Business Publications | Milgard School of Business | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2020

Allegations of Sexual Misconduct: A View from the Observation Deck of Power Distance Belief, Shalini Jain and Joon Sung Lee

How To Voice, Umit Kucuk

Voiceconomics, Umit Kucuk

Voicesumers, Umit Kucuk

This Cloud has a Silver Lining: Gender Diversity, Managerial Ability, and Firm Performance, Shalini Jain, Arindam Tripathy, and Guy D. Fernando

Fundamental Valuation in Seven Asian Countries: Role of Earnings, Book Value, and Dividends, Shahrokh Saudagaran, Kriengkrai Boonlert-U-Thai, and Pradyot K. Sen

The strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) quandary: an instructional case, Arindam Tripathy, Sandhya Bhatia, and Gaurav Gupta

The Impact of Implicit Theories of Personality Malleability on Opportunistic Financial Reporting, Shalini Jain, Arindam Tripathy, Shailendra Pratap Jain, and Naman Desai

Reverse (Brand) Anthropomorphism: The Case of Brand Hitlerization, Umit Kucuk

Not All That Glitters is Golden: The Impact of Procedural Fairness Perceptions on Firm Evaluations and Customer Satisfaction with Favorable Outcomes, Shalini Jain and Pragya Mathur

Sustainability Reporting and Bank Performance After Financial Crisis: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries, Shahrokh Saudagaran, Amina Buallay, Sayed M. Fadel, and Jasim Alajami

Sports Teams Heritage: Measurement and Application in Sponsorship, Gregory M. Rose, Altaf Merchant, Mei Rose, and Ulrich R. Orth

Sustainability Reporting and Performance of MENA Banks: Is There a Trade-Off?, Shahrokh Saudagaran, Amina Buallay, Sayed M. Fadel, and Jasim Yusuf Al-Ajmi

The Reverse Napoleon Effect: The Brand Appreciation of Looking Up by Tall People, Gregory M. Rose, Ulrich R. Orth, and Casparus J. A. Machiels

Operating Cash Flow Opacity and Stock Price Crash Risk, Eliza Xia Zhang, C. S. Agnes Cheng, and Shuo Li

Submissions from 2019

How Much is Too Much? The Effect of Offline Call Intensity on Online Purchase of Digital Services, Xingyue Zhang and Yuliang Yao

Are Logics Enough? Framing as an Alternative Tool for Understanding Institutional Meaning Making, Jill Purdy, Shaz Ansari, and Barbara Gray

Preservation, Rejuvenation, or Confusion? Changing Package Designs for Heritage Brands, Ulrich R. Orth, Gregory M. Rose, and Altaf Merchant

The Impact of Cash Flow Management Versus Accruals Management on Credit Rating Performance and Usage, Eliza Xia Zhang

Developing an Emic Scale to Measure Ad-Evoked Nostalgia in a Collectivist Emerging Market, India, V. Jain, A. Merchant, S. Roy, and J.B. Ford

Submissions from 2018

Selling, General, and Administrative Expense (SGA)-based Metrics in Marketing: Conceptual and Measurement Challenges, A. Ptok, R.P. Jindal, and W.J. Reinartz

Relative Value in Corporate Bond Sectors, F. Leng and G. Noronha

Cognitive Outcomes of Brand Heritage: A Signaling Perspective, Altaf Merchant, Fabien Pecot, Pierre Valette-Florence, and Virginie De Barnier

Impact of IFRS Adoption on Reporting of Firm Efficiency: Case of Indian IT Firms, S. Bhatia and A. Tripathy

The Economics of Corporate Lobbying, Z. Cao, G.D. Fernando, A. Tripathy, and A. Upadhyay

Cultivating T-Shaped Professionals in the Era of Digital Transformation, H. Demirkan and J.C. Spohrer

Factors Influencing Hospital Readmission Penalties: Are They Really Under Hospitals’ Control?, R.P. Jindal, D.K. Gauri, G. Singh, and S. Nicholson

Corporate Social Responsibility and Word - Of - Mouth Intentions, B. Kang and E. Sivadas

Should Cookie Monster Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle or Continue to Indulge? Insights Into Brand Icons, Altaf Merchant, K.A. LaTour, J.B. Ford, and M.S. LaTour

Connections and Collaboration—Celebrating the Contributions of Barbara Gray, J. Purdy, J. Kish-Gephart, G.J. Labianca, and S. Ansari

Submissions from 2017

Is Real Earnings Smoothing Harmful? Evidence From Firm-Specific Stock Price Crash Risk, Inder K. Khurana, Raynolde Pereira, and Eliza (Xia) Zhang

Smart Health: Big Data Enabled Health Paradigm Within Smart Cities, Haluk Demirkan, Md Ileas Pramanik, Raymond Y. Lau, and Md Abul Azad


Obamacare and Environmental Production Efficiency Rankings for the 50 U.S. State Governments: A Data Envelopment Analysis of Health Outcomes from Environmental Factors and State Health Care Expenditures, Ehsan H. Feroz, Raymond L. Raab, Jennifer Schultz, and Gerald T. Ulleberg

Cognitive Computing, H. Demirkan, S. Earley, and R. R. Harmon

On the Next Decade of Research in Voluntary Employee Turnover, T.W. Lee, P.W. Hom, M.B. Eberly, J.L.I. Jason, and T.R. Mitchell


Authenticity, Power, and Pluralism: A Framework for Understanding Stakeholder Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities, Paul F. Skilton and Jill M. Purdy

Submissions from 2016

Practice Variation as a Mechanism for Influencing Institutional Complexity: Local Experiments in Funding Social Impact Businesses, Tracy A. Thompson and Jill M. Purdy

Using Sharepoint as a Limited Learning Management System, Bruce Worobec and Robert Bryant

Data Lakes: The Biggest Big Data Challenges, Prashant Tyagi and Haluk Demirkan

Digital Innovation and Strategic Transformation, Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer, and J. J. Welser

The Role of Power in Collaborative Governance, Jill M. Purdy

Perceived Managerial (Remote Leader) Trustworthiness as a Moderator for the Relationship Between Overall Fairness and Perceived Supervisory (Direct Leader) Trustworthiness, Zoe I. Barsness and Dejun Tony Kong

Emerging Digital Frontiers for Service Innovation, Christoph Peters, Paul Maglio, Ralph Badinelli, Robert Harmon, Roger Maull, James Spohrer, Tuure Tuunanen, Stephen Vargo, Jeffrey Welser, Haluk Demirkan, Terri Griffith, and Yassi Moghaddam

Emerging Service Orientations and Transformations (SOT), Haluk Demirkan and James C. Spohrer

The Role of Task Uncertainty in IT Project Team Advice Networks, Mark Keith, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul

Introduction to the Decision Analytics, Mobile and Service Science Track (DA/MS/SS), Christer Carlsson and Haluk Demirkan

Collaborative Innovation, Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer, and Nicholas Donofrio

Firm Strategy and Market Reaction to Earnings, G.D. Fernando, R.A. Schneible, and A. Tripathy

Designed to Succeed: Dimensions of Product Design and Their Impact on Market Share, R.P. Jindal, K.R. Sarangee, R. Echambadi, and S. Lee

The Unrealized Value of Incentivized eWOM Recommendations, J. Kim, G. Naylor, E. Sivadas, and V. Sugumaran

Emphasizing Brand Heritage: Does It Work? And How?, G.M. Rose, A. Merchant, U.R. Orth, and F. Horstmann

Consequences of Consumer Animosity: A Meta-Analytic Integration, A. Shoham, Y. Gavish, and G.M. Rose


Identifying Relevant Socio-Theoretic Foundations for Supporting Multi-Issue IT Cloudsourcing Negotiations, D. S. Soper, H. Demirkan, and M. Goul

Submissions from 2015

Innovations With Smart Service Systems: Analytics, Big Data, Cognitive Assistance, and the Internet of Everything, Haluk Demirkan, Charlie Bess, Jim Spohrer, Ammar Rayes, Don Allen, and Yassi Moghaddam

Teaching Predictive Model Management in MIS Classrooms: A Tutorial, Sule Balkan and Haluk Demirkan

T-Shaped Innovators: Identifying the Right Talent to Support Service Innovation, Haluk Demirkan and Jim Spohrer

IT-Enabled Business Innovation [Guest Editors' Introduction], R. R. Harmon and Haluk Demirkan


Corporate governance and default risk of firms cited in the SEC’s Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases, Zhiyan Cao, Fei Leng, Ehsan H. Feroz, and Sergio V. Davalos

Special Section: Enhancing E-Commerce Outcomes With IT Service Innovations, Haluk Demirkan


From Interactions to Institutions: Microprocesses of Framing and Mechanisms for the Structuring of Institutional Fields, Barbara Gray, Jill M. Purdy, and Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari

Social Value: A Service Science Perspective, Jim Spohrer, Haluk Demirkan, and Kelly Lyons

Submissions from 2014


Performance measurement in nonprofit governance: an empirical study of the Minnesota independent school districts, Rajiv D. Banker, Hsihui Chang, and Ehsan H. Feroz

Developing a Framework to Improve Virtual Shopping in Digital Malls With Intelligent Self-Service Systems, Haluk Demirkan and Jim Spohrer


Book Reviews: Trevor Hooper, Mathew Tsamenyi, Shahzad Uddin and Danture Wickramasinghe (eds.), Handbook of Accounting and Development (Elgar, 2012), Ehsan H. Feroz


Designing an If-Then Rules Based Ensemble of Heterogeneous Bankruptcy Classifiers: A Genetic Algorithm Approach, Sergio Davalos, Fei Leng, Ehsan H. Feroz, and Zhiyan Cao

Service Research and Innovation: Emerging Developments, Joseph G. Davis, Haluk Demirkan, and Hamid R. Motahari-Nezhad


Doing God's work?, Ehsan H. Feroz


Institutional Complexity and the Authenticity of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives, Paul F. Skilton and Jill M. Purdy

Submissions from 2013

Conflict in Cross-Sector Partnerships, Jill M. Purdy

Service Science: Reframing Progress With Universities, Jim Spohrer, Alessio Giuiusa, Haluk Demirkan, and David Ing

Service-Oriented Methodology for Systems Development, Mark Keith, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul

Data, Information and Analytics as Services, Dursun Delen and Haluk Demirkan

Leveraging the Capabilities of Service-Oriented Decision Support Systems: Putting Analytics and Big Data in Cloud, Haluk Demirkan and Dursun Delen

Analytical, Computational and Conceptual Modeling in Service Science and Systems, Haluk Demirkan and Daniel Dolk

Taking Value-Networks to the Cloud Services: Security Services, Semantics and Service Level Agreements, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul

Service Science: On Reflection, James C. Spohrer, Stephen K. Kwan, and Haluk Demirkan

Submissions from 2012


Communication Media: Implications for Negotiation Process and Outcome, Zoe I. Barsness

Ensuring Reliability in B2B Services: Fault Tolerant Inter-Organizational Workflows, Haluk Demirkan, Sagnika Sen, Michael Goul, and Jason Nichols

When Cultures Clash Electronically: The Impact of Email and Social Norms on Negotiation Behavior and Outcomes, Zoe Barsness, Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Jeanne M. Brett, and Anne L. Lytle

A Framework for Assessing Power in Collaborative Governance Processes, Jill M. Purdy

Roadmapping the Next Wave of Sustainable IT, Robert R. Harmon, Haluk Demirkan, and David Raffo

An Empirical Examination of the Impact of ICT Investments on Future Levels of Institutionalized Democracy and Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Societies, Daniel Soper, Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul, and Robert St Louis

Learning About Governance Through Nonprofit Board Service, Jill M. Purdy and Jospeh Lawless

Sustainable IT Services: Creating a Framework for Service Innovation, Robert R. Harmon and Haluk Demirkan

Submissions from 2011


The artistry of international accounting case pedagogy, Ehsan H. Feroz


Line Item Budgeting and Production Efficiency, Rajiv D. Banker, Hsihui Chang, and Ehsan H. Feroz

The Long-Term Performance and Failure Risk of Firms Cited in the US SEC's Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases, Fei Leng, Ehsan H. Feroz, Zhiyan Cao, and Sergio V. Davalos

Introduction of Service Systems Implementation, Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer, and Vikas Krishna

Introduction of the Science of Service Systems, Haluk Demirkan, James C. Spohrer, and Vikas Krishna

Promoting Effective Decision Making Using Analytics in a Virtual Technology Lab, Mary E. Gros, Michael Goul, and Haluk Demirkan

Service and Science, James C. Spohrer, Haluk Demirkan, and Vikas Krishna

Submissions from 2010

Service-Orientation in Electronic Markets, Rainer Alt, Witold Abramowicz, and Haluk Demirkan

The Influence of Collaborative Technology Knowledge on Advice Network Structures, Mark Keith, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul

Introduction to the Special Section: Service Science in Electronic Commerce, Indranil Bardhan, Haluk Demirkan, P. K. Kannan, and Robert J. Kauffman

Special Issue: Information Systems in Services, Indranil R. Bardhan, Haluk Demirkan, P. K. Kannan, and Robert J. Kauffman

An Interdisciplinary Perspective on IT Services Management and Service Science, Indranil R. Bardhan, Haluk Demirkan, P. K. Kannan, Robert J. Kauffman, and Ryan Sougstad


Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations Through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services, Tugrul U. Daim, Robert R. Harmon, and Haluk Demirkan

Coordination Strategies in an SaaS Supply Chain, Haluk Demirkan, Hsing Keneth Cheng, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay

Moving Forward and Making a Difference: Research Priorities for the Science of Service, Amy L. Ostrom, Mary Jo Bitner, Stephen W. Brown, Kevin A. Burkhard, Michael Goul, Vicki Smith-Daniels, Haluk Demirkan, and Elliot Rabinovich

Information Services for Advanced Marketing, Sule Balkan and Haluk Demirkan