All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2008

Intellectual Roots of Turkish Islam, Etga Ugur

"A Thin Line Between Love and Hate?" Black Men as Victims and Perpetrators of Dating Violence, Carolyn M. West


The Making of Jericho Road: An Interview with Michael Honey, Charles Williams


Criminal Courts, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2007

Political Buttons and the Material Culture of American Politics, 1828-1976, Michael Allen


Review of "King of the Cowboys, Queen of the West: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans" by R.E. White, Mike Allen


A Patriot's History of the United States: from Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror, Mike Allen and Larry Schweikart

60-GHz LNA Using a Hybrid Transmission Line and Conductive Path to Ground Technique in Silicon, Javier Alvarado, Kevin T. Kornegay, Debasis Dawn, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar


The Quality of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean - Latin American Research Network: The Quality of Education in Paraguay, Katherine E. Baird, Rodolfo Elias, Victor Vázquez, Nestor Peralta, and Mirna Vera

Estimation of Dynamic Rate Parameters in Insect Populations Undergoing Sublethal Exposure to Pesticides, H. T. Banks, John E. Banks, Lara K. Dick, and John D. Stark

Demographic Antecedents and Performance Consequences of Structural Holes in Work Teams, Zoe I. Barsness, Prasad Balkundi, Martin Kilduff, and Judd H. Michael

Does Fairness Matter More to Some Than to Others? The Moderating Role of Workplace Status on the Relationship Between Procedural Fairness Perceptions and Job Satisfaction, Zoe I. Barsness, Kristina A. Diekmann, and Harris Sondak


College Writing and Beyond: A New Framework for University Writing Instruction, Anne Beaufort

Fibonacci Determinants: A Combinatorial Approach, Arthur T. Benjamin, Naiomi T. Cameron, and Jennifer J. Quinn


Wetlands: An Introduction to Ecology, the Law, and Permitting (2nd ed.), Theda Braddock


Victorio Acosta Velasco: An American Life, Michael Serizawa Brown

Transforming the Curriculum: Teaching About Women of Color, Johnella E. Butler and Deirdre J. Raynor

The Hummer: Myths and Consumer Culture, Elaine Cardenas, Ellen Gorman, and Joanne Clarke Dillman

Desire, Ritual, and Cuisine, Kima Cargill


Teaching the Psychology of Food and Culture, Kima Cargill


Linked Psychology and Writing Courses Across the Curriculum, Kima Cargill and Beth Kalikoff

Emergent Learning Design for the Workplace, Colleen Carmean

Queering the Space of Home: Counterpublics, Sexuality, and Transnationalism in Kincaid's 'My Brother', Ed Chamberlain

Spatial Effects of Retention Trees on Mycorrhizas and Biomass of Douglas-Fir Seedlings, Erica T. Cline, B. Vinyard, and R. Edmonds

Misconceptions of Gender: Sex, Masculinity, and the Measurement of Crime, Jeffrey W. Cohen and Patrick J. Harvey

Tending the Soul: A Teaching Module for Increasing Student Sensitivity to the Spiritual Needs of Older Adults, Kathryn S. Collins, Rich Furman, Ruthanne Hackman, Kim Bender, and Elizabeth A. Bruce

Finding God in the Singing River – By Mark I. Wallace, Jane Compson

Seeing Outranks Believing: Some Buddhist Reflections on Faith and Belief, Jane Compson


Association of Non-Type B Haemophilus Influenzae With HIV, Karen Cowgill and J Anthony Scott


Preference or Desperation? Distinguishing Between the Natal Habitat's Effects on Habitat Choice, Jeremy M. Davis

Development of CMOS Based Circuits for 60GHz WPAN Applications, Debasis Dawn, S. Pinel, S. Sarkar, P. Sen, B. Perumana, D. Yeh, and J. Laskar


Resistencia y Recuperación: La Historia Colectiva a Través de la Ficción en In the Time of the Butterflies de Julia Álvarez, Vanessa de Veritch Woodside

Minority Report: Narrative, Images, and Dead Women, Joanne Clarke Dillman


Experiences of Stigma in Older Adults Living With HIV/AIDS: A Mixed-Methods Analysis, Charles Emlet

Extending the Use of the 40-Item HIV-Stigma Scale to Older Adults: An Examination of Reliability and Validity, Charles A. Emlet

In-Home Assessment of Older Adults: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Charles A. Emlet, Jeffrey L. Crabtree, and Victoria Ann Condon

Sources and Distribution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Sediments of Kaoping River and Submarine Canyon System, Taiwan, Meng-Der Fang, Ping-Chieh Hsieh, Fung-Chi Ko, Joel E. Baker, and Chon-Lin Lee

Equilibrium Unfolding of the Poly(glutamic acid)(20) Helix, John M. Finke, Patricia A. Jennings, Jennifer Lee, José N. Onuchic, and Jay R. Winkler


Nationalism and the International Labor Movement: The Idea of the Nation in Socialist and Anarchist Theory, Michael Forman

Compañero: Poems, Rich Furman


Faculty Self-Reflection and Study-Abroad: An Expressive Aproach to Autoethnography, Rich Furman

Practical Tips for Publishing Scholarly Articles: Writing and Publishing in the Helping Professions, Rich Furman

The Mundane, the Existential, and the Poetic, Rich Furman


Poetry and Narrative as Qualitative Data: Explorations Into Existential Theory, Richard Furman

Expressive, Research and Reflective Poetry as Qualitative Inquiry: A Study of Adolescent Identity, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, Christine S. Davis, Heather P. Gallardo, and Shanti Kulkarni

A Qualitative Study of Immigration Policy and Practice Dilemmas for Social Work Students, Rich Furman, Carol L. Langer, Thomas Wayne Sanchez, and Nalini Junko Negi

Social Work Practice With Transnational Latino Populations, Rich Furman and Nalini Junko Negi

Mexican Men and Their Fathers: Analyzing and Representing Data Through the Research Poem, Rich Furman, Jeffery Shears, and Meredith Badinelli

Qualitative Study of Letters to President Kennedy From Persons With Mental Illness and Their Families: Using the Research Poem in Policy Oriented Research, A, Rich Furman and Allison Shukraft

A SiGe Sub-Harmonic Mixer for Millimeter-Wave Applications, Bevin George Perumana, Suryadip Chakraborty, Saikat Sarkar, Padmanava Sen, Doris Yeh, Anand Raghavan, Debasis Dawn, C Justin Lee, Stephane Pinel, and Joy Laskar

Alexandrium Catenella Cysts and Environmental Conditions in Puget Sound, WA: Results of a Cyst Survey, Cheryl Greengrove, K. Siân Davies-Vollum, James E. Gawel, J.R. Postel, A.M. Cox, J. Hubert, A. Abrahamson, Julie Masura, and B.W. Frost


Hasegawa Nyozekan and Liberalism in Modern Japan, Mary Hanneman

The Old Generation in (Mid)Showa Japan: Hasegawa Nyozekan, Maruyama Masao, and Postwar Thought, Mary Hanneman

African American Mothers and Their Mothers, Marian S. Harris

Isotope Analysis As a Natural Reaction Probe to Determine Mechanisms of Biodegradation of 1,2-Dichloroethane, Sarah K. Hirschorn, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio, Edwards A. Elizabeth, Georges Lacrampe-Couloume, and Barbara Sherwood Lollar

Perceiving artificial social agents, T. M. Holtgraves, Stephen J. Ross, C. R. Weywadt, and T. L. Han

Going Down Jericho Road: The Memphis Strike, Martin Luther King's Last Campaign, Michael K. Honey


Decision-Making: What Does It Have to Do with My Teaching? Research Brief, Yi-Min Huang, Matt Eliot, Jennifer Turns, Emma J. Rose, and Jessica Yellin

Development Research of a Teachers' Educational Performance Support System: The Practices of Design, Development, and Evaluation, Wei-Chen Hung, Thomas J. Smith, Marian S. Harris, and James Lockard

Articulating Sophistic Rhetoric as a Validity Heuristic for Writing Assessment, Asao Inoue

Physiological and ecological implications of adaptive reiteration as a mechanism for crown maintenance and longevity, Hiroaki T. Ishii, E. David Ford, and Maureen C. Kennedy


Cesarean, Celebrity, and Childbirth: Students Encounter Modern Birth and the Question of Female Embodiment, Natalie Jolly

Feminism Tastes Using Social Bookmarking in the Women's Studies Classroom, Natalie Jolly

The Extension of Westphalian Sovereignty: State Building and the Abolition of Extraterritoriality, Turan Kayaoglu

Still Segregated, Still Unequal: Analyzing the Impact of No Child Left Behind on African American Students, Christopher B. Knaus

On the Relationship Between Queer and Feminist Geographies, Larry Knopp


Mobile Social Software for the Developing World, Beth E. Kolko, Erica Johnson, and Emma J. Rose

Communication as information-seeking: the case for mobile social software for developing regions, Beth E. Kolko, Emma J. Rose, and Erica Johnson

Rangeland Grazing as a Source of Steroid Hormones to Surface Waters, Edward P. Kolodziej and David L. Sedlak

Density-Dependent Response of the Pea Aphid (Hemiptera : Aphididae) to Imidacloprid, Paulina E. Kramarz, John E. Banks, and John D. Stark


Shag Carpet, Michael Kula

Children of Incarcerated Parents Project: How a Mentoring Program Can Make a Difference, Janice H. Laakso and Julie Nygaard

Comb-Based Decimation Filters for ΣΔ A/D Converters: Novel Schemes and Comparisons, Massimiliano Laddomada

Generalized Comb Decimation Filters for ΣΔ A/D Converters: Analysis and Design, Massimiliano Laddomada

Some Properties Along With the Z-Transfer Functions of the First 104 Cyclotomic Polynomials, Massimiliano Laddomada

Interworking and Resource Management in Satellite Systems (Series)-Advanced Channel Coding for Hap-Based Broadcast Services-Insert, Massimiliano Laddomada, A. Boch, F. Darneshgaran, and M. Mondin

Advanced Channel Coding for HAP-based Broadband Services [Internetworking and Resource Management in Satellite Systems Series], Massimiliano Laddomada, A. Boch, M. Mondin, and F. Daneshgaran

A Model of the IEEE 802.11 DCF in Presence of Non Ideal Transmission Channel and Capture Effects, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

On the Behavior of the Distributed Coordination Function of IEEE 802.11 With Multirate Capability Under General Transmission Conditions, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

On the Linear Behaviour of the Throughput of IEEE 802.11 DCF in Non-Saturated Conditions, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, F. Mesiti, and M. Mondin

Connection Between System Parameters and Localization Probability in Network of Randomly Distributed Nodes, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

A Model for Teaching Qualitative Research Methods to Undergraduate Social Work Students, Carol L. Langer, Cynthia A. Lietz, and Rich Furman

FR-4 and CMOS: Enabling Technologies for Consumer Volume Millimeterwave Applications, J. Laskar, S. Pinel, Debasis Dawn, S. Sarkar, P. Sen, B. Perunama, and D. Yeh

The Next Wireless Wave Is a Millimeter Wave, J Laskar, Stephane Pinel, Debasis Dawn, Subir Sarkar, B Perumana, and P Sen

Seeing the forest for the fuel: Integrating ecological values and fuels management, John F. Lehmkuhl, Maureen C. Kennedy, E. David Ford, Peter H. Singleton, William L. Gaines, and Rick L. Lind


Students Are Casualties of Math Wars, Ginger Phillips MacDonald

Distributed Learning: Making Systems That Work, Patricia McGee, Colleen Carmean, and Ali Jafari


International Media Studies, Divya C. McMillin

Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli Virulence Gene Regulation, Jay L. Mellies, Alex M. Barron, and Anna M. Groat-Carmona

‘Follow Your Leader’: Narrative Power and the Power of Authority in Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno, Danica Miller

A Battlefield of One’s Own, JM Miller

Anomalies in Red and Blue: Exceptionalism in American Electoral Geography, Richard L. Morrill, Larry Knopp, and Michael Brown

Effects Of Friendship Closeness In An Adolescent Group Hiv Prevention Intervention, Diane M. Morrison, Erin A. Casey, Blair A. Beadnell, Marilyn J. Hoppe, and Mary Rogers Gillmore

The People’s Food: The Ingredients of “Ethnic” Hierarchies and the Development of Chinese Restaurants in Rome, Pierpaolo Mudu

Rome: Administrative Spatial Divisions and Citizens Mobilization Patterns., Pierpaolo Mudu and Daria Pessina

Profile: Beverly Naidus’s Feminist Activist Art Pedagogy: Unleashed and Engaged, Beverly Naidus

Review: Alexander R. Galloway's Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture, Randy Nichols


Folding and Unfolding of Gamma TIM Monomers and Dimers, Brijesh Patel and John M. Finke

Fluorotelomer Acids are More Toxic Than Perfluorinated Acids, Michelle M. Phillips, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio, Scott A. Mabury, Keith R. Solomon, and Paul K. Sibley

Review of The Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy, Eds. Eva Feder Kittay and Linda Martín Alcoff, Lauren Pressley