All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2007


Morrison and the Critical Community, Deirdre J. Raynor and Johnella E. Butler

Moving Forward: Response to “Studying Eyewitness Investigations in the Field”, Stephen J. Ross and Roy S. Malpass

Polychlorinated Biphenyl Release from Resuspended Hudson River Sediment, Abby R. Schneider, Elka T. Porter, and Joel E. Baker

Nonlinear Thermoremanence Acquisition and Implications for Paleointensity Data, Peter A. Selkin, Jeffrey S. Gee, and Lisa Tauxe

Long-Term Fate of a Pulse Arsenic Input to a Eutrophic Lake, David B. Senn, James E. Gawel, Jennifer A. Jay, Harold F. Hemond, and John L. Durant

Dynamic Decision Support Through Instantiation of UEML Representations, Sagnika Sen, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul

Linguistic Finitude as Capability in Borges and Wittgenstein, E. J. Sharkey

In situ jet-testing of the erosional resistance of cohesive streambeds, Dan H. Shugar, Ray Kostaschuk, Peter Ashmore, Joe Desloges, and Leif Burge

Suspended sediment dynamics over a dune in the Rio Paraná, Dan H. Shugar, Ray Kostaschuk, James L. Best, Dan Parsons, Stuart Lane, and Rich Hardy

An Interorganizational Knowledge-Sharing Security Model With Breach Propagation Detection, Daniel S. Soper, Haluk Demirkan, and Michael Goul

Genotypic Variation in Refractory Periods and Habitat Selection by Natal Dispersers, J.A. Stamps, J.M. Davis, S.A. Blozis, and K.L. Boundy-Mills

Incorporating Ecologically Relevant Measures of Pesticide Effect for Estimating the Compatibility of Pesticides and Biocontrol Agents, John D. Stark, Roger Vargas, and John E. Banks

An Implementation of Page Allocation Shaping for Energy Efficiency, Matthew E. Tolentino, Joseph Turner, and Kirk W. Cameron

Memory-Miser: A Performance-Constrained Runtime System for Power-Scalable Clusters, Matthew E. Tolentino, Joseph Turner, and Kirk W. Cameron

Family Values and Feudal Codes: The Social Politics of America's Fin-De-Siècle Gangster, Ingrid Walker

"Sorry, We Have to Take You In:" Black Battered Women Arrested for Intimate Partner Violence, Carolyn M. West


Jail Mental Health Services, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2006


"Headed for Louisville": Rethinking Rural to Urban Migration in the South, 1930-1950, Luther Adams


Application of Divide and Conquer Extended Genetic Algorithm to Tertiary Protein Structure of Chymotrypsin Inhibitor-2, A. Alfaro, M. Doan, John M. Finke, M. Galdes, and M. Zohdy


The Confederation Congress and the Creation of the American Trans-Appalachian Settlement Policy 1783-1787, Mike Allen

Risks of E-Mail, Zoe I. Barsness


Devotional Literature, Anne Clark Bartlett

Translation, Self-Representation, and Statecraft: Lady Margaret Beaufort and Caxton's Blanchardyn and Eglantine (1489), Anne Clark Bartlett

Using Positive Behavior Supports in EBD Settings, Kathleen Beaudoin, Gregory J. Benner, and Richard Knuth

Epistemic Reasoning and Adolescent Egocentrism: Relations to Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in Problem Youth, Kathleen M. Beaudoin and Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl


Whose Law Is It Anyway? The Cultural Legitimacy of International Human Rights in the United States, Elizabeth M. Bruch


Off the Couch and Onto the Streets: Toward an Ethnographic Psychoanalysis, Kima Cargill


ePortfolios: Constructing Meaning Across Time, Space, and Curriculum, Colleen Carmean and Alice Christie

Trends In The Prevalence And Characteristics Of Sexual Violence: A Cohort Analysis, Erin A. Casey and Paula S. Nurius

Seven Key Interventions for Data Warehouse Success, Tim Chenoweth, Karen Corral, and Haluk Demirkan

Poetry Therapy as a Tool of Cognitively Based Practice, Kathryn S. Collins, Rich Furman, and Carol L. Langer

A Survey of Pastoral Care Services for Older Adults, Kathryn S. Collins, Tirelo Modie Moroka, Rich Furman, and Elizabeth Bruce

Zen Buddhism: Beliefs and Practices – Merv Fowler, Jane Compson


Effectiveness of Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Conjugate Vaccine Introduction Into Routine Childhood Immunization in Kenya, Karen D. Cowgill, Moses Ndiritu, Joyce Nyiro, Mary P. Slack, Salome Chiphatsi, Amina Ismail, Tatu Kamau, Isaiah Mwangi, Mike English, Charles R. Newton, Daniel R. Feikin, and J. Anthony G. Scott

Health as a Meaningful Social Practice, Robert Crawford

Improved GC/MS Methods for Measuring Hourly PAH and Nitro-PAH Concentrations in Urban Particulate Matter, Bernard S. Crimmins and Joel E. Baker

AMCIS 2006 Panel Summary: Towards the Service Oriented Enterprise Vision: Bridging Industry and Academics, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul

Microbial Oxidation of 1,2-Dichloroethane under Anoxic Conditions with Nitrate as Electron Acceptor in Mixed and Pure Cultures, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio, Sandra Dworatzek, Scott A. Mabury, and Elizabeth A. Edwards

Significant Residual Fluoroalcohols Present in Various Fluorinated Materials, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio and Scott A. Mabury


A Comparison of HIV Stigma and Disclosure Patterns Between Older and Younger Adults Living With HIV/AIDS, Charles Emlet

An Examination of the Social Networks and Social Isolation in Older and Younger Adults Living With HIV/AIDS, Charles A. Emlet


Health Issues of Older Adults With HIV/AIDS, Charles A. Emlet and K. M. Noakes


Services for HIV-infected and HIV-affected Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet and Cynthia Cannon Poindexter

Attenuation of Wastewater-Derived Contaminants in an Effluent-Dominated River, Lorien J. Fono, Edward P. Kolodziej, and David L. Sedlak

A Qualitative Study of Social Development Paradoxes in Guatemala Using the Research Poem, Rich Furman

Poetic Forms and Structures in Qualitative Health Research, Rich Furman

Poetry as Research: Advancing Scholarship and the Development of Poetry Therapy as a Profession, Rich Furman

Inside a Provider's Perspective: Using Practitioner Poetry to Explore the Treatment of Persons With Mental Illness, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, Carol Langer, and Elisabeth A. Bruce


Managed Care and the Care of the Soul, Rich Furman and Carol L. Langer

The Poet/Practitioner: A Paradigm for the Profession, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, and Debra K. Anderson


The Research Poem in International Social Work: Innovations in Qualitative Methodology, Rich Furman, Cynthia Lietz, and Carol L. Langer

Collaborative Ecological Restoration, Warren G. Gold, Kern Ewing, John E. Banks, Martha Groom, Tom Hinckley, David Secord, and Daniela Shebitz

The Asianization of America, Mary Hanneman

Assessing a Community's Elder Friendliness: A Case Example of the AdvantAge Initiative, David Hanson and Charles A. Emlet

Morphology, flow and sediment transport over a natural 3D dune field: Rio Paran√°, Argentina, Rich Hardy, Dan H. Shugar, Dan Parsons, Stuart N. Lane, Oscar Orfeo, Jim Best, and Ray Kostaschuk

Book Review: Weaving a Family: Untangling Race and Adoption, M. S. Harris


States' Initiatives to Address the Needs of Persons Dually Diagnosed With Psychiatric and Developmental Disabilities, Jessica Hartley, Eric Madfis, Elizabeth Pell, and Deborah Potter

Book Review: Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil by Mark A. Graber, Andrea Hill

Managing Courses Defining Learning: What Faculty, Students, and Administrators Want, Ali Jafari, Patricia McGee, and Colleen Carmean

To Join the Feminist Blogosphere, Click Here!, Natalie Jolly

Scattered Seeds: The Christian Influence on the Korean Adoption Phenomenon, JaeRan Kim

Last Judgement, Michael Kula


Culture Conglomerates: Consolidation in the Motion Picture and Television Industries, William M. Kunz


Noncustodial Fathers' Involvement With Their Children: A Right Or a Privilege?, Janice Laakso and Sheri Adams

Book Review of Understanding Social Inequality: Intersections of Clars, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Canada, Janice H. Laakso

Women, Abuse, and the Welfare Bureaucracy, Janice H. Laakso and Denise J. Drevdahl

Forse Il Computer Quantistico Si Nasconde Nel Laser Atomico, Massimiliano Laddomada

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications - Table of Contents, Massimiliano Laddomada

An End-To-End Simulator for an Open Broadband Access Network, Massimiliano Laddomada, Alessandro Basile, Stefano Conti, Fabio Galliano, Fred Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

Iterative Joint Channel Decoding of Correlated Sources, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

LDPC-Based Channel Coding of Correlated Sources With Iterative Joint Decoding, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

An Algorithm for the Computation of the Minimum Distance of LDPC Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fred Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

Integrated Services From High-Altitude Platforms: A Flexible Communication System, Massimiliano Laddomada, E. Falletti, M. Mondin, and F. Sellone

Capacity-Approaching Codes for HAP Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin, A. Boch, L. Feletti, and M. Zanolo

A Cost-Function Based Technique for Design of Good Prunable Interleavers for Turbo Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and B. Scanavino

Some Extended Results on the Design of Punctured Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and Bartolo Scanavino

Building and Marketing an Image in Child Welfare, Carol L. Langer, Debra K. Anderson, Rich Furman, and James R. Blue

Stress in caregivers of demented people in Korea--a modification of Pearlin and colleagues' stress model, Hyoung Suk Lee, Doh Kwan Kim, and Ji-Hae Kim

Establishing Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research in Social Work Implications From a Study Regarding Spirituality, Cynthia A. Lietz, Carol L. Langer, and Rich Furman

A Measure of Objectified Body Consciousness for Preadolescent and Adolescent Youth, Sara M. Lindberg, Janet S. Hyde, and Nita M. McKinley

Context-Specific Infinite Mixtures for Clustering Gene Expression Profiles Across Diverse Microarray Dataset, X. Liu, S. Sivaganesan, Ka Yee Yeung, J. Guo, R. E. Bumgarner, and Mario Medvedovic

Book Review of Federal Narcotic Laws and the War on Drugs: Money Down a Rat Hole by Thomas C. Rowe, Eric Madfis

Longitudinal Gender Differences in Objectified Body Consciousness and Weight-Related Attitudes and Behaviors: Cultural and Developmental Contexts in the Transition From College, Nita M. McKinley

The Developmental and Cultural Contexts of Objectified Body Consciousness: A Longitudinal Analysis of Two Cohorts of Women, Nita M. McKinley

Outsourcing Identities: Call Centres and Cultural Transformation in India, Divya C. McMillin


Untitled Abstract Composition, JM Miller

I Caratteri Sociali Del VII Municipio. [Social Characters of the Seventh Municipality of Rome], Pierpaolo Mudu

La Circonferenza Apparente: La Periferia Romana Tra Luoghi Comuni E Non Comuni. [The Apparent Circumference: The Roman Periphery Between Common and Uncommon Places], Pierpaolo Mudu

L’immigrazione Straniera a Roma: Tra Divisioni Del Lavoro E Produzione Degli Spazi Sociali, Pierpaolo Mudu

Patterns of Segregation in Contemporary Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu


The New Romans: Ethnic Economic Activities in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

Il VII Municipio Di Roma: La Percezione Dei Consiglieri Circoscrizionali Delle Problematiche Territoriali. [Seventh Municipality of Rome: Perception of the Councillors of Territorial Problems], Pierpaolo Mudu and Daria Pessina


Immunization Coverage and Risk Factors for Failure to Immunize Within the Expanded Programme on Immunization in Kenya After Introduction of New Haemophilus Influenzae Type B and Hepatitis B Virus Antigens, Moses Ndiritu, Karen D. Cowgill, Amina Ismail, Salome Chiphatsi, Tatu Kamau, Gregory Fegan, Daniel R. Feikin, Charles RJC Newton, and J Anthony Scott

Autonomic Workflow Execution in the Grid, J. Nichols, H. Demirkan, and M. Goul

Review: Jesper Juul's Half-Real: Video Games Between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds, Randy Nichols


Health Care Strategies for Older Adults With HIV/AIDS, K. M. Noakes and Charles A. Emlet


Identity Health, Stress, And Support: Profiles Of Transition To Motherhood Among High Risk Adolescent Girls, Paula S. Nurius, Erin A. Casey, Taryn P. Lindhorst, and RJ Macy

Challenges for Formerly Incarcerated Women, Patricia O'Brien and Diane Young

Do weapons automatically capture attention?, Kerri L. Pickel, Stephen J. Ross, and Ronald S. Truelove


HIV-Infected and HIV-Affected Older Adults, Cynthia Cannon Poindexter and Charles A. Emlet