Content Posted in 2015
0307 AM, Danielle Marlin
1132 to Carol, Jennifer Royer
1898: The Start of American Imperialism, or its End?, Tyler G. Miller
1963, Loretta Lukaczer
19th Century American Women's Literature- Symbolic Meanings in Kate Chopin's The Awakening, Jessie Mizic
A Comparative Analysis: Indigenous Students and Education Models in Canada and the United States, Alison M. Perkins
A Deciduous Place of Peaches, Lindsey Carman
African American Perspectives: Family Dynamics, Health Care Issues and the Role of Ethnic Identity, Marian S. Harris
Alone and Unafraid: Observations on Functional Leader Intervention in Decentralized Organizations, Marc W. Miller
Alone and Unafraid: Observations on Functional Leader Intervention in Decentralized Organizations, Marc William Miller
A Market for Vice: An Exploration of Strategic Irresponsibility, Oscar J. Stewart
A Massacre at China Point, Michael P. Hartman
America, Rupinder Suman
An Experiential Approach to Group Work, Rich Furman, Diana Rowan, and Kimberley Bender
A Norwegian's Home, Lauren Ivers
A Peace with Nukeman, Kevin Gil M Romero
A People’s History of The Hilltop (Making Public Private Lives), Shawn Jenkins
A People’s History of the Hilltop Private lives made Public, Artis DuShawn Jenkins
A Renaissance, Alyssa Moore
A Story-Centered Approach to the Newspaper Coverage of High-Profile SMOs, Edwin Amenta, Beth Gharrity Gardner, Amber Celina Tierney, Anaid Yerena, and Thomas Alan Elliot
Beginning Reading Instruction Study, Marcy Stein
Be in My Heart, Ashley Peters
Beneath the Surface, Danielle Burch
Better Living at Walmart?, Joe Lawless
Black and White, Nabil Yousef
Blakely's Last Battle, Tamara LaFountain
Bodies Out of Control: Rethinking Science Texts, Matthew Weinstein
Boeing's Behavior in a Liberalized Marketplace: The 787 Dreamliner Project and Impact on Puget Sound Workers, Jesse Lee Mseitif
Capitalizing on Change: The Influence of Queen Elizabeth I's Marriage Politics on the Lives and Works of Anne Bradstreet and Aphra Behn, Emily Virginia Allen
Caring and Responsibility: The Crossroads Between Holistic Practice and Traditional Medicine, June S. Lowenberg
Caroline, Alex Newman
Carousel Horse, Kari Treese
Caught in a Web, Danielle Burch
Challenges in Emergency Nursing: A Self-Study Certification Review, Judy Selfridge-Thomas, Mary Martha Hall, and Ruth E. Rea
Character #1, Abbye Myshrall
Cheap, Gabriel Jimenez
City and Environment, Ali Modarres and Christopher Boone
Comparative Analysis of Successful Third Parties, Sean Panzer
Concrete Champions, Cory Smith
Confronting School Bullying: Kids, Culture, and the Making of a Social Problem, Jeffrey Cohen and Robert A. Brooks
Corporate Philanthropic Disaster Response in the Eyes of a Filipino Entrepreneur, Andrea Santiago and Fernando Roxas
Corruption: Case Studies of Vietnam and Italy, Thuy-Tien T. Vo
Creating Spaces for Salmon: How Dams and Eurocentric Resource Management Techniques Destroy Salmon and Culture, Jordan L. Woolston
Critical Issues in Restorative Justice, Barb Toews and Howard Zehr
Critical Reflections On and In "the Field": The Study of `Religion' and the Methodology of True (Reflexive) Praxis in Puerto Rico, Douglas J. Avella
CSR Communication in Kitakyushu, Japan: Multiple Case Study, Kaori Takano
Designing Effective Mathematics Instruction: A Direct Instruction Approach, Marcy Stein, Diane Kinder, Jerry Silbert, and Douglas W. Carnine
Disturbance, Felicia Chang
Does Corporate Ethics Help Investors Forecast Future Earnings?, Chuan-San Wang
Dollhouse, Delaney Knottnerus
Echoes of the Snow Queen, Margaret Lundberg
Economic Convergence and Income Inequality: Cases of Argentina, Brazil, and China, Svetlana Slobodhikova
Ecstatic, Richard Goetz
Emergency Nursing: Core Curriculum, Ruth E. Rea, Pamela W. Bourg, Janet G. Parker, and Diane Rushing
Empathy as an Alternative Paradigm in the Journey toward Sustainability, Maria Lai-Ling Lam
Enhancing Big Ideas Through Regional Planning: Cross-Jurisdictional 'Value Added' in Washington State, Yonn Dierwechter, Brittany Hale, Robert Woodmark, Cody Wyatt, Wendy Moss, Matthew Hall, Whitney Hays, Shanna Schubert, Cheng Wang, Seth Lundgaard, and Caleb Rawson
Face 3, Colleen Davis
For the Want of a Shoe..., Margaret Lundberg
Free, Alison Pham
Freedom's Price, Catherine Rhodes
Friendly Fire, Missy Hobson
Frontiers of Western History: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Western History, Michael Allen and Mary L. Hanneman
Future Haiku, Thérèse Ferreria-Douglas
Gender Violence and the Empowerment of Women in Post-Franco Spanish Film, Ashley A. Douthett
Geography and Technology, James W. Harrington, Stanley D. Brunn, and Susan L. Cutter
Good Morning Tacoma, Carolyn Green
Green Screen or Smokescreen? Hollywood's Messages about Nature and the Environment, Ellen E. Moore
Heat, Rudy Mena
History of Jazz: Lecture Notes, Overheads, Listening Examples, Tom Collier
HIV/AIDS and Older Adults: Challenges for Individuals, Families, and Communities, Charles A. Emlet
Human Rights Enforcement at the International Criminal Court: An Interdisciplinary Proposal for a Multi-level Approach Based on Wendt and Habermas, Rick William Spruel
Human Services Online: A New Arena for Service Delivery, Jerry Finn and Gary Holden
Idling the Engine: Linguistic Skepticism in And Around Cortazar, Kafka, And Joyce, E. Joseph Sharkey
Illuminary Egg, Colleen Davis
Industrial Location: Principles, Practice and Policy, James W. Harrington and Barney Warf
In-Home Assessment of Older Adults: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Charles A. Emlet, Jeffrey L. Crabtree, and Victoria Ann Condon
Instructional Practices for Students with Behavioral Disorders: Strategies for Reading, Writing, and Math, Gregory J. Benner, J. Ron Nelson, and Paul Mooney
In Training, Colleen Davis
Investing for Good in a Shared Economy, Joe Lawless
Is 2% the Solution? Experimental Evidence on the New CSR Rule in India, Naman Desai, Viswanath Pingali, and Arindam Tripathy
It's Your Sweater Now, Gabriel Jimenez
Journalist 2014, University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University
Kentucky Fried Transparency, Joe Lawless
Keynote address: How does an academic in this field get published?, Tom William Lee
Knowledge-based Services, Internationalization and Regional Development (The Dynamics of Economic Space), James W. Harrington
Learning Chinese: Through Festivals and Legends, Belinda Yun-ying Louie and Aki Sogabe
Learning Chinese: Through Stories and Activities, Belinda Yun-ying Louie and Aki Sogabe
Learning to Live, Danielle Burch
Legal Prostitution and How It Can Affect Sex Trafficking, Amy D. Blanchard
Leveraging Remittances for Economic Development in Developing Countries, Lloyd P. Thomas
Little Book of Restorative Justice for People in Prison: Rebuilding The Web Of Relationships, Barb Toews
Lost in My Own Mind, Alison Pham
Love Miriam, Nancy Zahn
Major Works in Criminology, Alissa R. Ackerman
Mental Health for the Everyman: World War II's Impact on American Psychology, Aeron S. Lloyd
Meteor, Margaret Hoang
Modernizing Yazd: Selective Historical Memory and the Fate of Vernacular Architecture, Ali Modarres
Modern Open Seas, William Astle
Mourning Wave: Grieving the Loss of the Natural Environment, Kayla Stewart
Navigating Human Service Organizations: Essential Information for Thriving and Surviving in Agencies, Rich Furman and Margaret Gibelman
Navigating the American Healthcare System as an Obese Person: Developing Effective Community-Based Treatment Strategies for Healthcare Providers, Kari G. Kennedy
New Economic Spaces: New Economic Geographies (Dynamics of Economic Space), James W. Harrington
Ode to a Baggie, Laura Richardson
Ode To Burnt Toast, Jennifer Anderson
Of Ghosts and Spaceships: Reclaiming Chinese National Identity through Science Fiction, Nicholas M. Stillman
Oh Shit, Travis Poindexter
Once… and Once Again, Margaret Lundberg
One Last Time, Margaret Lundberg
Open, Ashlee Hammrich
Opening Doors: Stories of Public Health Nursing, Joyce Zerwekh, Barbara Young, Janet P. Primomo, and Lisa Deal
Outcome Measures in Home Care: Service, Alexis A. Wilson and Lynn T. Rinke
Outerwall and Beyond, Greg Kline, Jake Hunsaker, Samuel Belgique, and Jared Maxfield
Outerwall and Beyond, Joe Lawless
Outerwall and Beyond: Better Living Consulting, Robert Velasquez, Derek H. Collins, Angela Chase, and Wes Carter
Outerwall and Beyond: ecoATM, Looking Ahead, Nathan Collins, Tara Ghassemika, Noah Sawuch, and Emmeline Vu
Pastoral Misconduct: The American Black Church Examined, Janelle EliassonNannini and Anson Shupe
Patriotic Professionalism in Urban China: Fostering Talent (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy), Lisa Hoffman
Pleae Don't Feed the Birds, Kylie Lanthorn
Poetry Studies, Jennifer Sundheim
Poet's Waltz, Alyssa Moore
Practical Tips for Publishing Scholarly Articles: Writing and Publishing in the Helping Professions, Rich Furman and Julie T. Kinn
Practice Variation as Mechanism for Generating Institutional Complexity: Local Experiments in Funding Social Impact Business, Tracy A. Thompson and Jill Purdy
Practitioners Panel Discussion, Russell Investments, McKinstry, Iron Mountain, and Microsoft
Preserving Identity, Empowering Children: Whale Rider, Spirited Away, Frozen, Alana Zautner
Private Predictive Modeling Power, Stacey C. Newman
Program and Attendee List, Joe Lawless
Psychosocial Nursing Care of the Emergency Patient, Sharon Gavin Fought
Public versus Private Spheres of Domesticity, Jessie F. Mizic
Puppets, Fenghsi Hsu
Pushing for New Perspectives: Policy Model of Criminalized Prostitution and its Effect on Victims of Sex Trafficking, Melanie C. Basil
Race, Labor, and Migration: The Legacy of the FEPC and Puget Sound Navy Yard, Aaron Chapman
Race, Racism and Multiraciality in American Education, Christopher Bodenheimer Knaus
Racial and Ethnic Structure of Los Angeles County: A Geographic Guide, Ali Modarres
Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare, Marian S. Harris
Raising the Bar: The Complicated Consumption of Chocolate, Ellen E. Moore
Rediscovering Geography: New Relevance for Science and Society, National Research Council, James, and James W. Harrington
Redondo Beach, Andrew Crew
Red Plum #44, Monica Melton
Renewal, Alison Pham
Research for Effective Social Work Practice: New Directions in Social Work, Jerry Finn and Judy L. Krysik
Robot World: Education, Popular Culture, and Science, Matthew Weinstein
Self, Abbye Myshrall
Self-promotion No Longer Leaves a Bad Taste: Ajinomoto’s CSR Activity in Japanese Schools, Kaori Takano
Send in the Mouse: How American Politicians Used Walt Disney Productions to Safeguard the American Home Front in WWII, Jordan M. Winters
Services and Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific, James W. Harrington and Peter W. Daniels
Sex Crimes: Transnational Problems and Global Perspectives, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman
"Sexual Hyenas" and Programs for At-risk Youth: Structural Opportunities for Abuse, Ellen E. Moore
Shelf Love, Alex Newman
Shut Up and Listen: Teaching Writing that Counts in Urban Schools, Christopher Bodenheimer Knaus
Sloth Jam 2014 Revamp!, Kyle Turner
Smutty Extended Metaphor, Vincent Dimson
Social Work Practice with Latinos, Rich Furman and Nalini Negi
Social Work Practice With Men at Risk, Rich Furman
Southern Injustice and Radical Discontent: The Black Panther Party in the Post-Civil Rights South, Adam Nolan
Spray, Kari Treese
Staghorn Suman, Nancy Zahn
Standing on Both Feet: Voices of Older Mixed-Race Americans, Cathy J. Tashiro
Strong Kids - Grades 3-5: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Kenneth Merrell, Laura Feuerborn, Dianna Carrizales, and Barbara Gueldner
Strong Kids - Grades 6-8: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Kenneth Merrell, Laura Feuerborn, Dianna Carrizales, and Barbara Gueldner
Strong Teens - Grades 9-12: A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Kenneth Merrell, Laura Feuerborn, Dianna Carrizales, and Barbara Gueldner
Sunrise, Seanna Collins
Support Group for Spouse/Partners of Mentally Ill Spouses/Partners, Amie Taft
Sustainable Fashion at Nordstrom, Joe Lawless
Sustainable Fashion at Nordstrom: Its Sustainable Future, Lehualani Shiroma
Sustainable Fashion at Nordstrom: Think, Adapt, Anticipate, Crystal Kizanis, Garret Mark, Natnael Tekeste, and Mitchell Gould
Sustainable Innovation at REI, Joe Lawless
Sustainable Innovation at REI; Better Living Consulting, Robert Velasquez, Derek H. Collins, Angela Chase, and Wes Carter
Sustainable Innovation at REI; REI 2.0, Innovating Sustainably in Today's Sharing Economy, Will Dobie, Jeremy Santos, Crystal Wang, and Deme Xenos
Sustainable Innovation at REI: Sustainability Heroes, Sophia Miller, Kenny Glade, Patrick Sullivan, and Abigail Readey
Tapped Up China Girl Trapped on a Shelf, Megan Marks
Theater, Andrew Bussey
The Coffee Hypothesis, Nicholas Stillman
The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences, Alissa R. Ackerman and Rich Furman
The Effect of Community Involvement on Disaster Relief, Ryan M. Brookman
The Effects of CSR Reporting Regimes and Financial Conditions on Managers’ Willingness to Invest in CSR, Yasheng Chen, Johnny Jermias, and Jamal Aldin Nazari
The Fall of Man, Nicholas Stillman
The Genesis of Verse, Margaret Lundberg
The Gospel of Tom (Hanks): American Churches and The Da Vanci Code, Ellen E. Moore
The HEAR.US Project - Reducing Anti-Immigrant Sentiment and Myth Through an Online Awareness Intervention, Douglas J. Epps
The Helping Relationship: Process and Skills, Lawrence M. Brammer and Ginger MacDonald
The Icarian, Brennen Johnson
The Immigration-Industrial Complex: Blurring the Lines of Private Enterprise and Public Interest, Douglas Epps
The Impact of Advocacy Organizations on Low-Income Housing Policy in U.S. Cities, Anaid Yerena
The Impact of Formal and Informal Institutional Distances on MNE Corporate Social Performance, Dawn L. Keig, Victor B. Marshall, and Lance Eliot Brouthers
The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices, Julia Aguirre, Karen Mayfield-Ingram, and Danny Martin
The Irish Ordnance Survey's Six Inches to One Mile Map of Ireland: Anglicization and Otherness, Reese C. Hentges
The Junkman, Nicholas Stillman
The Killing Hand, Danielle Burch
The Lousiana Duchess, Lindsey Carman
The Moderating Effect of Third-Party Assurance on the Relationship Between CSR Disclosure and Investor Judgments, Leila Emily Hickman and Bernard Wong-On-Wing
The Night in Tacoma, Mengmeng Liu
The Nutcracker, Tyler Flinchbaugh
The Perks of Being a Muse, Jennifer Anderson
The Proletariat, Chelsea Vitone
The Psychology of Overeating: Food and the Culture of Consumerism, Kima Cargill
The Risk of School Rampage: Assessing and Preventing Threats of School Violence, Eric Madfis
"These are the Ghettos of Washington": Neoliberal Public Housing Redevelopment in Tacoma, WA, Leah Rachel Montange
"These are the Ghettos of Washington": Public Housing and Neoliberalization in Tacoma, WA , Leah Rachel Montange
These Walls, Danielle Burch
The Third Shift: Paid Work, Care Work and Education, Michelle Sanchez
The Universal to the Material: Social Citizenship and New Deal Labor Organizing in the Chicago Meatpacking Industry, Peter Benjamin
The Universal to the Material: Social Citizenship, a Politics of Becoming and New Deal Labor Organizing in Chicago Meatpacking, Peter Y. Benjamin
The Use of Social Media for Citizen Engagement: the Case of SAPAS in La Paz, Mexico, Victoria Basolo and Anaid Yerena
Tongue Sores, Jennifer Royer
To the Point of No Return, Alison Pham
Twin Barns, Richard Goetz
Understanding the Life of Point Loma, Bonnie Becker
“Undone”: a Novella Using Othello to Discuss Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Support, Thomas M. Hicks
Unmarked and Unheard: Voices of Working Class White Men in an Appalachian Borderland, Jonathan K. Grove
Urban Dancers, Mick Flaaen
Urban Growth Management and Its Discontents: Promises, Practices, and Geopolitics in U.S. City-Regions, Yonn Dierwechter
Victoria's Little Secret, Joe Lawless
Victoria’s Little Secret, Matthew Deem, Christopher Aiken, Matt Colleen, and Matthew Rhoades
Victoria's Little Secret: Addressing Child Labor, Andrea Cerna, Michael Lawrence, Eileen Smith, and Nicole Winjum
Water's Flame, Alison Pham
What We Say, University of Washington Tacoma
Who Are You? ...Honestly!, Zeinab Mahdavifar
Wonderful People, Andrew Bussey
Words Can Hurt, John P. Burns
Yansey Bowls His Hair, Vincent Dimson
You and Me in Ghost Town, Lindsey Carman