All Faculty Work | University of Washington Tacoma


Submissions from 2024


Compassionate AI and the Alignment Problem, Jane Compson, Mark Graves, Ali-Reza Bhojani, Cyrus Olsen, and Thomas Arnold


Nintendo: Playing with Power, Randy Nichols

Submissions from 2023

Disruption Through Distribution: Impacts and Limits in the Global Video Game Industry, Randy Nichols

Submissions from 2022


Institutional procedural discrimination, institutional racism, and other institutional discrimination: A nursing research example, Sungwon Lim, Doris M. Boutain, Eunjung Kim, Robin A. Evans‐Agnew, Sanithia Parker, and Rebekah Maldonado Nofziger


The Microsoft/Activision Blizzard Merger, Randy Nichols


Does it really empower women to expect them to make the first move?, Riki Thompson

More than the selfie: online dating, non-monogamy, normativity, and linked profiles on OkCupid, Riki Thompson


¿Realmente empodera a las mujeres esperar que ellas den el primer paso?, Riki Thompson


Reflective Approaches to Analyzing Digital Discourse, Riki Thompson


What’s a polycule? An expert on polyamory explains., Riki Thompson


Powerful women heading up dating apps are framed as young and sexy, Riki Thompson and Treena Orchard

Submissions from 2021


Engaging Transfer Students: A Fiction Book Club and the Transfer Experience, Alaina C. Bull and Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman


Reproductive justice and black lives: A concept analysis for public health nursing, Kathryn Burger, Robin Evans‐Agnew, and Susan L. Johnson


From Language Access to Language Justice: Creating a Participatory Values Statement for Collective Action, Alison Cardinal, Emma Rose, Laura Gonzales, Anindita Bhattacharya, Luke Byram, Kenny Coble, Perla Gamboa, Diana Parra, Faaluiana Pritchard, Elize Rodriquez Paz, Peggy Liao, Megan Snow, Bara Safarova, and Anaid Yerena


Free Speech and Hate Speech in the United States: the Limits of Toleration, Chris Demaske


Feeling Like an “Odd Duck”, Ivis Garcia, April Jackson, Andrew Greenlee, Anaid Yerena, Benjamin Chrisinger, and Aujean Lee


Dyslexia Primer for Social Work Translational Research to Update Strengths-Based Practice, Advocacy, and Attitudes, Michelle Garner


Students to the front: Using participatory design techniques for OER advocacy, Marisa Petrich


Transitions in Urban Waterfronts: Imagining, Contesting, and Sustaining the Aquatic/Terrestrial Interface, Anne Taufen and Ken Yocom


Mapping and Managing Organization Objectives: A Case Study of the Alto Maipo Hydroelectric Project in Chile, Jeffrey P. Walters, Hernán Alcayaga, Carolina Busco, and Tamara Araya

Submissions from 2020

Physics Inspired Models in Artificial Intelligence, Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad and Şener Özönder

Noise Patterns in GPS Trajectories, Mohamed Ali, Abdeltawab Hendawi, James Shen, Sree Sindhu Sabbineni, Yaxiao Song, Peiwei Cao, Zhihong Zhang, and John Krumm

Road Network Simplification for Location-Based Services, Mohamed Ali, Abdeltawab Hendawi, John A. Stankovic, Ayman Taha, Shaker El-Sappagh, and Amr. A. Ahmadain

Managing Moving Objects With Imprecise Location, Mohamed Ali, Abdullah Islam, and Abdeltawab Hendawi


Emerging Hardware Prototyping Technologies as Tools for Learning, Eyhab Al-Masri, Shubham Kabu, and Poornima Dixith


Investigating Messaging Protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT), Eyhab Al-Masri, Karan Raj Kalyanam, John Batts, Jonathan Kim, Sharanjit Singh, Tammy Vo, and Charlotte Yan

Edgify: Resource Allocation Optimization for Edge Clouds Using Stable Matching, Eyhab Al-Masri, Jiaqi Wang, and Zac Lu

A User-Centered Handoff Procedure in 5G Cellular Networks, Eyhab Al-Masri and Hu Zhao

Adiposity and Endometriosis Severity and Typology, Uba Backonja, Jiyoung Byun, Matthew C. Peterson, Robert N. Taylor, Joseph B. Stanford, Kristina L. Allen-Brady, Ken R. Smith, Germaine M. Buck Louis, and Karen C. Schliep

Facilitating Pathways To Care: A Qualitative Study Of The Self-Reported Needs And Coping Skills Of Caregivers Of Young Adults Diagnosed With Early Psychosis, Uba Backonja, Sunny Chieh Cheng, Benjamin Buck, Maria Monroe-DeVita, and Elaine Walsh


Multiples Over Models: Interrogating the Past and Collectively Reimagining the Future of Menstrual Sensemaking, Uba Backonja, Sarah E. Fox, Amanda Menking, and Jordan Eschler

How Patient-Generated Health Data and Patient-Reported Outcomes Affect Patient–Clinician Relationships: A Systematic Review, Uba Backonja, Ross J. Lordon, Sean P. Mikles, Laura Kneale, Heather L. Evans, Sean A. Munson, and William B. Lober

Visualizations Integrated Into Consumer Health Technologies Support Self-management of Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review, Uba Backonja and Maichou Lor

ENVISION: A Tool to Improve Communication in Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Meetings, Uba Backonja, Karla T. Washington, George Demiris, Debra Parker Oliver, Meredith Norfleet, Claire J. Han, and Mihail Popescu

An Online Remote Verification System of Thermal Sources for Energy Harvesting Application, Orlando Baiocchi, Marcelo M. Camboim, Vincius S. Oliveira, Mariana Rodrigues Villarim, Andréa Willa Rodrigues Villarim, Sebastian Yuri Cavalcanti Catunda, and Cleonilson Protasio De Souza

A Solar-Radiation-Powered Thermoelectric Energy Harvester based on Quasicrystal, Orlando Baiocchi, Vinicius Silva Oliveira, Marcelo Miranda Camboim, Bruno Alessandro Silva Guedes de Lima, and Cleonilson Protasio de Souza

A Privacy Preserving Method for Publishing Set-valued Data and Its Correlative Social Network, Yan Bai, Li-E Wang, Shan Lin, Sang-Yoon Chang, Xianxian Li, and Peng Liu

Schnorr-Based Implicit Certification: Improving the Security and Efficiency of Vehicular Communications, Paulo Barreto, Marcos Simplico Jr., Jefferson Ricardini, and Harsh Kupwade Patil

Integrating Polar Research Into Undergraduate Curricula Using Computational Guided Inquiry, Justin Beaudoin, Penny M. Rowe, Lea Fortmann, Timothy L. Guasco, Aedin Wright, Amy Ryken, Emma Sevier, Grace Stokes, Amanda Mifflin, Rachel Wade, Haiyan Cheng, William Pfalzgraff, Isha Rajbhandari, Kena Fox-Dobbs, and Steven Neshyba

Understanding the Perception of Stakeholders in Reducing Adolescent-to-Parent Violence/Aggression, Connie J. Beck, C. E. Shanholtz, K. L. O'Hara, J. E. Duchschere, and E. Lawrence

Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Early Life History Stages of the Native Olympia Oyster Ostrea lurida (Carpenter, 1864) in a Restoration Site in Northern Puget Sound, Wa, Bonnie Becker, Michael D. Behrens, Brian Allen, Megan Hintz, Hannah Parker, Michelle M. McCartha, and Sarah M. White


Characterizing Olfactory Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Children with Sensory Processing Dysfunction, Kawena Begay, Tanya St. John, Julia R. Sweigert, Greg E. Davis, Jeffrey Munson, Eric Shankland, Annette Estes, Stephen R. Dager, and Natalia M. Kleinhans

Precarious Economies: Capitalism’s Creative Destruction in the Age of Neoliberal Campus Planning, Rubén Casas, Phillip Goodwin, Ralph Cintrón, Joshua Stanley Hanan, Leslie L. Rossman, and Nick J. Sciullo

Assessing The Evidence: How Systems That Address Intimate Partner Violence Evaluate The Credibility And Utility Of Research Findings, Erin Casey, Taryn P. Lindhorst, and Claire Wiley-Sthapit

Social Norms: Are Sexually Aggressive Men More Likely to Misperceive Other Men’s Sexual Desires and Behavior?, Erin Casey, N. Tatiana Masters, and Blair Beadnell

Imagining LatinX Intimacies: Connecting Queer Stories, Spaces and Sexualities, Ed Chamberlain

Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Network Science for High-Confidence Cyber-Physical Systems, Wei Cheng, Xiuzhen Cheng, Sriram Chellappan, and Gokhan Sahin

A Blockchain Based Privacy-Preserving Cloud Service Level Agreement Auditing Scheme, Wei Cheng, Ke Xiao, Ziye Geng, Yunhua He, Gang Xu, and Chao Wang


Fourteen Recommendations to Create a More Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Individuals in Academic Biology, Erica T. Cline, Katelyn Cooper, Anna Jo Auerbach, Jordan D. Bader, Amy S. Beadles-Bohling, Jacqueline A. Brashears, Sarah L. Eddy, Deanna B. Elliot, Elijah Farley, Linda Fuselier, Heather M. Heinz, Madison Irving, Tanya Josek, A. Kelly Lane, Stanley M. Lo, Jeffrey Maloy, Michelle Nugent, Erika Offerdahl, Juan Palacios-Moreno, Jorge Ramos, Joshua W. Reid, Rachel A. Sparks, Ashley L. Waring, Mike Wilton, Cara Gormally, and Sara E. Brownell

Criminology Explains School Bullying, Jeffrey W. Cohen and Robert A. Brooks


Narratives of Crime: Narrative Psychology and the Integral Theory Perspective, Jeffrey W. Cohen, Randy Martin, and David R. Champion

Flying-Capacitor Voltage-Balancing Control in Five-Level Active Neutral-Point-Clamped (A-NPC) Converters Using Phase-Disposition PWM, Vahid Dargahi and Arash Khoshkbar Sadigh

Phase-Disposition PWM Based Active Voltage Control of Seven-Level Nested Neutral-Point-Piloted (NNPP) Inverters, Vahid Dargahi and Arash Khoshkbar Sadigh


Elvis Presley thrills a crowd of about 6,000 at Tacoma, Kim Davenport

Radio Frequency Reliability Studies of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits for Ultra-Thin Flexible Packages, Debasis Dawn, S. B. Hamidi, P. Roy, C. Biswas, and A. Biswas

Cognitive load detection from wrist-band sensors, Martine De Cock and Xiling Li

Fuzzy Answer Set Programming: from Theory to Practice, Martine De Cock, M. Mushthofa, and S. Schockaert

Laboring in Line With Our Values: Lessons learned in the Struggle to Unionize, Sonia De La Cruz, N. Hayes, and Sonalini Sapra


When Open Data and Data Activism Meet: An Analysis of Civic Participation in Cape Town, South Africa, Yonn Dierwechter, Britta Ricker, and Jonathan Cinnamon

Being a Real Nurse: A Secondary Qualitative Analysis of How Public Health Nurses Rework Their Work Identities, Denise Drevdahl and Mary K. Canales

RWJF's Future of Nursing's Campaign for Action: A Content Analysis of Social Determinants of Health Activities, Denise Drevdahl, Mary K. Canales, and Shawn M. Kneipp


Is There No Place For Us? The Psychosocial Challenges and Rewards of Aging with HIV, Charles A. Emlet and Mark Brennan-Ing

Older Caregivers With HIV: An Unrecognized Gap in the Literature, Charles A. Emlet, Yookyong Lee, David S. Batey, Olivio J. Clay, Pariya L. Fazeli, and David E. Vance


Research priorities for rehabilitation and aging with HIV: a framework from the Canada-International HIV and Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CIHRRC), Charles A. Emlet, Kelly K. O'Brien, Francisco Ibáñez-Carrasco, Patricia Solomon, Richard Harding, Darren Brown, Puja Ahluwalia, Soo Chan Carusone, Larry Baxter, Gayle Restall, Alan Casey, Amrita Ahluwalia, Adria Quigley, Alex R. Terpstra, and Nkem Ononiwu

On Holding Various Truths to (Not) Be Self-Evident: Leading During the Dual Pandemics of 2020 as a Racialized Body, Rachel Endo


Ethics in Photovoice: A Response to Teti, Robin Evans-Agnew and Marie-Anne S. Rosemberg


Measuring Our Success in Teaching Latinos about Asthma and Home Environments: Lessons Learned from an Intervention Developed through Photovoice, Robin Evans-Agnew, Alejandra Trujillo, Maria Tinajera, Silvia Alonso, and Julie Marie Postma

The Role of the Question in Writing the Self: Implications for Poetry Therapy, Rich Furman


Using Authentic Data from NSF’s Ocean Observatories Initiative in Undergraduate Teaching: An Invitation, Cheryl Greengrove, C. Sage Lichtenwalner, Hilary I. Palevsky, Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, Silke Severmann, Leslie M. Smith, and Kristen Yarincik

Negotiating Authorship, Katie A. Haerling and Susan Prion

Black Votes Count, But Do They Matter? Symbolic Empowerment and the Jackson-Obama Mobilizing Effect on Gender and Age Cohorts, Sarah Hampson and Evelyn M. Simien


Becoming Nisei : Japanese American urban lives in prewar Tacoma, Lisa Hoffman and Mary Hanneman

On the Fly! Hobo Literature and Songs, 1879–1941 by Iaian McIntyre (review), Michael K. Honey


Connected Cubic Graphs with the Maximum Number of Perfect Matchings, Peter Horak and Dongryul Kim

Adventures on the China Wine Trail: How Farmers, Local Governments, Teachers, and Entrepreneurs Are Rocking the Wine World, Cynthia Howson and Pierre Ly


Representation Learning with Fine-grained Patterns, Juhua Hu, Qi Qian, Hao Li, and Rong Jin

DCRAC: Deep Conditioned Recurrent Actor-Critic for Multi-Objective Partially Observable Environments, Athirai Irissappane, Xiadong Nian, and Diederik Roijers

Allegations of Sexual Misconduct: A View from the Observation Deck of Power Distance Belief, Shalini Jain and Joon Sung Lee

Not All That Glitters is Golden: The Impact of Procedural Fairness Perceptions on Firm Evaluations and Customer Satisfaction with Favorable Outcomes, Shalini Jain and Pragya Mathur

This Cloud has a Silver Lining: Gender Diversity, Managerial Ability, and Firm Performance, Shalini Jain, Arindam Tripathy, and Guy D. Fernando

The Impact of Implicit Theories of Personality Malleability on Opportunistic Financial Reporting, Shalini Jain, Arindam Tripathy, Shailendra Pratap Jain, and Naman Desai


Hemmed In? Considering the Complexities of Amish Womanhood, Natalie Jolly


Making Hay: Gendered Inquiry in Anabaptist Studies as Communal Endeavor, Natalie Jolly


Why are Women Buying GOOP? Women's Health and the Wellness Movement, Natalie Jolly

The Clash: Gaia and Homo Sapiens in the Anthropocene, Michael C. Kalton

Integrating Fire Effects On Vegetation Carbon Cycling Within An Ecohydrologic Model, Maureen C. Kennedy, Ryan R. Bart, Christina L. Tague, and Donald McKenzie

Model Predictions of Postwildfire Woody Fuel Succession and Fire Behavior Are Sensitive to Fuel Dynamics Parameters, Maureen C. Kennedy, Morris C. Johnson, and Sarah C. Harrison

Effects of Post-Fire Management on Dead Woody Fuel Dynamics and Stand Structure in a Severely Burned Mixed-Conifer Forest, in Northeastern Washington State, USA, Maureen C. Kennedy, Morris C. Johnson, Sarah C. Harrison, Derek Churchill, James Pass, and Paul W. Fischer

Quantifying How Sources of Uncertainty in Combustible Biomass Propagate to Prediction of Wildland Fire Emissions, Maureen C. Kennedy, Susan J. Prichard, Donald McKenzie, and Nancy H.F. French

Fuel Treatment Effectiveness In The Context of Landform, Vegetation, and Large, Wind-Driven Wildfires, Maureen C. Kennedy, Susan J. Prichard, Nicholas A. Povak, and David W. Peterson

Rapid worldwide growth of glacial lakes since 1990, Maureen C. Kennedy, Dan H. Shugar, Aaron Burr, Umesh K. Haritashya, Jeffrey S. Kargel, C. Scott Watson, Alexandre R. Bevington, Richard A. Betts, Stephan Harrison, and Katherine Strattman

Korean Adoptees as Parents: Intergenerationality of Ethnic, Racial, and Adoption Socialization, Jaeran Kim, Xiang Zhou, Heewon Lee, and Richard M. Lee

Travel Guides, Urban Spatial Imaginaries and LGBTQ+ Activism: The Case of Damron Guides, Larry Knopp and Michael Brown

More Than a First Flush: Urban Creek Storm Hydrographs Demonstrate Broad Contaminant Pollutographs, Edward P. Kolodziej, Katherine T. Peter, Fan Hou, Zhenyu Tian, Christopher Wu, Matt Goehring, and Fengmao Liu

Suspect and Nontarget Screening for Contaminants of Emerging Concern in an Urban Estuary, Edward P. Kolodziej, Zhenyu Tian, Katherine T. Peter, Alex D. Gipe, Haoqi Zhao, Fan Hou, David A. Wark, Tarang Khangaonkar, and Andrew C. James

In Defense of Public Lands: The Case against Privatization and Transfer. By Steven Davis., Tom M. Koontz

How To Voice, Umit Kucuk

Reverse (Brand) Anthropomorphism: The Case of Brand Hitlerization, Umit Kucuk

Voiceconomics, Umit Kucuk

Voicesumers, Umit Kucuk