SIAS Faculty Publications | School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2009

Abortion and Mental Health: Evaluating the Evidence, Brenda Major, Mark Applebaum, Linda Beckman, Mary Ann Dutton, Nancy Felipe Russo, and Carolyn West


Adapting User-Centered Design Methods to Design for Diverse Populations, Cynthia Putnam, Emma J. Rose, Erica J. Johnson, and Beth Kolko

Safety and Immunogenicity of a Defined Vaccine for the Prevention of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Iván D. Vélez, Katherine Gilchrist, Sofía Martínez, José R. Ramírez-Pineda, Jill A. Ashman, Fabiana P. Alves, Rhea N. Coler, Lisa Y. Bogatzki, Stuart J. Kahn, Anna Marie Beckmann, Karen D. Cowgill, Steven G. Reed, and Franco M. Piazza

Functional–structural models optimize the placement of foliage units for multiple whole-canopy functions, Maureen C. Kennedy


Review of "Upbuilding Black Durham: Gender, Class and Black Community Development in the Jim Crow South" by L. Brown, Luther Adams


Review of "Teachers and Schools in Siena, 1357-1500" by P. Denley, Michael Kucher

Local Identities in Globalized Regions: Teens, Everyday Life, and Television, Divya C. McMillin and JoEllen Fisherkeller

Lack of Biological Effects of Water Accommodated Fractions of Chemically- and Physically-Dispersed Oil on Molecular, Physiological, and Behavioral Traits of Juvenile Snapping Turtles Following Embryonic Exposure, Christopher L. Rowe, Carys L. Mitchelmore, and Joel E. Baker

Suspended sediment transport and deposition over a dune: Río Paraná, Argentina, Ray Kostaschuk, Dan H. Shugar, James L. Best, Dan Parsons, Stuart B. Lane, Rich Hardy, and Oscar Orfeo

On Complexity of Round Transformations, Otokar Grosek, Peter Horak, and Pavol Zajac

On Perfect Lee Codes, Peter Horak

A Plea for Civil Religion: Reflections on Rousseau's Savoyard Vicar in the Global Age, Michael Forman


"Mission in Asia": Kita Ikki, V.D. Savarkar and Radical Nationalism in Early 20th Century Japan and India, Mary Hanneman

Schrodinger Cats in Double Well Bose Condensates: Modeling Their Collapse and Detection via Quantum State Diffusion, William P. Reinhardt, Cynthia A. Stanich, and Cory D. Schillaci

Process Theology Resources for an Open and Relational Christology, Michael Zbaraschuk

Target Acquired: America's Army and the Video Games Industry, Randy Nichols


Synthesis and ESR studies of 2'-deoxyuridines tethered with alkynyl, rod-like linkages, Adam Sniady, Michael D. Sevilla, Srinivasarao Meneni, Tadeusz Lis, Slawomir Szafert, Deepthi Khanduri, John M. Finke, and Roman Dembinski

Enumerating and Decoding Perfect Linear Lee Codes, Bader AlBdaiwi, Peter Horak, and Lorenzo Milazzo


"Illegals" of the World Unite! An Interview with David Bacon, Star Murray and Charles Williams

Mobile phone users in Kyrgyzstan: A case study of identifying user requirements for diverse users, C. Putnam, Emma J. Rose, R. Walton, and B. Kolko

Book Review: Ahonen, Tomi, and O'Reilly, Jim. (2007). Digital Korea: Convergence of Broadband Internet, 3G Cell Phones, Multiplayer Gaming, Digital TV, Virtual Reality, Electronic Cash, Telematics, Robotics, E-Government and the Intelligent Home. London: Futuretext. 284 pages, Huatong Sun

Two-criteria model assessment shows that foliage maintenance in old-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii requires both delayed and sequential reiteration, Maureen C. Kennedy and E. David Ford

Toward a Rhetoric of Locale: Localizing Mobile Messaging Technology into Everyday Life, Huatong Sun


Review of "Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, and Migration to Southern California" by P. La Chapelle, Mike Allen

Health Promotion Through Representational Advocacy: Perceptions of Cervical Cancer and Screening Among Low-Income Hispanic Women on the U.S. Mexico Border, Sharon Thompson, Holly Dempsey, Stephen Ross, and Eugenia Anguiano


Pan’s Labyrinth: Finding the Center, Linda Nicole Blair

Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediment and Biota from the Delaware River Estuary, Jeffrey T. F. Ashley, Megan L. Webster, Richard J. Horwitz, David J. Velinsky, and Joel E. Baker


Estimation in Time-Delay Modeling of Insecticide-Induced Mortality, H. T. Banks, John Banks, and S. L. Joyner

Mourning Dove’s Cogewea: Mixed Blood and Colonial Identity, Danica Miller


So Long, See You Tomorrow: The House the Maxwell Built, Linda Nicole Blair


Defined Tuberculosis Vaccine, Mtb72F/As02a, Evidence of Protection in Cynomolgus Monkeys, Steven G. Reed, Rhea N. Coler, Wilfried Dalemans, Esterlina V. Tan, Eduardo C. DeLa Cruz, Randall J. Basaraba, Ian M. Orme, Yasir A. Skeiky, Mark R. Alderson, Karen D. Cowgill, Jean-Paul Prieels, Rodolfo M. Abalos, Marie-Claude Dubois, Joe Cohen, Pascal Mettens, and Yves Lobet


On a Problem of Marco Buratti, Peter Horak and Alexander Rosa


Marine Reserve Design: Simulating Stakeholder Options, Bonnie J. Becker and Peter A. Selkin


Fuyuki Kurasawa, The Work of Global Justice: Human Rights as Practices, Elizabeth M. Bruch


AIDS Literature, Ed Chamberlain

Paul Monette, Ed Chamberlain


Private Lives, Proper Relations: Regulating Black Intimacy (review), Ed Chamberlain

Organic Community: Creating a Place Where People Naturally Connect – by Joseph R. Myers, Jane Compson

La Musique Vardienne, Claudia Gorbman

The Technology of Writing Assessment and Racial Validity, Asao Inoue

Prime-Time Television Program Ownership in a Post-Fin/Syn World, William M. Kunz

Site-Specific Profiles of Estrogenic Activity in Agricultural Areas of California's Inland Waters, Ramon Lavado, Jorge E. Loyo-Rosales, Emily Floyd, Edward P. Kolodziej, Shane A. Snyder, David L. Sedlak, and Daniel Schlenk

The Need for Expert Psychological Testimony on Eyewitness Identification, Roy S. Malpass, Stephen J. Ross, Christian A. Meissner, and Jessica L. Marcon

The Gospel of Tom (Hanks): American Churches and The Da Vanci Code, Ellen E. Moore


Renovation, Disposal and Conservation of Hindu Temples and Images: The Institutionalization of Creativity in South Indian and American Art Worlds, Samuel K. Parker

Mapping the Concentration of Alexandrium Catenella Cysts in Quartermaster Harbor, M. Schatz, Julie Masura, and Cheryl Greengrove

Explicit Constructions of Arithmetic Lattices in SL(n,R), Lee Stemkoski and Erik Tou

“Devotees at the Shrine of Progress:” Christian-Civic Humanism as Educational Philosophy—a Reanalysis of R. A. Butler's Vision for the 1944 Education Act, Elizabeth Anne Sundermann

Still on the Auction Block: The (S)exploitation of Black Adolescent Girls in Rap(e) Music and Hip-Hop Culture, Carolyn M. West

Submissions from 2008


Paleointensity Record From the 2.7 Ga Stillwater Complex, Montana, Peter Selkin, J. S. Gee, E. P. Meurer, and S. R. Hemming

Seasonality of Diffusive Exchange of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Hexachlorobenzene Across the Air-Sea interface of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan, Meng-Der Fang, Fung-Chi Ko, Joel E. Baker, and Chon-Lin Lee


Patterns of Variation in the Influence of Natal Experience on Habitat Choice, Jeremy M. Davis

Accumulation and Maternal Transfer of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Snapping Turtles of the Upper Hudson River, New York, USA, Shannon M. Kelly, Karen M. Eisenreich, Joel E. Baker, and Christopher L. Rowe

Menopausal Attitudes, Objectified Body Consciousness, Aging Anxiety, and Body Esteem: European American Women's Body Experiences in Midlife, Nita M. McKinley and Louise A. Lyon

Suburbs, David R. Coon

Tourism, Cruises, and Resorts, David R. Coon

Population Response to Resource Separation in Conservation Biological Control, John E. Banks, Riccardo Bommarco, and Barbara Ekbom

The Reconstruction of Place and Family in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks, Danica Miller

"A Thin Line Between Love and Hate?" Black Men as Victims and Perpetrators of Dating Violence, Carolyn M. West

Germans as Noble Savages and Castaways: Alter Egos and Alterity in German Collective Consciousness during the Long Eighteenth Century, Johann J. K. Reusch

Crystallographic B-factors Highlight Energetic Frustration in Aldolase Folding, Maithreyi K. Rao, Tracy R. Chapman, and John M. Finke

The Dual-Basin Landscape in GFP Folding, Benjamin T. Andrews, Shachi Gosavi, John M. Finke, José N. Onuchic, and Patricia A. Jennings

Attachment and Attention in Sport, Kelly A. Forrest

Dynamic Models for Insect Mortality Due to Exposure to Insecticides, H. T. Banks, John E. Banks, Sarah L. Joyner, and John D. Stark


Review of "Race, Politics, and Memory: A Documentary History of the Little Rock School Crisis," edited by C. Lewis and R. Lewis, Michael K. Honey

Expecting the Unexpected: Black-Jewish History in Twentieth Century America, Luther J. Adams

K+ Channels at the Axon Initial Segment Dampen Near-Threshold Excitability of Neocortical Fast-Spiking GABAergic Interneurons, Ethan M. Goldberg, Brian D. Clark, Edward Zagha, Marc Nahmani, Alev Erisir, and Bernardo Rudy

An Alternate Approach to Alternating Sums: A Method to DIE For, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn


Review of "Chicago's New Negroes: Modernity, the Great Migration, and Black Urban Life" by D.L. Baldwin, Luther Adams


Synopsis of Phytophthora with Accurate Scientific Names, Host Range, and Geographic Distribution, Erica T. Cline, David F. Farr, and Amy Y. Rossman

Queering the Map: The Productive Tensions of Colliding Epistemologies, Michael Brown and Larry Knopp


The Myth of the Green Fairy: Distilling the Scientific Truth About Absinthe, Kima Cargill

The Philosophy of the Daodejing – Hans-Georg Moeller, Jane Compson

Ancillary Markets: Merchandising and Video Games, Randy Nichols

Informed multi-objective decision-making in environmental management using Pareto optimality, Maureen C. Kennedy, E. David Ford, Peter Singleton, Mark Finney, and James K. Agee

Moving Forward: Response to "Studying Eyewitness Investigations in the Field", Stephen J. Ross and Roy S. Malpss

Time-Varying Vital Rates in Ecotoxicology: Selective Pesticides and Aphid Population Dynamics, John E. Banks, L. K. Dick, H. T. Banks, and John D. Stark


Open or Closed: Balancing Border Policy with Human Rights, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Film, HIV/AIDS Impact On, Ed Chamberlain

Do Morals Matter? A Guide to Contemporary Religious Ethics – By Ian S. Markham, Jane Compson

Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community – Edited by Thomas Berry and Mary Evelyn Tucker the Dream of the Earth – By Thomas Berry, Jane Compson

La Negociación de una Existencia Híbrida: La Lucha Chicana Contra el Patriarcado y la Americanización., Vanessa de Veritch Woodside

Transforming the Chicano Canon: The Postmodern Aesthetic of the Contemporary Chicano Novel, Vanessa de Veritch Woodside


Seven Simple Strategies to Setting Up a Service Learning Project, Natalie Jolly


Diversification of Media Markets, William M. Kunz

"Around Sourcing": Peripheral Centers in the Global Office, Divya C. McMillin

How to See a Shooting Star, JM Miller

Title: Juxtaposition of Peace, JM Miller

Raising the Bar: The Complicated Consumption of Chocolate, Ellen E. Moore

Internationalization at the New York World’s Fair of 1964–65, Julie Nicoletta

El Poder y la Fuerza de la Pasión: Toward a Model of HIV/AIDS Education and Service Delivery from the “Bottom-Up”, Ariana Ochoa Camacho, GA Yep, PY Gomez, and E Velez

Behavioral Ecology: Learning, Daniel R. Papaj, E. Snell-Rood, and Jeremy Davis

Intellectual Roots of Turkish Islam, Etga Ugur


The Making of Jericho Road: An Interview with Michael Honey, Charles Williams

Submissions from 2007

Political Buttons and the Material Culture of American Politics, 1828-1976, Michael Allen


Review of "King of the Cowboys, Queen of the West: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans" by R.E. White, Mike Allen

Estimation of Dynamic Rate Parameters in Insect Populations Undergoing Sublethal Exposure to Pesticides, H. T. Banks, John E. Banks, Lara K. Dick, and John D. Stark

Fluorotelomer Acids are More Toxic Than Perfluorinated Acids, Michelle M. Phillips, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio, Scott A. Mabury, Keith R. Solomon, and Paul K. Sibley

Review: Alexander R. Galloway's Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture, Randy Nichols


Folding and Unfolding of Gamma TIM Monomers and Dimers, Brijesh Patel and John M. Finke