All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2001

Humor and Fun in Human Service Practice and Education, Rich Furman


On Becoming a Social Worker: The Impact of My Travels and Volunteer Work in Central America, Rich Furman

Social Work Education Policy on Non-Discrimination in the United States, Richard Furman

Phytochelatins Are Bioindicators of Atmospheric Metal Exposure via Direct Foliar Uptake in Trees Near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, James E. Gawel, C. G. Trick, and F. M. Morel


Japan faces the World, 1925-1952, Mary Hanneman

The Relational Model of Identity Development: An Essential Curricular Component for Social Work Education and Practice, Janis L. Jarrold and Marceline M. Lazzari

Experiences With a Child Support Agency, Janice H. Laakso

Comunicazioni: E' in Arrivo Il Telefonino Universale, Massimiliano Laddomada

On the Reconfigurability of a Software Radio Terminal for Supporting the Third, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, and M. Mondin

A PC-Based Software Receiver Using a Novel Front-End Technology, Massimiliano Laddomada, F. Daneshgaran, M. Mondin, and R. M. Hickling

Integration of a Novel Software Radio Development, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fred Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

On the Reconfigurability of a Software Radio Terminal for Supporting the Third Generation Wireless Standards, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fred Daneshgaran, and Marina Mondin

A Novel Optimization Technique for Turbo Codes, Massimiliano Laddomada, Fred Daneshgaran, Marina Mondin, and Paolo Mulassano

CCSDS-Rice Compressor and Decompressor DSP Implementation for Space Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, R. Mari, P. Mulassano, and F. And

An Efficient Frequency Sampling Design of FIR Raised-Cosine Filters for Software Radio Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin, and Letizia Lo Presti

A Novel Wide-Band Direct Conversion Software Radio Platform, Massimiliano Laddomada, M. Mondin, F. Daneshgaran, and R. M. Hickling

An Efficient Decimation Sinc-Filter Design for Software Radio Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, L. Lo Presti, M. Mondin, and C. Ricchiuto

Nuove Tecnologie: Verso Un Mondo Senza Fili, Massimiliano Laddomada and Bartolo Scanavino

Book Review: Critical Condition: Feminism at the Turn of the Century. By Susan Gubar, Marceline M. Lazzari

Why gender stereotypes still persist in contemporary children's literature, Belinda Louie and Douglas Louie

Localizing the Global: Television and Hybrid Programming in India, Divya C. McMillin


Improving Quantum Secret-Sharing Schemes, Anderson C. Nascimento, Joern Mueller-Quade, and Hideki Imai

Quantum Identification Protocol With Technologically Bounded Parties, Anderson C. Nascimento, Joern Mueller-Quade, and Hideki Imai


Review of "Pennsylvania Architecture: The Historic American Buildings Survey, 1933-1900" by D.S. Burns and R.J. Webster with C.R. Stern, Julie Nicoletta


The Gendering of Order and Disorder: Mother Ann Lee and Shaker Architecture, Julie Nicoletta

Ensuring the Quality of OASIS Data: One Agency’s Plan, Cindi Pentz and Alexis A. Wilson

Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 3: Birgitta of Sweden and the Voice of Prophecy, Claire L. Sahlin, Anne Clark Bartlett, and Rosalynn Voaden

Software Development Teams Evaluation, P. Schoenhoff, Stuart Henry, and Wesley James Lloyd


Rayuela's Confused Hermeneutics, E. J. Sharkey

Restorative Justice and Substance Abuse: The Path Ahead, Barb Toews Shenk and Howard Zehr


"Selective" Pesticides: Are They Less Hazardous to the Environment?, John D. Stark and John Banks

Listening to Student Voices: An Essential Element in Social Work Education Assessment, Susan Tungate, Marceline Lazzari, and Victoria Buchan

ÒWelfare_to_workÓ;: An Analysis of the Communication Competencies Taught in a Job Training Program Serving an Urban Poverty Area, Vincent R. Waldron, Melissa Lavitt, and Margaret McConnaughy

Model-Based Clustering and Data Transformations for Gene Expression Data, Ka Yee Yeung, C. Fraley, A. Murua, A. E. Raftery, and W. L. Ruzzo

Validating Clustering for Gene Expression Data, Ka Yee Yeung, D. R. Haynor, and W. L. Ruzzo

Principal Component Analysis for Clustering Gene Expression Data, Ka Yee Yeung and W. L. Ruzzo

Book Review: Racial Profiling: Eliminating the Confusion Between Racial and Criminal Profiling and Clarifying What Constitutes Unfair Discrimination and Persecution, Diane S. Young

Incorporating Content on Offenders and Corrections Into Social Work Curricula, Diane S. Young and Sara Wyckoff LoMonaco

Mothers Making Tenure, Diane S. Young and Ednita M. Wright

Submissions from 2000

Predicting the Potential for Risky Behavior Among Those "Too Young" to Drink as the Result of Appealing Advertising, E. W. Austin and Christopher Knaus

Effects of Weedy Field Margins on Myzus Persicae (Hemiptera : Aphididae) in a Broccoli Agroecosystem, John E. Banks

Digital Libraries: Situating Use in Changing Information Infrastructure, Ann P. Bishop, Laura J. Neumann, Susan L. Star, Cecelia Merkel, Emily N. Ignacio, and Robert J. Sandusky

The Ontogeny of Light-Dark Response in Triops Longicaudatus as a Response to Changing Selective Pressures, Jeremy Davis and Dale Madison

Parallel Plate Mode Suppression in Shielded Structures by Using Electromagnetic Band Gap Metal Plate, Debasis Dawn, Y. Ohashi, and T. Shimura


Mad Love: The Problematization of Gendered Identity and Desire in Recent Mexican Women's Novels, Cynthia Duncan


Worlds Apart: Why Poverty Persists in Rural America, Cynthia Duncan

Commitment to folded and aggregated states occurs late in interleukin-1 beta folding, John M. Finke, L. A. Gross, H. M. Ho, D. Sept, B. H. Zimm, and P. A. Jennings

Aggregation events occur prior to stable intermediate formation during refolding of interleukin 1beta, John M. Finke, M. Roy, B. H. Zimm, and P. A. Jennings


Human Services Online: A New Arena for Service Delivery, Jerry Finn and Gary Holden


Good Friday, Philip Heldrich

The Ability of the AIDS Quilt to Motivate Information Seeking, Personal Discussion, and Preventative Behavior as a Health Communication Intervention, Christopher B. Knaus, B. E. Pinkleton, and E. W. Austin

Child Support Policy: Some Critical Issues and the Implications for Social Work, Janice H. Laakso

An Efficient Raised-Cosine FIR Filter Design for Software Radio Applications, Massimiliano Laddomada, Marina Mondin, and Letizia Lo Presti

The Architecture of the Shakers, Bret Morgan and Julie Nicoletta

Buildings of Nevada, Julie Nicoletta


Review of "Cheap, Quick, and Easy: Imitative Architectural Materials, 1870-1930" by P.H. Simpson, Julie Nicoletta

Interpreting and Defensively Responding to Threat: Examining Appraisals and Coping With Acquaintance Sexual Aggression, P. S. Nurius, J. Norris, D. S. Young, T. L. Graham, and J. Gaylord

The Nature and Prevention of Harm in Technology-Mediated Self-Help Settings: Three Exemplars, Vincent R. PhD and Melissa Lavitt

ÒWelfare_to_workÓ: Assessing Communication Competencies and Client Outcomes in a Job Training Program, Vincent R. Waldron and Melissa Lavitt

Expression Analysis of Barrett's Epithelium and Normal Gastrointestinal Tissues, Ka Yee Yeung

When Moms Are Incarcerated: The Needs of Children, Mothers, and Caregivers, Diane S. Young and C. J. Smith

Women's Perceptions of Health Care in Prison, D. S. Young

Books from 1999

Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 2: Julian of Norwich, Autobiography and Theology, Chistopher Abbott, Anne Clark Bartlett, and Rosalynn Voaden

Frontiers of Western History: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Western History, Michael Allen and Mary L. Hanneman


Boxing in Black and White, Peter Bacho

Differential Response of Two Agroecosystem Predators, Pterostichus Melanarius (Coleoptera : Carabidae) and Coccinella Septempunctata (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae), to Habitat-Composition and Fragmentation-Scale Manipulations, John E. Banks

Introduction, Anne Clark Bartlett

Cultures of Piety: Medieval English Devotional Literature in Translation, Anne Clark Bartlett and Thomas H. Bestul


Writing in the Real World: Making the Transition from School to Work, Anne Beaufort

The Voice in Cinema, Michel Chion and Claudia Gorbman

Analysis and Design of a Novel Radial Folded Waveguide Structure for a Feeder of a Planar Radial Line Antenna, Debasis Dawn

Analysis and Design of Folded Waveguide as Feeder for Planar Radiating Structure, Debasis Dawn


Effects of Eutrophication and Runoff on Arsenic Cycling in an Urban Lake, James E. Gawel, David Senn, Harold F. Hemond, Kathryn MacLaughlin, Heather Lukacs, and John L. Durant

Comparing Mothers in Kinship Foster Care: Reunification vs. Remaining in Care, Marian S. Harris


Black Workers Remember: An Oral History of Segregation, Unionism, and the Freedom Struggle, Michael K. Honey

The AIDS Memorial Quilt as Preventative Education: A Developmental Analysis of the Quilt, Christopher B. Knaus and E. W. Austin

Daniel Pinkwater's Wingman: Exploring conflict resolution strategies through multiethnic literature, Belinda Louie and Douglas Louie

Teaching conflict resolution strategies through multiethnic literature, Belinda Louie and Douglas Louie

Studies in Medieval Mysticism, Volume 1: St Birgitta of Sweden, Bridget Morris, Anne Clark Bartlett, and Rosalynn Voaden

Dinamica Urbana E Funzione Turistico-Ricettiva Nelle Metropoli D’arte. Una Proposta Di Analisi Nell’esempio Di Roma [Urban Dynamic and Turistic Function in Historical Metropolis. A Proposal of Analysis for the City of Rome]. Rivista Geografica Italiana, Pierpaolo Mudu


Report on “Roma: Logiche Di Sviluppo Degli Esercizi Alberghieri. Un’analisi Dei Rioni Del Centro Storico Dopo Le Olimpiadi Del 1960” [Rome: Logic of Development in the Hotel Industry. Analysis of Central Districts After the Rome Olimpics of 1960]”, Pierpaolo Mudu

Caspar David Friedrich and National Antiquarianism in Northern Germany, Johann J. K. Reusch

Entertaining Knowledge: (Popular) Cultural Literacy in the United States, Ingrid Walker

Algorithms for Choosing Informative Differential Gene Expression Experiments, Ka Yee Yeung, Richard Karp, and Roland Stoughton

Ethnicity and Health Service Use in a Women's Prison, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 1998

Real Cowboys? The Origins and Evolution of North American Rodeo and Rodeo Cowboys, Michael Allen


Rodeo Cowboys in the North American Imagination, Mike Allen

Contingent Employment in British Establishments: Organizational Determinants of the Use of Fixed-Term Hires and Part-Time Workers, Zoe I. Barsness and Brian Uzzi

Cracking the Penile Code: Reading Gender and Conquest in the Alliterative "Morte Arthure", Anne Clark Bartlett


Linking Lives: Autobiographical Criticism and Medieval Studies, Anne Clark Bartlett


A Critical Analysis of John Hick's Pluralistic Hypothesis in the Light of the Buddha's Attitude Towards Othe Teachings as Demonstrated in the Pali Nikayas., Jane Compson

Service Use Patterns in HIV/AIDS Case Management: A Five-Year Study, Charles A. Emlet and S. S. Gusz

A Matter of Discourse: Community and Communication in Contemporary Philosophies, Amós Nascimento


Benefits and Costs of a Family-Focused Methadone Treatment and Drug Abuse Prevention Program: Preliminary Findings, Robert D. Plotnick, Diane S. Young, Richard F. Catalano, and Kevin P. Haggerty


Social Cognitive Development and Psychopathology During Adolescence, K. A. Schonert-Reichl and Kathleen Beaudoin

Regarded as Simulacrum: The Aesthetic Role of Women in Contemporary Culture, Huatong Sun

Health Status and Service Use Among Incarcerated Women. : Family & Community Health, Diane S. Young

Submissions from 1997

Who Talks How to Their Kids About TV: A Clarification of Demographic Correlates of Parental Mediation Patterns, Erica Weintraub Austin, Christopher Knaus, and Ana Meneguelli


Dark Blue Suit: And Other Stories, Peter Bacho

New Approaches to the Study of Culture in I/O Psychology, Zoe I. Barsness