All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2011


Fall Prevention Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Community Stakeholders and Older Adults, Sharon S. Laing, Ilene F. Silver, Sally York, and Elizabeth A. Phelan


Environmental Modeling Framework Invasiveness: Analysis and Implications, Wes J. Lloyd, Olaf David, James C. Ascough II, Ken W. Rojas, Jack R. Carlson, George H. Leavesley, Peter Krause, Timothy R. Green, and Lajpat R. Ahuja


Migration of Multi-Tier Applications to Infrastructure-As-A-Service Clouds: An Investigation Using Kernel-Based Virtual Machines, Wes Lloyd, Shrideep Pallickara, Olaf David, Jim Lyon, Mazdak Arabi, and Ken Rojas

Temperature-Dependent Scalable Large Signal CMOS Device Model Developed for Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifier Design, Navin Mallavarpu, Debasis Dawn, and Joy Laskar

Fate of Endogenous Steroid Hormones in Steer Feedlots Under Simulated Rainfall-Induced Runoff, D. Scott Mansell, Reid J. Bryson, Thomas Harter, Jackson P. Webster, Edward P. Kolodziej, and David L. Sedlak

Polyethism in a Colony of Artificial Ants, Chris Marriott and Carlos Gershenson


Power-law behavior reveals phase transitions in landscape controls of fire regimes, Donald McKenzie and Maureen C. Kennedy


Scaling laws and complexity in fire regimes [Chapter 2], Donald McKenzie and Maureen C. Kennedy

Students Escape With a Donkey and Return a Foul, JM Miller

Anomalies in Red and Blue II: Towards an Understanding of the Roles of Setting, Values, and Demography in the 2004 and 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections, Richard L. Morrill, Larry Knopp, and Michael Brown

Digitalisation and Video Games, Randy Nichols

Independent of What? Ways Out of the Mainstream Industry's Shadow, Randy Nichols


Review of "The Food Axis: Cooking, Eating, and the Architecture of American Houses" by E.C. Cromley, Julie Nicoletta

Generation of Prediction Intervals to Assess Data Quality in the Distribute System Using Quantile Regression, Ian Painter, Julie Eaton, Debra Revere, Bill Lober, and Donald R. Olson


Are There "Decorative Arts" in Asia?, Samuel K. Parker


Lived Cosmologies and Objectified Commodities: Reinventing the Traditional Art of India in a World of Cultural Tourism, Samuel K. Parker

The Use of Conspecific Phenotypic States as Information During Reproductive Decisions, Annamarie A. Pasqualone and Jeremy M. Davis


Effects of External Beam Radiation on In Vitro Formation of Abeta1-42 Fibrils and Preformed Fibrils, Lynnae M. Patrias, Andrea C. Klaver, Mary P. Coffey, John M. Finke, Jyothi L. Digambaranath, Loan Dang, Alvaro A. Martinez, and David A. Loeffler

Improvising With Adult Language Learners, Tony Perone


Comprehensive Family Assessment: An Evaluation of Fidelity, Kristine N. Piescher, JaeRan Kim, Jennifer Heldt, Todd Stump, and Traci LaLiberte

Achieving Oblivious Transfer Capacity of Generalized Erasure Channels in the Malicious Model, A. C. Pinto, R. Dowsley, K. Morozov, and A. C. Nascimento

Librarians as Experts: Using the Web to Assert Our Value, Lauren Pressley and Kevin Gilbertson

Types of Bullying Behaviors Associated With Selected Characteristics, Ruth Rea and Susan L. Johnson


Shining a light on agency: Examining responses to resource constraints to uncover opportunities for design, Emma J. Rose and Robert Racadio


Preventive Detention, Meghan Sacks and Alissa R. Ackerman

Volunteered Geographic Services: Developing a Linked Data Driven Location-Based Service, Alexander Savelyev, Sen Xu, Krzysztof Janowicz, Christoph Mülligann, Jim Thatcher, and Wei Luo

A Model Inaccuracy Aware Design Methodology of Millimeter-Wave CMOS Tuned Amplifiers, Shih-Chieh Shin, Debasis Dawn, David Yeh, and Joy Laskar


The sedimentology and geomorphology of rock avalanche deposits on glaciers, Dan H. Shugar and John J. Clague

Service and Science, James C. Spohrer, Haluk Demirkan, and Vikas Krishna

Ultra-Miniaturized WLAN RF Receiver With Chip-Last GaAs Embedded Active, Vivek Sridharan, Abhilash Goyal, Srikrishna Sitaraman, Nitesh Kumbhat, Nithya Sankaran, Hunter Chan, Fuhan Liu, Debasis Dawn, Vijay Nair, Telesphor Kamgaing, Frank Juskey, Venky Sundaram, and Rao Tummala

The Utility of a Developmentally Based Quadrant Classification Model of Co-occurring Substance Use and Depressed Mood in Adolescents, David G. Stewart, Sarah R. Welton, Chris Arger, Jennell Effinger, Kelly Serafini, and Jennifer Harris

Galileo in Pittsburgh, Jim Thatcher

Hip Hop Underground: The Integrity and Ethics of Racial Identification, Jim Thatcher

The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, Jim Thatcher

Hidden Ontologies – How Mobile Computing Affects the Conceptualization of Geographic Space, Jim Thatcher, Christoph Mülligann, Wei Luo, Sen Xu, Elaine Guidero, Er Savelyev, and Krzysztof Janowicz

Review of Patient Tales: Case Histories and the Uses of Narrative in Psychiatry (Carol Berkenkotter), Riki Thompson


Restorative Justice in Prisons, Barb Toews and M. Kay Harris


A Graeco-Latin Sudoku Puzzle, Erik Tou

Schoolwide Intervention to Reduce Chronic Tardiness at the Middle and High School Levels, Ashli Tyre, Laura Feuerborn, and Jennifer Pierce

Construction of Regulatory Networks Using Expression Time-Series Data of a Genotyped Population, Ka Yee Yeung, Kenneth M. Dombek, Kenneth Lo, John E. Mittler, Jun Zhu, Eric E. Schadt, Roger E. Bumgarner, and Adrian E. Raftery

Introduction, Diane Young

Vocational Education for Incarcerated Women: One Piece of the Puzzle, Diane Young

Books from 2010

Major Works in Criminology, Alissa R. Ackerman


Way up North in Louisville: African American Migration in the Urban South, 1930-1970, Luther Adams

Service-Orientation in Electronic Markets, Rainer Alt, Witold Abramowicz, and Haluk Demirkan


Leaving Yesler, Peter Bacho


Review of "The Quality of Home Runs: The Passion, Politics, and Language of Cuban Baseball" by T.F. Carter, Katie Baird

Information Services for Advanced Marketing, Sule Balkan and Haluk Demirkan

The Use of Surrogate Species in Risk Assessment: Using Life History Data to Safeguard Against False Negatives, John E. Banks, Azmy S. Ackleh, and John D. Stark

The Cascading Effects of Elephant Presence/Absence On Arthropods and an Afrotropical Thrush in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya, John E. Banks, Colin Jackson, Lisa M. Hannon, Christopher M. Thomas, Albert Baya, and Laban Njoroge

Introduction to the Special Section: Service Science in Electronic Commerce, Indranil Bardhan, Haluk Demirkan, P. K. Kannan, and Robert J. Kauffman

Special Issue: Information Systems in Services, Indranil R. Bardhan, Haluk Demirkan, P. K. Kannan, and Robert J. Kauffman

An Interdisciplinary Perspective on IT Services Management and Service Science, Indranil R. Bardhan, Haluk Demirkan, P. K. Kannan, Robert J. Kauffman, and Ryan Sougstad

Holy Women of the British Isles, Anne Clark Bartlett

Critical Practice of Grant Application and Administration: An Intervention, Harald Bauder, Bernd Belina, David Butz, Ze’ev Gedalof, Pierpaolo Mudu, Arnoud Lagendijk, Anssi Paasi, Nadine Schuurman, and David Wilson


Film Review: Inception, Seth D. Baum and Jim Thatcher


Time Will Darken It: Reciting/Re-Sighting the Past, Linda Nicole Blair


Virginia Woolf and Literary Impressionism, Linda Nicole Blair

Between Anatamo- and Bio-Politics: Geographies of Sexual Health in Wartime Seattle, Michael Brown and Larry Knopp


Hybrid Courts: Examining Hybridity through a Post-Colonial Lens, Elizabeth M. Bruch


Identification and characterization of alpine subglacial lakes using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR): Brady Glacier, Alaska, USA, Denny M. Capps, Bernhard Rabus, John J. Clague, and Dan H. Shugar

E-Learning Design for the Information Workplace, Colleen Carmean

The Case for Nudge Analytics, Colleen Carmean and Philip Mizzi

The Case for Nudge Analytics, Colleen Carmean and Philip Mizzi

Strategies For Engaging Men As Anti-Violence Allies: Implications For Ally Movements, Erin A. Casey


The Structure Of Male Adolescent Peer Networks And Risk For Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration: Findings From A National Sample, Erin A. Casey and Blair Beadnell


"How Can I Not?": Men's Pathways To Involvement In Anti-Violence Against Women Work, Erin A. Casey and Tyler Smith

'I Want Child Care He's Gonna Be Happy In': A Case Study of a Father's Child Care Experiences, Deborah Ceglowski, Jeffrey Shears, and Rich Furman


Queer Ricans: Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora (review), Ed Chamberlain

The Latino Image Divide: Immigration, Crime, and Education, Jorge Chavez, Christine Englebrecht, and Janelle Nannini

What We Didn’t Want, Sarah A. Chavez

Rejoinder to Ã’Prison Dances: Teaching and Learning behind Bars", Jeffrey W. Cohen, Corey Dolgon, and Mary Chayko

The Honorable Barbara Mikulski: Fighting for Social Justice in the United States Senate, Kathryn S. Collins and Marceline M. Lazzari

From the Margins to the Mainstream: Communication About Travel and Tourism in the Gay Community, 1960-2000, David R. Coon

The Soldier in the Suburbs: The Pacifier and Post-9/11 Masculinity, David R. Coon


Exploration of Adoption of Service Innovations Through Technology Road-Mapping: Case of Location Based Services, Tugrul U. Daim, Robert R. Harmon, and Haluk Demirkan

Developing a "Gateway" Course to Prepare Nontraditional Students for Success in Upper-Division Science Courses, Katherine S. Davies-Vollum and Cheryl L. Greengrove

Habitat Imprinting, Jeremy Davis

Coordination Strategies in an SaaS Supply Chain, Haluk Demirkan, Hsing Keneth Cheng, and Subhajyoti Bandyopadhyay

A Reference Model for Sustainable E-Learning Service Systems:Experiences With the Joint University/Teradata Consortium, Haluk Demirkan, Michael Goul, and Mary Gros


Servitized Enterprises for Distributed Collaborative Commerce, Haluk Demirkan and James C. Spohrer

Conformations within soluble oligomers and insoluble aggregates revealed by resonance energy transfer, Jyothi L. Digambaranath, Loan Dang, Monika Dembinska, Andrew Vasyluk, and John M. Finke


Unraveling the Real: The Fantastic in Spanish-American Ficciones, Cynthia Duncan


Competition Between Discrete Random Variables, with Applications to Occupancy Problems, Julie Eaton, Anant P. Godbole, and Betsy Sinclair

The Social Construction of Serial Murder Victims: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage., Janelle Eliasson-Nannini, Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers, Christopher Bradley, and Benjamin Pearson-Nelson


Midlife and Older Persons, Charles A. Emlet

Using a Standardized Patient Approach to Enhance Clinical Skills in Gerontological Social Work, Charles A. Emlet

Interviewing Witnesses and Victims, Ronald P. Fisher, Stephen J. Ross, and Brian Stephen Cahill

The Evolution of an Industrial Cluster in China, Belton M. Fleisher, Dinghuan Hu, William H. McGuire, and Xiaobo Zhang


Evaluating the Skeletal Chemistry of Mytilus Californianus as a Temperature Proxy: Effects of Microenvironment and Ontogeny, Heather L. Ford, Stephen A. Schellenberg, Bonnie Becker, Douglas L. Deutschman, Kelsey A. Dyck, and Paul L. Koch


Social Work Practice With Men at Risk, Rich Furman

Analyzing Narratives Through Poetic Forms and Structures in Gerontology: Applying New Tools in Qualitative Research, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, and D. Bruce Taylor

Social Work Practice with Latinos, Rich Furman and Nalini Negi

Introduction, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, and Melody Loya


An Introduction to Transnational Social Work, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, and R. Salvador

Yet Another User Input Method: Accelerometer Assisted Single Key Input, Chunming Gao, R. Pastel, and Jindong Tan

Between Freedom and Confinement: Music in The World (2004), Claudia Gorbman

Classical Hollywood Practice, Claudia Gorbman


Places and Play in Agnès Varda's Cinécriture, Claudia Gorbman

Systems of Support to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening and Follow-Up Rates (SOS): Design, Challenges, and Baseline Characteristics of Trial Participants, Beverly B. Green, C. Y. Wang, Kathryn Horner, Sheryl Catz, Richard T. Meenan, Sally W. Vernon, David Carrell, Jessica Chubak, Cynthia Ko, Sharon Laing, and Andy Bogart