Dissertation in Practice from 2024
(Four) Vertical Transfer Experiences of Ethnic Chinese International Students from Community Colleges: Who Are They and What Have They Experienced?, Angela Leung
Dissertation in Practice from 2023
Transforming Learning Spaces: Decentering Whiteness to Dream of a Liberatory Education, Kimberly Booker
Subversive Self-Care: Black Women Faculty and the (Im)possibilities of Healing in Higher Education, Hermenia Butler
We are Stronger Together: Faculty Reflections on Competency-Based High School Completion for Adults in Washington State, Elizabeth J. Flanagan
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) Preparing the Future, Healing the Past, & Being in the Moment with Teachers as they Indigenize the Way They Teach, Ramona Halcomb
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) Off the Rez: Witnessing Indigenous Knowledges Through Social Media, Deborah Hales
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Mental Resilience, Brendan Hanley
(4) A Post Pandemic Analysis of COVID-19 and the Impact on Mental Health of High School Student-Athletes—Today, more than ever minds matter, Pastora Hernandez Barbee
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) “Tienes Que Ser Bien Educada”: A Call for Art, Reconciliation, and Justice in Education, Eileen Jimenez
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) Educational Sovereignty: Creating Community by Ensuring Belonging, Merisa K. Jones
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) Indigenous-based Mindful Activities for Students with Test Anxiety, Amy Maharaj
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) The One Drop Rule While Being a Black Indigenous Woman, Ada McDaniel
(4) Creating and Maintaining High-Quality Educational Spaces for Black Children: Challenges and Strategies, Darius B. Mensah
Women With Student Loans: Relational Impacts on Self, Family, and Work, Annie Pocklington
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) Heart Story Curation: Indigenous Feminist Justice Leadership & The Philanthropic Call to Action, Joannie M. Suina
(UWT-Muckleshoot Cohort Doctoral Program) Indigenizing Education: Universal Design for Learning and Indigenous Leadership Frameworks, Jennifer Vasilez
(4) Start with Self: Considerations of Being in Relationship, Alison O. Pugh
(4) Effective Professional Development and Lesson Study, Kylie Danielson
You are another me: Public schooling testimonios de lugares nepantleras, E. R. Álvarez
Re-establishing Public School Curriculum Adoption Process for Grades Six Through Eight, Alicia Mendez
Dissertation in Practice from 2022
Fostering Communities for BIPOC Students in Higher Education Spaces: The Impacts of Targeted Student Supports Services on Racially Hostile Campuses, Kenderick Wilson
Dissertation in Practice from 2021
University Staff: Indigenous Sovereignty and Justice Online, Star Berry
Mechanisms of Biases and Cultural Literacy in International Language Education: One Such Story to Carry, Yukari Birkett
Recommendations for Creating Inclusive Classroom Andragogy: Perspectives of Graduate Students with Learning Disabilities, Marcee Boggs
Examining Strategies that Promote Success for Adult Basic Education Students: A Professional Development Seminar for Educators, Andrew Brottlund
Equity by Design and Delivery Model in Online Learning: Educator and Student Perceptions and Behaviors as Leading Indicators of Systemic Change, Miebeth Bustillo-Booth
A Qualitative Study: Exploring the Connection Between Therapeutic Foster Parent Training and Placement Disruption, Emmanuel Camarillo
Improving Homeless Student Identification in an Urban High School, Donald Crider
COVID-19 School Closures: Professional and Personal Impacts on Building Principals, Paula R. Dawson and Alicia M. Nosworthy
Still Just white-Framed: Continued Coloniality, Hispanic Serving Institutions, and Latin@/x Students, Ilda Guzman
Diversity in Community College Registered Nursing Education, Sergio Hernández Del Cid
Experiences of Contemporary Dance Choreographers of Color in the Pacific Northwest, Sue Ann Huang
Latinx Students' Sense of Belonging in a Comprehensive Suburban High School, Samantha Ketover
Barriers Impacting LPNs Academic Progression, M Dianne Nauer
Examining Social Capital and Whiteness in a University Community Engagement Network, Bonnie Nelson
Asian American Community College Presidents: Their Leadership Practices, Insights, and Attributes, Michael Pham
Institutional Accreditation: Making the Process More Efficient, Effective, and Meaningful to Colleges and Universities, Cynthia J. Requa
Community College Student Completion Rates and Strategies for Improvement, Norma Whitacre
Dissertation in Practice from 2019
Corporate E-learning: Perceptions of Persistence and Satisfaction, Staci Bain
Reflections on Reentry: A Qualitative Study of Cross-Cultural Reentry Experiences of International Cultural Exchange Students, Christina Lynn Cox
Asian American Teachers in Predominantly White Education Systems, Candis Lee Eckert
Examining Campus Racial Climate for Faculty and Staff, Sherri Fujita
Let's be Blunt: Substance Use Among Black Male Student-Athletes, Elizabeth Griffin
Asian American Community College Presidents: An AsianCrit Analysis of their Approaches to Leadership, Johnny Hu
Professional Development and Self-Efficacy: Their Impact on the Advancement of Latinas in Higher Education Leadership, Olga Torres Inglebritson
Online Learning Within an Open-Door Program, Adriana Julian
Social Constructivism: An Andragogical Praxis for Critical Thinking Instruction and Evaluation with Graduate Social Work Students, Luella Loudenback
Experiences of African American Women in Washington State’s Applied Baccalaureate Programs: A Mixed Methods Study, Stefanie McIrvin
Understanding the Impacts of Campus Racial Climate on Southeast Asian College Students’ Experiences, Chanira Reang Sperry
Expanding Educational Potential through Multisector Partnership, Maija Thiel
Reframing Internationalization: Faculty Beliefs and Teaching Practices, Marco Tulluck
Where Did My Black Folk Go? The Exclusion of Black Males From American K-12 Classrooms, conrad webster
Improving the Leadership of P-12 Administrative Teams, Joshua Zarling
Examining the Human Experience of Moral Distress: A Narrative Inquiry, Allison Wareham
Dissertation in Practice from 2018
Its Okay For Us to Be Students, but Not Leaders: African American Women in Executive Leadership within the Community College, La Shemia C. Hanebutte
Dissertation in Practice from 2017
Barriers for Pseudo School District’s College Bound Scholars’ Scholarship Attainment, Annette Burnett
Dissertation in Practice from 2016
Responding to their Voice: The Needs of Postsecondary Students with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability, Lucretia A. Berg
Youth Empowerment for Environmental Justice, Mattie B. Brickle
The Principal's Voice: Supports Critical to a School Principal's Effectiveness, Rita Chaudhuri
Writing Equity Policy for a K-12 Public School District: An Insider's Perspective, Louanne H. Decker
From Isolation to Collaboration: School Principals, Allison B. Drago and Vincent Pecchia
Sustained Implementation of School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports through Continuous Regeneration, Thomas A. Edwards
Building on Community: A Community-Built Pipeline of Community College-Educated Secondary Mathematics Teachers of Color, Maria J. Gross
Harnessing Emotions: The Critical Role of Emotional Intelligence for Community College Leaders, Lauren Hibbs and Valerie M. Sundby-Thorp
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Process of Tacoma’s Globalization, Yi Hui
Surviving or Thriving: Educator Change Following School-Based Trauma, Mona M. Johnson
Utilizing Assessment Resources to Support Classroom Instruction in Mathematics, Jennifer A. Judkins
Online Onboarding of Community College Mid-Level Administrators, Heather F. Lukashin
The Cultural Isolation of Providers and Educators Caused by Stigma and Compassion Fatigue when Serving Survivors of Invisible Wounds, Bronwyn G. Pughe
Images of DREAMers: Using Photovoice to Explore the Experiences of Undocumented Latinxs in a Washington State Community College, Theresa R. Ramos Ed.D.
Using Student and Staff Perceptions to Guide Training and Practice, Cynthia Sherrod
Change Management and Guided Pathways: Creating a Plan for Implementation at a Washington State Community College, Sandra Spadoni and Saovra Ear
An Opportunity for Community: Building a Community College Center for Community Engagement in a “Distressed” Suburb, Jeffrey L. Wagnitz
Race Matters: Occupational Therapy as a Career Choice by High School Students of Color, Kirsten L. Wilbur