All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2008

Next Generation Learning/Course Management Systems, Colleen Carmean


Athletes, Athletics And Violence In Sports, Erin A. Casey


Date Rape, Sexual Harassment And Other Forms Of Sexual Coercion: Effective Intervention, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius


Engaging Adolescents In Sexual Assault And Harassment Prevention, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius

Film, HIV/AIDS Impact On, Ed Chamberlain


MeV+R: Using MeV as a Graphical User Interface for Bioconductor Applications in Microarray Analysis, Vu T. Chu, Raphael Gottardo, Adrian E. Raftery, Roger E. Bumgarner, and Ka Yee Yeung


Synopsis of Phytophthora with Accurate Scientific Names, Host Range, and Geographic Distribution, Erica T. Cline, David F. Farr, and Amy Y. Rossman

Coding Gender: Using IMP to Construct a Content Analysis of Gender Definitions in Scientific Research, Jeffrey W. Cohen

Do Morals Matter? A Guide to Contemporary Religious Ethics – By Ian S. Markham, Jane Compson

Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community – Edited by Thomas Berry and Mary Evelyn Tucker the Dream of the Earth – By Thomas Berry, Jane Compson

The Philosophy of the Daodejing – Hans-Georg Moeller, Jane Compson

Suburbs, David R. Coon

Tourism, Cruises, and Resorts, David R. Coon


Patterns of Variation in the Influence of Natal Experience on Habitat Choice, Jeremy M. Davis

17-dB-Gain CMOS Power Amplifier at 60GHz, Debasis Dawn, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Bevin Perumana, David Yeh, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar

60 GHz Silicon-Based Tunable Amplifier, Debasis Dawn, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar

Editorial, Haluk Demirkan

The Risk and Information Sharing of Application Services Supply Chain, Haluk Demirkan and Hsing Kenneth Cheng

Process and Services Fusion Impact Assessment: SSME Findings From Industry Collaboration and the Need for Competency Centers, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul

Service-Oriented Technology and Management: Perspectives on Research and Practice for the Coming Decade, Haluk Demirkan, Robert J. Kauffman, Jamshid A. Vayghan, Hans-Georg Fill, Dimitris Karagiannis, and Paul P. Maglio


IT Services Project Management: Lessons Learned From a Case Study in Implementation, Haluk Demirkan and Jason Nichols

La Negociación de una Existencia Híbrida: La Lucha Chicana Contra el Patriarcado y la Americanización., Vanessa de Veritch Woodside

Transforming the Chicano Canon: The Postmodern Aesthetic of the Contemporary Chicano Novel, Vanessa de Veritch Woodside

Oblivious Transfer Based on the McEliece Assumptions, Rafael Dowsley, Jeroen van Graaf, Jörn Müller-Quade, and Anderson C. Nascimento

Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 6: Julian of Norwich: The Influence of Late-Medieval Devotional Compilations, Elisabeth Dutton, Anne Clark Bartlett, and Rosalynn Voaden

Truth and Consequences: A Qualitative Exploration of HIV Disclosure in Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Seasonality of Diffusive Exchange of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Hexachlorobenzene Across the Air-Sea interface of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan, Meng-Der Fang, Fung-Chi Ko, Joel E. Baker, and Chon-Lin Lee

Attachment and Attention in Sport, Kelly A. Forrest

Jessie Taft and the Functional School: The Impact of Our History, Rich Furman


Faculty Perceptions of Curricular Deficits in Preparing Students for Practice With Latinos, Rich Furman, Kimberly Bender, Chance Lewis, and Jeffery Shears


Social Work Practice Innovations: Helping Clients Understand, Explore, and Develop Their Friendships, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, and Janet Swanson

An International Experience for Social Work Students: Self-Reflection Through Poetry and Journal Writing Exercises, Rich Furman, Ann Coyne, and Nalini Junko Negi


Poetry Therapy as a Tool for Strengths-Based Practice, Rich Furman, Eleanor Pepi Downey, Robert L. Jackson, and Kimberly Bender

The Immigration Debate: Lessons for Social Workers, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, and Ann Liza Cisneros-Howard

Transnational Social Work: Using a Wraparound Model, Rich Furman, Nalini Negi, Mona C.S. Schatz, and Susanna Jones

Using Poetry and Photography as Qualitative Data: A Study of a Psychiatric Hospital in China, Rich Furman, Peter Szto, and Carol Langer


Students' Lived Experiences of Practice Courses Presented Through the Research Poem, Rich Furman, D. Bruce Taylor, and Meredith Badinelli

Navigating Human Service Organizations, Margaret Gibelman and Rich Furman

K+ Channels at the Axon Initial Segment Dampen Near-Threshold Excitability of Neocortical Fast-Spiking GABAergic Interneurons, Ethan M. Goldberg, Brian D. Clark, Edward Zagha, Marc Nahmani, Alev Erisir, and Bernardo Rudy

Alcohol, Child Maltreatment, and Parenting Stress in the Lives of Birth Mothers, Marian S. Harris

Book Review: Family Interventions in Domestic Violence: A Handbook of Gender Inclusive Theory and Treatment, Marian S. Harris


Silent Victims: Issues and Interventions for Children Exposed to Violence, Marian S. Harris

Decision Points in Child Welfare: An Action Research Model to Address Disproportionality, Marian S. Harris and Wanda Hackett

Kinship Care for African American Children Disproportionate and Disadvantageous, Marian S. Harris and Ada Skyles


Review of "Race, Politics, and Memory: A Documentary History of the Little Rock School Crisis," edited by C. Lewis and R. Lewis, Michael K. Honey


Seven Simple Strategies to Setting Up a Service Learning Project, Natalie Jolly


Myths and facts about sexual violence: Public perceptions and implications for prevention, Stacey Katz-Schiavone, Jill S. Levenson, and Alissa R. Ackerman

Accumulation and Maternal Transfer of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Snapping Turtles of the Upper Hudson River, New York, USA, Shannon M. Kelly, Karen M. Eisenreich, Joel E. Baker, and Christopher L. Rowe

Informed multi-objective decision-making in environmental management using Pareto optimality, Maureen C. Kennedy, E. David Ford, Peter Singleton, Mark Finney, and James K. Agee

Waiting for God: Korean American Adoptee Experiences of Religion and Spirituality, JaeRan Kim


Diversification of Media Markets, William M. Kunz

Design of Multistage Decimation Filters Using Cyclotomic Polynomials: Optimization and Design Issues, Massimiliano Laddomada

On the Polyphase Decomposition for Design of Generalized Comb Decimation Filters, Massimiliano Laddomada

Modelling and Analysis of the Distributed Coordination Function of IEEE 802.11 With Multirate Capability, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

Unsaturated Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

Saturation Throughput Analysis of IEEE 802.11 in the Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, M. Mondin, and M. Zanolo

The Localization Problem in Networks of Uniformly Deployed Nodes, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

Special Issue on Iterative Decoding and Cross-Layering Techniques for Multimedia Broadcasting and Communications Per La Rivista International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

A Novel Proportional Fairness Criterion for Throughput Allocation in Multirate IEEE 802.11, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fabio Mesiti, Marina Mondin, and Fred Daneshgaran

The Localization Problem in Networks of Uniformly Deployed Nodes, Massimiliano Laddomada and Marina Mondin


Iterative Decoding and Cross-Layering Techniques for Multimedia Broadcasting and Communications, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin, and Fred Daneshgaran

Predicting Regular Breast Cancer Screening in African-American Women With a Family History of Breast Cancer, Sharon S. Laing and Kepher Makambi

Co-Design of Fully Integrated 60GHz CMOS Digital Radio in QFN Package, J. Laskar, S. Pinel, Debasis Dawn, S. Sarkar, P. Sen, B. Perunama, D. Yeh, and F. Barale

A SOC/SOP Co-Design Approach for mmW CMOS in QFN Technology, J. Laskar, S. Pinel, S. Sarkar, P. Sen, B. Perunama, Debasis Dawn, D. Yeh, and F. Barale


Examining Strain in a School Context, Daniel R. Lee and Jeffrey W. Cohen

The Changing Qualities of Violence in American Popular Culture, Jack Levin and Eric Madfis


Screening For Domestic Violence In Public Welfare Offices, Taryn Lindhorst, Marcia Meyers, and Erin A. Casey

Temperature-Dependent Millimeter-Wave Scalable Large-Signal Model for 90nm CMOS, N. Mallavarpu, Debasis Dawn, S. Sarkar, P. Sen, S. Pinel, and J. Laskar

Menopausal Attitudes, Objectified Body Consciousness, Aging Anxiety, and Body Esteem: European American Women's Body Experiences in Midlife, Nita M. McKinley and Louise A. Lyon

"Around Sourcing": Peripheral Centers in the Global Office, Divya C. McMillin

The Reconstruction of Place and Family in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks, Danica Miller

How to See a Shooting Star, JM Miller

Title: Juxtaposition of Peace, JM Miller

Raising the Bar: The Complicated Consumption of Chocolate, Ellen E. Moore

An Exploration of the Type of Media Coverage Given to Serial Murder Victims, Janelle Nannini

The Social Construction of Serial Murder Victims: A Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage, Janelle Nannini, Deirdre Sommerlad-Rogers, and Christopher Bradley

The Commitment Capacity of the Gaussian Channel Is Infinite, A. C.A. Nascimento, J. Barros, S. Skludarek, and H. Imai

On the Oblivious-Transfer Capacity of Noisy Resources, A. C. Nascimento and A. Winter

Ancillary Markets: Merchandising and Video Games, Randy Nichols

Internationalization at the New York World’s Fair of 1964–65, Julie Nicoletta

El Poder y la Fuerza de la Pasión: Toward a Model of HIV/AIDS Education and Service Delivery from the “Bottom-Up”, Ariana Ochoa Camacho, GA Yep, PY Gomez, and E Velez

Behavioral Ecology: Learning, Daniel R. Papaj, E. Snell-Rood, and Jeremy Davis

A 90nm CMOS 60GHz Radio, Stephane Pinel, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Bevin Perumana, David Yeh, Debasis Dawn, and Joy Laskar

Educating the Millennial User, Lauren Pressley

Gendered Aspects of Scientific Knowledge: A Multidisciplinary Annotated Bibliography of Selected Sources, Lauren Pressley

Using Videos to Reach Site Visitors: A Toolkit for Today's Student, Lauren Pressley

Putting the Library in Wikipedia, Lauren Pressley and Carolyn J. McCallum

Crystallographic B-factors Highlight Energetic Frustration in Aldolase Folding, Maithreyi K. Rao, Tracy R. Chapman, and John M. Finke

Germans as Noble Savages and Castaways: Alter Egos and Alterity in German Collective Consciousness during the Long Eighteenth Century, Johann J. K. Reusch

Moving Forward: Response to "Studying Eyewitness Investigations in the Field", Stephen J. Ross and Roy S. Malpss


Social Work Practice With Latinos Living With HIV/ AIDS, Diana Rowan, Rich Furman, April Jones, and Kevin Edwards

60 GHz Single-Chip 90nm CMOS Radio With Integrated Signal Processor, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Bevin Perumana, David Yeh, Debasis Dawn, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar


Paleointensity Record From the 2.7 Ga Stillwater Complex, Montana, Peter Selkin, J. S. Gee, E. P. Meurer, and S. R. Hemming

Integrated VCO With Up/Down Converter for Si-Based 60 GHz WPAN Applications, P. Sen, S. Sarkar, Debasis Dawn, S. Pinel, and J. Laskar


The Perceptions of Mexican-American Men as Fathers, Jeffrey Shears, Rich Furman, and Nalini Junko Negi

African Americans Living in Social Isolation: Implications for Social Work Practice, Jeffrey Shears, Chance W. Lewis, Rich Furman, D. Magee, M. Scott, and C. Thompson

Establishing a Protocol for the Study of Clergy Malfeasance in North American Minority Groups, Anson Shupe, Christopher Bradley, and Janelle Nannini


Evaluating the Applicability of Socially-Oriented Perspectives to the IT Service Level Agreement Negotiation Process: A Theory-Driven Exploratory Study, Daniel S. Soper, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul

Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church How Situational Crime Prevention Strategies Can Help Create Safe Environments, Karen J. Terry and Alissa R. Ackerman

Restorative Justice and Prison Reform, Barb Toews