SIAS Faculty Publications | School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2005

The Impact of Urban Areas on the Deposition of Air toxics to Adjacent Surface Waters: A Mass Budget of PCBs in Lake Michigan in 1994, John Offenberg, Matt Simcik, Joel E. Baker, and Steven J. Eisenreich

The Market Place of Ideas? Global Implications of Market-Driven US Media, Chris Demaske

Persistent Organic Pollutants in Two Dolphin Species with Focus on Toxaphene and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, Karen J. S. Tuerk, John R. Kucklick, Paul R. Becker, Heather M. Stapleton, and Joel E. Baker


Designing Undergraduate Research Experiences for Nontraditional Student Learning At Sea, James E. Gawel and Cheryl L. Greengrove

Pretend Play as a Life-Span Activity: Play, Games and Philosophy [Special Issue], A. Goncu and Tony Perone

Book Review: Exploring the Role of Narrative and Play in Young Children's Development and Education, Artin Göncü and Tony Perone

Washington State Department of Transportation Electronic Information and Supporting Systems: Challenges to Effective Practice and Policy, M. Haselkorn, B. Kolko, Emma J. Rose, M. A. Krug, and G. Sauer


Eyewitness memory and identification, Roy S. Malpass, Laura A. Zimmerman, Christian A. Meissner, Stephen J. Ross, Mary E. Rigoni, Lisa D. Topp, Nicole Pruss, Colin G. Tredoux, and Jessica M. Leyva

Outside the Frame: Teaching a Socially Engaged Art Practice, Beverly Naidus

Teaching Art as a Subversive Activity, Beverly Naidus

Louise Bourgeois's Femmes Maisons: Confronting Lacan, Julie Nicoletta

One Tribe Among the Host of Living Tribes: A Response to Scott Russell Sanders, Sushil K. Oswal

In Vivo Bioassay-Guided Fractionation of Marine Sediment Extracts From the Southern California Bight, USA, for Estrogenic Activity, Daniel Schlenk, Yelena Sapozhnikova, Mary Ann Irwin, Lingtian Xie, Wendy Hwang, Sharanya Reddy, Bruce J. Brownawell, Jeff Armstrong, and Mike Kelly

Public or Republic Sphere? Parameters of "Kamusal Alan" Debate in Turkey, Etga Ugur

Domestic Violence in Ethnically and Racially Diverse Families, Carolyn M. West

Submissions from 2004


Experiences With Influenza-Like Illness and Attitudes Regarding Influenza Prevention--United States, 2003-04 Influenza Season, Karen D. Cowgill and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Divided Culture: Integrating and Conservation Biology Agriculture, John Banks

A Study on the Reliability and Validity of Seoul-Activities of Daily Living(S-ADL), Hyoung Mo Ku, Ji Hae Kim, Hyoung Suk Lee, Hye Jung Ko, Eui Jung Kwon, Sangmee Jo, and Doh Kwan Kim

Personal Attitudes or Structural Factors? A Contextual Analysis of Breastfeeding Duration, Nita M. McKinley and Janet S. Hyde

The Normalization of Heterogendered Relations in The Bachelor, Gust Yep and Ariana Ochoa Camacho


Case-Control Study of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Egypt, Karen D. Cowgill, Christopher A. Loffredo, Soheir Abdel-Latif Eissa, Nadia Mokhtar, Mohamed Abdel-Hamid, Ahmed Fahmy, and G. Thomas Strickland

Risk Ritual and the Management of Control and Anxiety in Medical Culture, Robert Crawford

Quantifying Three-Dimensional Silicate Fabrics in Cumulates Using Cumulative Distribution Functions, Jeffrey S. Gee, William P. Meurer, Peter A. Selkin, and Michael J. Cheadle

Intellectual roots of ‘Turkish Islam’ and approaches to the ‘Turkish model’, Etga Ugur

Pathway Dependent Isotopic Fractionation during Aerobic Biodegradation of 1,2-Dichloroethane, Sarah K. Hirschorn, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio, Martin Elsner, Silvia A. Mancini, Georges Lacrampe-Couloume, Elizabeth A. Edwards, and Barbara Sherwood Lollar


A structural model of polyglutamine determined from a host-guest method combining experiments and landscape theory, John M. Finke, Margaret S. Cheung, and José N. Onuchic

Biomonitoring for Metal Contamination near Two Superfund Sites in Woburn, Massachusetts, Using Phytochelatins, James E. Gawel and Harold F. Hemond

The Standardization of the Ge riatric Quality of Life s cale-Dementia(GQOL-D), Hyoung Suk Lee, Ji Hae Kim, Hye Jung Ko, Hyoung Mo Ku, Eui Jung Kwon, Ji Young Shin, In Sook Ahn, Sung Ho Chung, and Doh Kwan Kim


Paleomagnetic Results from the Snake River Plain: Contribution to the Time-Averaged Field Global Database, Lisa Tauxe, Casey Luskin, Peter A. Selkin, Phillip Gans, and Andy Calvert

Aphid Response to Vegetation Diversity and Insecticide Applications, John E. Banks and John D. Stark


The Effect of Natal Experience on Habitat Preferences, J Davis


Dominance in College Football and the Role of Scholarship Restrictions, Katie Baird

Modern Power and The First Amendment: Reassessing Hate Speech, Chris Demaske

Model analysis of the importance of reiteration for branch longevity in Pseudotsuga menziesii compared with Abies grandis, Maureen C. Kennedy, E David Ford, and Hiroaki Ishii


Laboratory Practices for Prenatal Group B Streptococcal Screening--Seven States, 2003, Karen D. Cowgill and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Review: Mind the Gap: Stepping Out, With Caution in Assessment and Student Public Writing, Beth Kalikoff

Family Values and Feudal Codes: The Social Politics of America's Twenty-First Century Gangster, Ingrid Walker

Aesthetics and Rhetoric, Claudia Gorbman

Book reviews: John L. Esposito and Francois Burgat, Modernizing Islam: Religion in the Public Sphere in Europe and the Middle East, Etga Ugur

Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean Atmospheres During INDOEX and AEROSOLs99: Continental Sources to the Marine Atmosphere, Bernard S. Crimmins, Russel R. Dickerson, Bruce G. Doddridge, and Joel E. Baker

A Study on the Reliability and Validity of Seoul-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(S-IADL), Hyoung Mo Ku, Ji Hae Kim, Eui Jung Kwon, Sung Hwan Kim, Hyoung Suk Lee, Hye Jung Ko, Sangmee Jo, and Doh Kwan Kim

Estimating Susceptibility of Biological Control Agents to Pesticides: Influence of Life History Strategies and Population Structure, John D. Stark, John E. Banks, and Susanna Acheampong

Political or Social Islam? A Review Essay on Islamic Movements in Egypt and Turkey, Etga Ugur

Review of Alaska Native Political Leadership and Higher Education: One University, Two Universes, Katherine Elizabeth Baird

Is It Terminal? Re-Evaluating the Master's Degree, Anne Clark Bartlett

Reading It Personally: Robert Glück, Margery Kempe, and Language in Crisis, Anne Clark Bartlett


Models wanted: The search for an effective response to human trafficking, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Water Column Characteristics of Barkley and Clayoquot Sound, September 2004 Data Report, Cheryl L. Greengrove, Richard G. Keil, Gerardo Chin-Leo, and Miles G. Logsdon

Dairy Wastewater, Aquaculture, and Spawning Fish as Sources of Steroid Hormones in the Aquatic Environment, Edward P. Kolodziej, Thomas Harter, and David L. Sedlak

What Hath Wright Wrought: A Political Economic Context for the SimBrand, Randy Nichols

Architecture, Julie Nicoletta, Merry Ovnick, and Spencer Leineweber

"Ain't No Room for Us Anywhere": Reading Ann Petry's "In Darkness and Confusion" as a Migration Narrative, Deirdre J. Raynor

Debromination of the Flame Retardant Decabromodiphenyl Ether by Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Following Dietary Exposure, Heather M. Stapleton, Mehran Alaee, Robert J. Letcher, and Joel E. Baker

Understanding Trauma and the Rhetoric of Recovery: A Discourse Analysis of Virtual Healing Journals of Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, Riki Thompson

Submissions from 2003

Review of Lu Ann Jones. Mama Learned Us To Work: Farm Women in the New South, Natalie Jolly

Don Cupitt, Is Nothing Sacred? The Non-Realistic Philosophy of Religion, Jane Compson

Exploring the Interplay between Topology and Secondary Structural Formation in the Protein Folding Problem, Margaret S. Cheung, John M. Finke, Benjamin Callahan, and José N. Onuchic

It Was North of Tennessee: African American Migration and the Meaning of the South, Luther J. Adams

Effects of Plot Vegetation Diversity and Spatial Scale on Coccinella Septempunctata Movement in the Absence of Prey, John E. Banks and C. L. Yasenak

Television, Gender, and Labor in the Global City, Divya C. McMillin


The Architecture of Control: Shaker Dwelling Houses and the Reform Movement in Early-Nineteenth-Century America, Julie Nicoletta

Scale as Modifier in Vegetation Diversity Experiments: Effects on Herbivores and Predators, Riccardo Bommarco and John E. Banks


Report From the CDC. Awareness of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Infection Among Women of Childbearing Age in the United States, 1999 and 2002, Karen Cowgill, Thomas H. Taylor, Anne Schuchat, and Stephanie Schrag

Comparing Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Bioaccumulation in a Food Web in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan, Heather M. Stapleton and Joel E. Baker

Anything Besides Anything About Babies, Michael Kula


Review of "Horse Opera: The Strange History of the 1930s Singing Cowboy" by P. Stanfield, Mike Allen

Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Urban Atmosphere: A Comparison of Three Methods, Randolph K. Larsen and Joel E. Baker

Novas Publicações Sobre Religião na Alemanha: Da Teologia Intercultural À "Sociedade Pós-Secular" em Habermas (Portuguese), Amos Nascimento

Service-Learning, Nonprofit Management and Community: The Not-For-Profit Sector and Higher Education in Tacoma, WA, Stephen DeTray

Undergraduate Marine Research, Cheryl L. Greengrove and David L. Secord


The Ecology of Individuals: Incidence and Implications of Individual Specialization, Daniel I. Bolnick, Richard Svanbäck, James A. Fordyce, Louie H. Yang, Jeremy M. Davis, C. Darrin Hulsey, and Matthew L. Forister


Lessons about autonomy and integration from international human rights, law journals, and the world of golf, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Quantification of Steroid Hormones With Pheromonal Properties in Municipal Wastewater Effluent, Edward P. Kolodziej, James L. Gray, and David L. Sedlak

Exotic Islands and the Stranded Traveler in the Works of Caspar David Friedrich, Johann J. K. Reusch

Approaches for Quantifying the Attenuation of Wastewater-Derived Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment, David L. Sedlak, Karen E. Pinkston, James L. Gray, and Edward P. Kolodziej

Population-Level Effects of Pesticides and Other Toxicants on Arthropods, John D. Stark and John E. Banks

Bring Socio-cultural Contexts into Activities: A Localization Study of Mobile Text Messaging Use, Huatong Sun


William L. Pierce, Ingrid Walker Fields

Submissions from 2002

Interleukin-1 beta folding between pH 5 and 7: experimental evidence for three-state folding behavior and robust transition state positions late in folding, John M. Finke and Patricia A. Jennings


Measuring Individual-Level Resource Specialization, Daniel I. Bolnick, Louie H. Yang, James A. Fordyce, Jeremy M. Davis, and Richard Svanback


Review of "The Country of Memory: Remaking the Past in Late Socialist Vietnam," edited by Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Mary Hanneman

Book Reviews: Stephen Kinzer, Crescent and Star: Turkey between Two Worlds, Etga Ugur


Defining the Terms: Postfeminism as an Ideology of Cool, Anne Bartlett


Analysis of Web-based WSDOT Traveler Information: Testing Users' Information Retrieval Strategies, Geoffrey Sauer, Emma J. Rose, Beth E. Kolko, Mark Haselkorn, and Bill Legg

Environmental Science as a Vehicle for Building Natural Sciences and Environmental Education Into a New Interdisciplinary Urban Public University, David L. Secord and Cheryl L. Greengrove

Progress as Human Rights: Condorcet and the Human Rights Discourse, Michael Forman

Greatest Hits in Behavioral Ecology, Alison M. Bell, Jeremy M. Davis, Jennifer L. DeBose, Sarah J. Long, Karen E. Mabry, Theodore Stankowich, Jason V. Watters, and J. Chadwick Johnson

American Revolution: From the Electoral Gap to the Banana Republic, Zine Magubane and Emily N. Ignacio

Choosing Commercial Television's Identities in India: A Reception Analysis, Divya C. McMillin

Group Oral Presentations as Support for Writing in Large Classes, Sushil K. Oswal


Response From Stark and Banks, John D. Stark and John Banks

Child Advocacy and Pedagogical Theories in the Works of Philipp Otto Runge , Johann J. K. Reusch

Sustainable Watershed Management: An International Multi-Watershed Case Study, Walter Wagner, James E. Gawel, Hiroaki Furamai, Marcelo P. DeSouza, Denilson Teixeira, Leonardo Rios, Shinichiro Ohgaki, Alexander J. B. Zehnder, and Harold F. Hemond


Would the Real Undagi Please Stand Up? On the Social Location of Balinese Architectural Knowledge, Samuel K. Parker and Graeme MacRae

Review Essay: Text, Talk, and Writing in Recovery: Implications for Composition Studies, Riki Thompson

White Hope: Conspiracy, Nationalism, and Revolution in The Turner Diaries and Hunter, Ingrid Walker

Submissions from 2001


Review of "Duels and the Roots of Violence in Missouri" by D. Steward, Mike Allen


"Selective" Pesticides: Are They Less Hazardous to the Environment?, John D. Stark and John Banks


Review of "Pennsylvania Architecture: The Historic American Buildings Survey, 1933-1900" by D.S. Burns and R.J. Webster with C.R. Stern, Julie Nicoletta


Rayuela's Confused Hermeneutics, E. J. Sharkey