All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2004

Book Review: Gay Seattle: Stories of Exile and Belonging,, Thomas M. Diehm

HIV/AIDS and Aging, Charles A. Emlet


HIV/AIDS and Aging: A Diverse Population of Vulnerable Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet


HIV/AIDS and Older Adults: Challenges for Individuals, Families, and Communities, Charles A. Emlet


Knowledge and Use of AIDS and Aging Services by Older, HIV-infected Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Knowledge and Use of AIDS and Aging Services by Older, HIV-Infected Adults, Charles A. Emlet

Unserved, Unseen, and Unheard: Integrating Programs for HIV-infected and HIV-affected Older Adults, Charles A. Emlet and Cynthia Cannon Poindexter


A structural model of polyglutamine determined from a host-guest method combining experiments and landscape theory, John M. Finke, Margaret S. Cheung, and José N. Onuchic

Exploring Friendship Loss Through Poetry, Rich Furman

Poetry as Qualitative Data for Exploring Social Development and Human Experience in Latin America, Rich Furman

The Prose Poem as a Means of Exploring Friendship: Pathways to Reflection, Rich Furman

Una Rosa: A Case Study of Depression in a Guatemalan Victim of Terror, Rich Furman

Using Poetry and Narrative as Qualitative Data: Exploring a Father's Cancer Through Poetry, Rich Furman

White Male Privilege in the Context of My Life, Rich Furman

Faculty Attitudes Regarding Student's Preparedness for Culturally Sensitive Social Work Practice in the United States, Richard Furman, Chance W. Lewis, and Jeffery Shears

Exploring the Ethics of Treatments for Depression: The Ethics of Care Perspective, Rich Furman, Eleanor Pepi Downey, and Robert L. Jackson

Using the Biopsychosocial Approach to Resolve Student Dilemmas in Field Placements, Rich Furman, Robert L. Jackson, Eleanor Pepi Downey, and Robert Seiz

Poetry, Writing, and Community Practice., Rich Furman, Rich Riddoch, and Kathryn Collins

Biomonitoring for Metal Contamination near Two Superfund Sites in Woburn, Massachusetts, Using Phytochelatins, James E. Gawel and Harold F. Hemond

Quantifying Three-Dimensional Silicate Fabrics in Cumulates Using Cumulative Distribution Functions, Jeffrey S. Gee, William P. Meurer, Peter A. Selkin, and Michael J. Cheadle

Aesthetics and Rhetoric, Claudia Gorbman

Water Column Characteristics of Barkley and Clayoquot Sound, September 2004 Data Report, Cheryl L. Greengrove, Richard G. Keil, Gerardo Chin-Leo, and Miles G. Logsdon

Hotplug Memory and the Linux VM, Dave Hansen, Mike Kravetz, Bradley Christiansen, and Matt Tolentino

Best Practices in Kinship Care for African American Mothers and Their Children, Marian S. Harris

Group Work With Children Exposed to Domestic Violence, Marian S. Harris

Pathway Dependent Isotopic Fractionation during Aerobic Biodegradation of 1,2-Dichloroethane, Sarah K. Hirschorn, M. Joyce A. Dinglasan-Panlilio, Martin Elsner, Silvia A. Mancini, Georges Lacrampe-Couloume, Elizabeth A. Edwards, and Barbara Sherwood Lollar


Building Diaspora: Filipino Cultural Community Formation on the Internet, Emily Ignacio


Review: Mind the Gap: Stepping Out, With Caution in Assessment and Student Public Writing, Beth Kalikoff

Model analysis of the importance of reiteration for branch longevity in Pseudotsuga menziesii compared with Abies grandis, Maureen C. Kennedy, E David Ford, and Hiroaki Ishii

Dairy Wastewater, Aquaculture, and Spawning Fish as Sources of Steroid Hormones in the Aquatic Environment, Edward P. Kolodziej, Thomas Harter, and David L. Sedlak

The Water Supply System of Siena, Italy: The Medieval Roots of the Modern Networked City, Michael Kucher

A Study on the Reliability and Validity of Seoul-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(S-IADL), Hyoung Mo Ku, Ji Hae Kim, Eui Jung Kwon, Sung Hwan Kim, Hyoung Suk Lee, Hye Jung Ko, Sangmee Jo, and Doh Kwan Kim

A Study on the Reliability and Validity of Seoul-Activities of Daily Living(S-ADL), Hyoung Mo Ku, Ji Hae Kim, Hyoung Suk Lee, Hye Jung Ko, Eui Jung Kwon, Sangmee Jo, and Doh Kwan Kim

Optimized Prunable Single-Cycle Interleavers for Turbo Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and F. Daneshgaran

An Extensive Search for Good PuncturedRate-k/(k+1) Recursive Convolutional Codes for Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

High-Rate Recursive Convolutional Codes for Concatenated Channel Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

Interleaver Design for Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes: Theory and Application, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

Good Punctured Rate K/K+s Recursive Convolutional Codes With Application to SCCCs, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

Decimation Schemes for ΣΔ A/D Converters Based on Kaiser and Hamming Sharpened Filters, Massimiliano Laddomada and M. Mondin

An Extensive Search for Good Punctured Rate K/K+ 1 Recursive Convolutional Codes for Serially Concatenated Convolutional Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada and Marina Mondin

The Tanka as a Qualitative Research Tool: A Study of a Native American Woman, Carol Langer and Rich Furman


Exploring Identity and Assimilation: Research and Interpretive Poems, Carol L. Langer and Rich Furman

The Standardization of the Ge riatric Quality of Life s cale-Dementia(GQOL-D), Hyoung Suk Lee, Ji Hae Kim, Hye Jung Ko, Hyoung Mo Ku, Eui Jung Kwon, Ji Young Shin, In Sook Ahn, Sung Ho Chung, and Doh Kwan Kim

Increased Somatic Complaints and Health-Care Utilization in Children: Effects of Parent IBS Status and Parent Response to Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Rona L. Levy, William E. Whitehead, Lynn S. Walker, Michael Von Korff, Andrew D. Feld, Michelle Garner, and Dennis Christie

When tigers smoked pipes: Asian folk literature, Belinda Louie

Myths about teaching and the university professor, Belinda Louie, Richard Stackman, and Denise Drevdahl

Adjustment Disorders, D. MacDonald and Ginger Phillips MacDonald

The Golden Years: African American Women and Retirement, Gillian L. Marshall

Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 5: Authority and the Female Body in the Writings of Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe, Liz Herbert McAvoy, Anne Clark Bartlett, and Rosalynn Voaden

Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 4: The English Prose Treatises of Richard Rolle, Claire Elizabeth McIlroy, Anne Clark Bartlett, and Rosalynn Voaden

Personal Attitudes or Structural Factors? A Contextual Analysis of Breastfeeding Duration, Nita M. McKinley and Janet S. Hyde

Bayesian Mixture Model Based Clustering of Replicated Microarray Data, M. Medvedovic, Ka Yee Yeung, and R. E. Bumgarner

What Hath Wright Wrought: A Political Economic Context for the SimBrand, Randy Nichols

Architecture, Julie Nicoletta, Merry Ovnick, and Spencer Leineweber

"Ain't No Room for Us Anywhere": Reading Ann Petry's "In Darkness and Confusion" as a Migration Narrative, Deirdre J. Raynor

The Dilemmas of African-American Men From Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Completing Doctoral From Predominately White Institutions, Jeffrey Shears, Chance W. Lewis, and Richard Furman

Debromination of the Flame Retardant Decabromodiphenyl Ether by Juvenile Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Following Dietary Exposure, Heather M. Stapleton, Mehran Alaee, Robert J. Letcher, and Joel E. Baker

Estimating Susceptibility of Biological Control Agents to Pesticides: Influence of Life History Strategies and Population Structure, John D. Stark, John E. Banks, and Susanna Acheampong


Paleomagnetic Results from the Snake River Plain: Contribution to the Time-Averaged Field Global Database, Lisa Tauxe, Casey Luskin, Peter A. Selkin, Phillip Gans, and Andy Calvert

Understanding Trauma and the Rhetoric of Recovery: A Discourse Analysis of Virtual Healing Journals of Child Sexual Abuse Survivors, Riki Thompson

Have Offender Needs and Perspectives Been Adequately Incorporated Into Restorative Justice?, Barb Toews and J. Katounas

Critical Issues in Restorative Justice, Barb Toews and Howard Zehr

Book reviews: John L. Esposito and Francois Burgat, Modernizing Islam: Religion in the Public Sphere in Europe and the Middle East, Etga Ugur

Intellectual roots of ‘Turkish Islam’ and approaches to the ‘Turkish model’, Etga Ugur

Political or Social Islam? A Review Essay on Islamic Movements in Egypt and Turkey, Etga Ugur

Bcl-2 Overexpression Leads to Increases in Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling-3 Expression in B Cells and De Novo Follicular Lymphoma, Gary J. Vanasse, Robert K. Winn, Sofya Rodov, Arthur W. Zieske, John T. Li, Joan C. Tupper, Jingjing Tang, Elaine W. Raines, Mette A. Peters, Ka Yee Yeung, and John M. Harlan

Family Values and Feudal Codes: The Social Politics of America's Twenty-First Century Gangster, Ingrid Walker

The Normalization of Heterogendered Relations in The Bachelor, Gust Yep and Ariana Ochoa Camacho

Bayesian Robust Inference for Differential Gene Expression in cDNA Microarrays With Multiple Samples, Ka Yee Yeung, Raphael Gottardo, Adrian E. Raftery, and Roger Bumgarner


From Co-Expression to Co-Regulation: How Many Microarray Experiments Do We Need?, Ka Yee Yeung, Mario Medvedovic, and Roger E. Bumgarner

Invoking Our Code of Ethics With Clients in the Criminal Justice System: Invited Commentary, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 2003

It Was North of Tennessee: African American Migration and the Meaning of the South, Luther J. Adams


Review of "Horse Opera: The Strange History of the 1930s Singing Cowboy" by P. Stanfield, Mike Allen

Effects of Plot Vegetation Diversity and Spatial Scale on Coccinella Septempunctata Movement in the Absence of Prey, John E. Banks and C. L. Yasenak

The Use of a World Wide Web-Based Consultation Site to Provide Support to Telephone Staff in a Traumatic Brain Injury Demonstration Project, Kathleen R. Bell, Peter Esselman, Michelle D. Garner, Jason Doctor, Charles Bombardier, Kurt Johnson, Nancy Temkin, and Sureyya Dikmen


The Ecology of Individuals: Incidence and Implications of Individual Specialization, Daniel I. Bolnick, Richard Svanbäck, James A. Fordyce, Louie H. Yang, Jeremy M. Davis, C. Darrin Hulsey, and Matthew L. Forister

Scale as Modifier in Vegetation Diversity Experiments: Effects on Herbivores and Predators, Riccardo Bommarco and John E. Banks

Wetlands Regulation: Case Law, Interpretation, and Commentary, Theda Braddock


Lessons about autonomy and integration from international human rights, law journals, and the world of golf, Elizabeth M. Bruch

Assessment Boot Camp, Colleen Carmean

Next Generation Course Management Systems, Colleen Carmean and Jeremy Haefner

Price and Capacity Competition of Application Services Duopoly, Hsing Kenneth Cheng, Haluk Demirkan, and Gary J. Koehler

Exploring the Interplay between Topology and Secondary Structural Formation in the Protein Folding Problem, Margaret S. Cheung, John M. Finke, Benjamin Callahan, and José N. Onuchic

Don Cupitt, Is Nothing Sacred? The Non-Realistic Philosophy of Religion, Jane Compson


Report From the CDC. Awareness of Perinatal Group B Streptococcal Infection Among Women of Childbearing Age in the United States, 1999 and 2002, Karen Cowgill, Thomas H. Taylor, Anne Schuchat, and Stephanie Schrag

Service-Learning, Nonprofit Management and Community: The Not-For-Profit Sector and Higher Education in Tacoma, WA, Stephen DeTray

Nurturing Human Diversities: Providing Leadership for Institutional Change, Tom Diehm and Marceline M. Lazzari

Perceptions of Efficacy in the Use of Contemporary Film in Social Work Education: An Exploratory Study, Eleanor Pepi Downey, Robert L. Jackson, Maria E. Puig, and Rich Furman


Older Adults Living With HIV Disease: Challenges for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Charles A. Emlet

Older Adults With HIV Disease, Charles A. Emlet, Susan Scott Gusz, and Jodi Dumont

Using Children's Literature in Social Work Practice and Education, R. Furman

Using Poetry as a Tool for Self-Reflection in Social Work Education, R. Furman

Exploring Stepfatherhood Through Poetry, Rich Furman

Frameworks for Understanding Value Discrepancies and Ethical Dilemmas in Managed Mental Health for Social Work in the United States, Rich Furman

Poetry Therapy and Existential Practice., Rich Furman

The Social Problem of Depression: A Multi-Theoretical Analysis, Rich Furman and Kimberly Bender


Poetry, Violence and Peace, Rich Furman and Kathryn S. Collins

Social Constructivist Practice With Youth, Rich Furman, Robert L. Jackson, Eleanor Pepi Downey, and Jeffery Shears

Infusing Globalization Into the Social Work Curriculum, Rich Furman, Maria Puig, Peter Szto, and Carol Langer


HIV/AIDS in Latin America the Challenges Ahead, Anabela Garcia-Abreu, Isabel Noguer, and Karen Cowgill