All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2009

60GHz CMOS Power Amplifier With 20-dB-Gain and 12dBm Psat, Debasis Dawn, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Bevin Perumana, Matthew Leung, Navin Mallavarpu, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar

60-GHz Integrated Transmitter Development in 90-Nm CMOS, Debasis Dawn, P. Sen, S. Sarkar, B. Perumana, S. Pinel, and J. Laskar

Service Oriented Technology Management to Improve Organizational Agility, Haluk Demirkan and Michael Goul

The Graying of HIV/AIDS: Preparedness and Needs of the Aging Network in a Changing Epidemic, Charles A. Emlet, Amanda Gerkin, and Nancy Orel


HIV/AIDS Treatments, Charles A. Emlet and R. A. Shippy


Wrongs to Rights: The Global Financial Crisis Offers an Opportunity to Lay the Foundation for an Equitable and Sustainable Economic and Social Order, Ehsan H. Feroz


Grameen La Riba Model: A Strategy for Global Poverty Alleviation, Ehsan H. Feroz and Blake Goud

Practical Social-Emotional Learning Tools for Students With Specific Learning Disabilities in the United States of America, Lara Feuerborn and Ashli Tyre

Improving Mathematics Teachers' Content Knowledge via Brief In-service: A US Case Study, Laura L. Feuerborn, Donald Chinn, and Garvin Morlan

A Plea for Civil Religion: Reflections on Rousseau's Savoyard Vicar in the Global Age, Michael Forman

Using Social Work Theory for the Facilitation of Friendships, Rich Furman, Kathryn Collins, Michelle Garner, Karen Lee Montanaro, and Gwen Weber

Social Work Practice With Latinos: Key Issues for Social Workers, Rich Furman, Nalini Junko Negi, Derek Kenji Iwamoto, Diana Rowan, Allison Shukraft, and Jennifer Gragg

An Experiential Approach to Group Work, Rich Furman, Diana Rowan, and Kimberley Bender

Explorations of Depression Poetry and Narrative in Autoethnographic Qualitative Research, Heather L. Gallardo, Rich Furman, and Shanti Kulkarni

HealthAware: Tackling Obesity With Health Aware Smart Phone Systems, C. Gao, F. Kong, and J. Tan

Health Care and Public Service Use and Costs Before and After Provision of Housing for Chronically Homeless Persons With Severe Alcohol Problems, Michelle D. Garner

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Substance Use Disorders: A Pilot Efficacy Trial, Michelle Garner and Heidi Haynes


Multiculturalism, Michelle Garner, D. E. Logan, and B. A. Woods

La Musique Vardienne, Claudia Gorbman

On Complexity of Round Transformations, Otokar Grosek, Peter Horak, and Pavol Zajac


"Mission in Asia": Kita Ikki, V.D. Savarkar and Radical Nationalism in Early 20th Century Japan and India, Mary Hanneman

Disproportionality in Education and Employment Outcomes of Adult Foster Care Alumni, Marian S. Harris, Lovie J. Jackson, Kirk O'Brien, and Peter J. Pecora

On Perfect Lee Codes, Peter Horak


On a Problem of Marco Buratti, Peter Horak and Alexander Rosa

The Technology of Writing Assessment and Racial Validity, Asao Inoue

The Perceptions of Social Work Junior Faculty About the Relationship Between Scholarship and Various Workload Demands, Susanna Jones, Melody Aye Loya, and Rich Furman

Functional–structural models optimize the placement of foliage units for multiple whole-canopy functions, Maureen C. Kennedy

Two-criteria model assessment shows that foliage maintenance in old-growth Pseudotsuga menziesii requires both delayed and sequential reiteration, Maureen C. Kennedy and E. David Ford

Suspended sediment transport and deposition over a dune: Río Paraná, Argentina, Ray Kostaschuk, Dan H. Shugar, James L. Best, Dan Parsons, Stuart B. Lane, Rich Hardy, and Oscar Orfeo


Review of "Teachers and Schools in Siena, 1357-1500" by P. Denley, Michael Kucher

Prime-Time Television Program Ownership in a Post-Fin/Syn World, William M. Kunz

On the Throughput Allocation for Proportional Fairness in Multirate IEEE 802.11 DCF, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

LDPC-Based Iterative Algorithm for Compression of Correlated Sources at Rates Approaching the Slepian-Wolf Bound, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

Convolutional, Turbo, and Turbo-Like Codes for Digital Multimedia Broadcasting: Theory and Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fred Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

Design of Multiplierless Decimation Filters Based on Cyclotomic Polynomials, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

60GHz Entertainment Connectivity Solution, Joy Laskar, Stephane Pinel, Debasis Dawn, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Bevin G. Perunama, David A. Yeh, and Francesco Barale

60GHz CMOS/PCB Co-Design and Phased Array Technology, J. Laskar, S. Pinel, S. Sarkar, P. Sen, B. Perunama, M. Leung, Debasis Dawn, D. Yeh, F. Barale, K. Chuang, G. Iyer, J-H. Lee, and P. Melet

Site-Specific Profiles of Estrogenic Activity in Agricultural Areas of California's Inland Waters, Ramon Lavado, Jorge E. Loyo-Rosales, Emily Floyd, Edward P. Kolodziej, Shane A. Snyder, David L. Sedlak, and Daniel Schlenk

What Is Advanced in Generalist Practice? A Conceptual Discussion, Melissa R. Lavitt

Feminists in Social Work Where Have All the Leaders Gone?, Marceline M. Lazzari, Lisa Colarossi, and Kathryn S. Collins

Mass Murder at School and Cumulative Strain a Sequential Model, Jack Levin and Eric Madfis


An Exploratory Investigation on the Invasiveness of Environmental Modeling Frameworks, Wes Lloyd, Olaf David, James C. Ascough II, Ken W. Rojas, Jack R. Carlson, George H. Leavesley, Peter Krause, Timothy R. Green, and Lajpat R. Ahuja


Commentary on Evgeny Yamburg - Religion, Education, Culture: A Call for Dialogue, Ginger Phillips MacDonald

Supervisor Preferences for the Design and Delivery of Training, Ann E. MacEachron, Nora Gustavsson, Melissa Lavitt, and Eli Bartle


Ritual Killing, Eric Madfis

Abortion and Mental Health: Evaluating the Evidence, Brenda Major, Mark Applebaum, Linda Beckman, Mary Ann Dutton, Nancy Felipe Russo, and Carolyn West

The Need for Expert Psychological Testimony on Eyewitness Identification, Roy S. Malpass, Stephen J. Ross, Christian A. Meissner, and Jessica L. Marcon

Mediated Identities: Youth, Agency and Globalization, Divya C. McMillin

Local Identities in Globalized Regions: Teens, Everyday Life, and Television, Divya C. McMillin and JoEllen Fisherkeller

Mourning Dove’s Cogewea: Mixed Blood and Colonial Identity, Danica Miller

The Gospel of Tom (Hanks): American Churches and The Da Vanci Code, Ellen E. Moore

Le Soglie Delle Trasformazioni Urbane: Immigrazione E Ordine All’Esquilino, Pierpaolo Mudu


"Illegals" of the World Unite! An Interview with David Bacon, Star Murray and Charles Williams


Arts for Change: Teaching Outside the Frame, Beverly Naidus

Providing Social Services to Mexico-USA Transmigrants, Nalini Junko Negi and Rich Furman

Target Acquired: America's Army and the Video Games Industry, Randy Nichols

The Derivation of Diagnostic Markers of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Progression From Microarray Data, Vivian G. Oehler, Ka Yee Yeung, Yongjae E. Choi, Roger E. Bumgarner, Adrian E. Raftery, and Jerald P. Radich


Renovation, Disposal and Conservation of Hindu Temples and Images: The Institutionalization of Creativity in South Indian and American Art Worlds, Samuel K. Parker

60GHz Single-Chip CMOS Digital Radios and Phased Array Solutions for Gaming and Connectivity, S. Pinel, P. Sen, S. Sarkar, B. Perumana, Debasis Dawn, D. Yeh, F. Barale, M. Leung, E. Juntunen, P. Vadivelu, K. Chuang, P. Melet, G. Iyer, and J. Laskar

2.0 Toolmaker, Lauren Pressley


A view from the edge: A first-time attendee’s perspective, Lauren Pressley

So You Want To Be a Librarian!, Lauren Pressley

Technology and Pedagogy: The Best of Both for Gen M Students, Lauren Pressley

Mobile phone users in Kyrgyzstan: A case study of identifying user requirements for diverse users, C. Putnam, Emma J. Rose, R. Walton, and B. Kolko


Adapting User-Centered Design Methods to Design for Diverse Populations, Cynthia Putnam, Emma J. Rose, Erica J. Johnson, and Beth Kolko


Defined Tuberculosis Vaccine, Mtb72F/As02a, Evidence of Protection in Cynomolgus Monkeys, Steven G. Reed, Rhea N. Coler, Wilfried Dalemans, Esterlina V. Tan, Eduardo C. DeLa Cruz, Randall J. Basaraba, Ian M. Orme, Yasir A. Skeiky, Mark R. Alderson, Karen D. Cowgill, Jean-Paul Prieels, Rodolfo M. Abalos, Marie-Claude Dubois, Joe Cohen, Pascal Mettens, and Yves Lobet

Schrodinger Cats in Double Well Bose Condensates: Modeling Their Collapse and Detection via Quantum State Diffusion, William P. Reinhardt, Cynthia A. Stanich, and Cory D. Schillaci

Lack of Biological Effects of Water Accommodated Fractions of Chemically- and Physically-Dispersed Oil on Molecular, Physiological, and Behavioral Traits of Juvenile Snapping Turtles Following Embryonic Exposure, Christopher L. Rowe, Carys L. Mitchelmore, and Joel E. Baker

Mapping the Concentration of Alexandrium Catenella Cysts in Quartermaster Harbor, M. Schatz, Julie Masura, and Cheryl Greengrove


Synthesis and ESR studies of 2'-deoxyuridines tethered with alkynyl, rod-like linkages, Adam Sniady, Michael D. Sevilla, Srinivasarao Meneni, Tadeusz Lis, Slawomir Szafert, Deepthi Khanduri, John M. Finke, and Roman Dembinski

Explicit Constructions of Arithmetic Lattices in SL(n,R), Lee Stemkoski and Erik Tou

“Devotees at the Shrine of Progress:” Christian-Civic Humanism as Educational Philosophy—a Reanalysis of R. A. Butler's Vision for the 1944 Education Act, Elizabeth Anne Sundermann

Book Review: Ahonen, Tomi, and O'Reilly, Jim. (2007). Digital Korea: Convergence of Broadband Internet, 3G Cell Phones, Multiplayer Gaming, Digital TV, Virtual Reality, Electronic Cash, Telematics, Robotics, E-Government and the Intelligent Home. London: Futuretext. 284 pages, Huatong Sun

Toward a Rhetoric of Locale: Localizing Mobile Messaging Technology into Everyday Life, Huatong Sun

Health Promotion Through Representational Advocacy: Perceptions of Cervical Cancer and Screening Among Low-Income Hispanic Women on the U.S. Mexico Border, Sharon Thompson, Holly Dempsey, Stephen Ross, and Eugenia Anguiano

Memory MISER: Improving Main Memory Energy Efficiency in Servers, Matthew E. Tolentino, Joseph Turner, and Kirk W. Cameron

Integrated CMOS Mm-Wave Phase Shifters for Single Chip Portable Radar, Praveen Babu Vadivelu, Padmanava Sen, Saikat Sarkar, Debasis Dawn, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar

Safety and Immunogenicity of a Defined Vaccine for the Prevention of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Iván D. Vélez, Katherine Gilchrist, Sofía Martínez, José R. Ramírez-Pineda, Jill A. Ashman, Fabiana P. Alves, Rhea N. Coler, Lisa Y. Bogatzki, Stuart J. Kahn, Anna Marie Beckmann, Karen D. Cowgill, Steven G. Reed, and Franco M. Piazza

Detection of Conjunctive Stable Predicates in Dynamic Systems, X. Wang, J. Mayo, G. Hembroff, and C. Gao

Still on the Auction Block: The (S)exploitation of Black Adolescent Girls in Rap(e) Music and Hip-Hop Culture, Carolyn M. West

Millimeter-Wave Multi-Gigabit IC Technologies for Super-Broadband Wireless Over Fiber Systems, David A. Yeh, Arshad Chowdhury, Romain Pelard, Stephane Pinel, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Bevin Perumana, Debasis Dawn, Eric Juntunen, Matthew Leung, Hung-Chang Chien, Yu-Ting Hsueh, Zhensheng Jia, Joy Laskar, and Gee-Kung Chang

Process Theology Resources for an Open and Relational Christology, Michael Zbaraschuk

Submissions from 2008


What Is Social Justice? Updates From the Council on Social Work Education Commission for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice, M. Abramovitz and Marceline M. Lazzari


Review of "Chicago's New Negroes: Modernity, the Great Migration, and Black Urban Life" by D.L. Baldwin, Luther Adams

Expecting the Unexpected: Black-Jewish History in Twentieth Century America, Luther J. Adams

"What About Women?" Historical Perspectives on the Cswe Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (Women's Council), Ann Rosegrant Alvarez, Kathryn S. Collins, Helen V. Graber, and Marceline M. Lazzari


Using Films to Teach Social Welfare Policy, Debra Anderson, Carol Langer, Rich Furman, and Kim Bender

The Dual-Basin Landscape in GFP Folding, Benjamin T. Andrews, Shachi Gosavi, John M. Finke, José N. Onuchic, and Patricia A. Jennings

Dynamic Models for Insect Mortality Due to Exposure to Insecticides, H. T. Banks, John E. Banks, Sarah L. Joyner, and John D. Stark

Population Response to Resource Separation in Conservation Biological Control, John E. Banks, Riccardo Bommarco, and Barbara Ekbom

Time-Varying Vital Rates in Ecotoxicology: Selective Pesticides and Aphid Population Dynamics, John E. Banks, L. K. Dick, H. T. Banks, and John D. Stark

Preparing Beginning Special Educators to Consult, Kathleen Beaudoin and Laura Feuerborn

Social Validation of Services for Youth With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Comparative Study, Kathleen M. Beaudoin, Richard Knuth, and Gregory J. Benner

What Is a Trade?: Donald Fels and Signboard Painters of South India, Greg Bell, Donald Fels, and Samuel K. Parker

An Alternate Approach to Alternating Sums: A Method to DIE For, Arthur T. Benjamin and Jennifer J. Quinn

2008 Undergraduate Student Survey Report, Christopher Bradley, Debra Boggs, Joy Hartwell-Lein, and Janelle Eliasson-Nannini

An Exploration of the Amount and Type of Media Coverage Given to Serial Murder Victims After the Elimination of the Fairness Doctrine, Christopher Bradley and Janelle Nannini

Queering the Map: The Productive Tensions of Colliding Epistemologies, Michael Brown and Larry Knopp


Open or Closed: Balancing Border Policy with Human Rights, Elizabeth M. Bruch


The Myth of the Green Fairy: Distilling the Scientific Truth About Absinthe, Kima Cargill