Assert Our Value, Lauren Pressley and Kevin Gilbertson


Review of "Potluck: Community on the Edge of Wilderness" by Anna Maria Spagna, Justin Wadland

Submissions from 2010

Administrative Support for Librarians Teaching For- Credit Information Literacy, Rosalind Tedford and Lauren Pressley

Submissions from 2009


A view from the edge: A first-time attendee’s perspective, Lauren Pressley

2.0 Toolmaker, Lauren Pressley

Technology and Pedagogy: The Best of Both for Gen M Students, Lauren Pressley

Submissions from 2008

Gendered Aspects of Scientific Knowledge: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources, Lauren Pressley

Using Videos to Reach Site Visitors: A Toolkit for Today's Student, Lauren Pressley

Educating the Millennial User, Lauren Pressley

Putting the Library in Wikipedia, Lauren Pressley and Carolyn J. McCallum

Submissions from 2007

Review of The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy, Eds. Eva Feder Kittay and Linda Martín Alcoff, Lauren Pressley

Submissions from 2006


You Mean I Can Use a 'Zine in a Research Paper?, Lauren Pressley