Submissions from 2010
A Reference Model for Sustainable E-Learning Service Systems:Experiences With the Joint University/Teradata Consortium, Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul, and Mary Gros
Servitized Enterprises for Distributed Collaborative Commerce, Haluk Demirkan and James C. Spohrer
The Impact of National Institutional Context on Social Practices: Comparing Finnish and US Business Communities, Jill M. Purdy, Elizabeth A. Alexander, and Stern Neill
Service Science, Management, Engineering and Technology, M-A Sicilia, P Geczy, and Haluk Demirkan
Submissions from 2009
Perspective: Technology Management in the Service Sector, Tugrul U. Daim, Antonie Jetter, Haluk Demirkan, and Paul P. Maglio
Unlocking the Influence of Leadership Network Structures on Team Conflict and Viability, Zoe Barsness, Prasad Balkundi, and Judd H. Michael
When a Good Idea Isn't Enough: Curricular Innovation as a Political Process, Tracy A. Thompson and Jill M. Purdy
Conflicting Logics, Mechanisms of Diffusion, and Multilevel Dynamics in Emerging Institutional Fields, Jill M. Purdy and Barbara Gray
Service Oriented Technology Management to Improve Organizational Agility, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul
Global warming and environmental production efficiency ranking of the Kyoto Protocol nations, Ehsan H. Feroz, Raymond L. Raab, Gerald T. Ulleberg, and Kamal Alsharif
Grameen La Riba Model: A Strategy for Global Poverty Alleviation, Ehsan H. Feroz and Blake Goud
A Strategic Assessment of Telemedicine as a New Service for Health Delivery: Case of a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Tugrul U. Daim, N. Basoglu, and Haluk Demirkan
Bankruptcy classification of firms investigated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission: An evolutionary adaptive ensemble model approach, Sergio Davalos, Fei Leng, Ehsan H. Feroz, and Zhiyan Cao
Submissions from 2008
The Risk and Information Sharing of Application Services Supply Chain, Haluk Demirkan and Hsing Kenneth Cheng
Performance measurement for accountability in corporate governance : A data envelopment analysis approach, Ehsan. H. Feroz, Sanjay Goel, and Raymond L. Raab
Governance of water supply systems in the Palestinian Territories: A data envelopment analysis approach to the management of water resources, Kamal Alsharif, Ehsan H. Feroz, Andrew Klemer, and Raymond Raab
Editorial, Haluk Demirkan
Process and Services Fusion Impact Assessment: SSME Findings From Industry Collaboration and the Need for Competency Centers, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul
Service-Oriented Technology and Management: Perspectives on Research and Practice for the Coming Decade, Haluk Demirkan, Robert J. Kauffman, Jamshid A. Vayghan, Hans-Georg Fill, Dimitris Karagiannis, and Paul P. Maglio
IT Services Project Management: Lessons Learned From a Case Study in Implementation, Haluk Demirkan and Jason Nichols
Governance of the PRC Qingtongxia Aluminum Corporation, Jiexin Liu, Ehsan H. Feroz, and Sungsoo Kim
Evaluating the Applicability of Socially-Oriented Perspectives to the IT Service Level Agreement Negotiation Process: A Theory-Driven Exploratory Study, Daniel S. Soper, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul
Submissions from 2007
A productivity growth accounting approach to the ranking of developing and developed nations, Raymond L. Raab and Ehsan H. Feroz
An Interorganizational Knowledge-Sharing Security Model With Breach Propagation Detection, Daniel S. Soper, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul
Dynamic Decision Support Through Instantiation of UEML Representations, Sagnika Sen, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul
Does Fairness Matter More to Some Than to Others? The Moderating Role of Workplace Status on the Relationship Between Procedural Fairness Perceptions and Job Satisfaction, Zoe I. Barsness, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Harris Sondak
The equity premium puzzle: An artificial neural network approach, Shee Q. Wong, Nik R. Hassan, and Ehsan H. Feroz
High Noon On the Western Range: A Property Rights Analysis of the Johnson County War, Doug Wills and Randy McFerrin
Demographic Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Structural Holes in Work Teams, Zoe I. Barsness, Prasad Balkundi, Martin Kilduff, and Judd H. Michael
Toward an empirical institutional governance theory: Analyses of the decisions by the 50 US State governments to adopt generally accepted accounting principles, Vivian L. Carpenter, Rita H. Cheng, and Ehsan H. Feroz
Submissions from 2006
AMCIS 2006 Panel Summary: Towards the Service Oriented Enterprise Vision: Bridging Industry and Academics, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul
Risks of E-Mail, Zoe I. Barsness
The incremental value relevance of firm-specific risk measures in pricing junk IPOs, Ehsan H. Feroz, Jarrod Johnston, Jacqueline L. Reck, and Earl R. Wilson
Autonomic Workflow Execution in the Grid, J. Nichols, H. Demirkan, and M. Goul
Stationarity Condition for AR Index Process, Eric Iksoon Im, David L. Hammes, and Doug Wills
Seven Key Interventions for Data Warehouse Success, Tim Chenoweth, Karen Corral, and Haluk Demirkan
Submissions from 2005
Database Schema Design for a Web Services Supply Chain Manager: Requirements and Proposed Infrastructure, Michael Goul, Karen Corral, and Haluk Demirkan
Motivation and Opportunity: The Role of Remote Work, Demographic Dissimilarity, and Social Network Centrality in Impression Management, Zoe I. Barsness, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Marc-David L. Seidel
Performance Measurement in Corporate Governance: Do Mergers Improve Managerial Performance in the Post-Merger Period?, Ehsan H. Feroz, Sungsoo Kim, and Ray Raab
Submissions from 2004
Uncertainty, Fairness Perceptions, and Job Satisfaction: A Field Study, Zoe I. Barsness, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Harris Sondak
Focus Please: Team Coordination and Performance at a Wood Manufacturer, Zoe I. Barsness, J. H. Michael, L. Lawson, and P. Balkundi
Submissions from 2003
Price and Capacity Competition of Application Services Duopoly, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Haluk Demirkan, and Gary J. Koehler
Managing Agreements With Chains, Bruce Worobec
Financial statement analysis: A data envelopment analysis approach, Ehsan H. Feroz, S. Kim, and R. L. Raab
Submissions from 2002
Why Am I Here? The Influence of Group and Relational Attributes on Member-Initiated Team Selection, Zoe Barsness, AE Tenbrunsel, J. H. Michael, and L. Lawson
Submissions from 2001
Institutional theory and accounting rule choice: An analysis of four US state governments' decisions to adopt generally accepted accounting principles, Vivian L. Carpenter and Ehsan H. Feroz
An Income Efficiency Model Approach to the Economic Consequences of Osha Cotton Dust Regulation, Ehsan H. Feroz, Raymond Raab, and Stephen Haag
Submissions from 2000
The Role of Third Parties in County Dispute Resolution, Jill M. Purdy
The Impact of Communication Media on Negotiation Outcomes, Jill M. Purdy, Pete Nye, and P. V. Balakrishnan
The occurrence of fibonacci numbers in time series of financial accounting ratios: Anomalies or indicators of firm survival, bankruptcy and fraud? An exploratory study, Amin H. Amershi and Ehsan H. Feroz
Submissions from 1998
Contingent Employment in British Establishments: Organizational Determinants of the Use of Fixed-Term Hires and Part-Time Workers, Zoe I. Barsness and Brian Uzzi
Submissions from 1997
Building a Strong Foundation: Using a Computer Simulation in an Introductory Management Course, Tracy A. Thompson, Jill M. Purdy, and Patricia M. Fandt
New Approaches to the Study of Culture in I/O Psychology, Zoe I. Barsness
Sara Lee Corporation and Corporate Citizenship: Unity in Diversity, Zoe I. Barsness
Submissions from 1996
Self-organizing fuzzy and MLP approaches to detecting fraudulent financial reporting, Ehsan H. Feroz and Taek Mu Kwon
A multilayered perception approach to prediction of the SEC's investigation targets, Taek Mu Kwon and Ehsan H. Feroz
The Effectiveness of Mediation: An Independent Analysis of Cases Handled by Four Major Service Providers, Zoe I. Barsness, Jeanne M. Brett, and Stephen B. Goldberg
Submissions from 1994
Preprocessing of training set for back propagation algorithm: histogram equalization, Taek M. Kwon, Ehsan H. Feroz, and Hui Cheng
Financial Accounting Measures and Mayoral Elections, Ehsan H. Feroz and Earl R. Wilson
Government Agencies as Mediators in Public Policy Conflicts, Jill M. Purdy and Barbara Gray
A Paradigm for Quantitative Cross-Cultural Research in Organizational Behavior, Zoe I. Barsness, Anne L. Lytle, J.M. Brett, C.H. Tinsley, and M. Janssens
Enterprise Data: One Step at a Time, Bruce Worobec
Submissions from 1992
Does the FASB Listen to Corporations?, Lawrence D. Brown and Ehsan H. Feroz
GAAP as a symbol of legitimacy: New York State's decision to adopt generally accepted accounting principles, Vivian L. Carpenter and Ehsan H. Feroz
Submissions from 1990
Management Compensation, Insider Trading and Lobbying Choice: The Case of R & D, Ehsan H. Feroz and Robert L. Hagerman
Submissions from 1989
Allison's Models and the Fasb Statements No's 2, 5, 13 and 19, J. D. Cheshire and Ehsan H. Feroz
Submissions from 1987
Corporate Demands and Changes In Gpla, Ehsan H. Feroz